What a fucking piece of shit and a disgrace to the series. I always finish games I buy because I don't waste money but this is the first time I couldn't. I forced my way to the final boss and just stopped because I couldn't take this terrible game anymore. What went wrong?
What a fucking piece of shit and a disgrace to the series...
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I'm curious, I played through most of Partners in Time and a bit of Bowser's Inside Story. Redpill me on this one, I've never even watched it much less played it.
I agree OP. So much went wrong with this entry. You will still get underage redditors defending it though because they are brainless nintendrones with a 3DS tied to their necks with a keychain.
>the pacing is shit
>the game overstays it's welcome
>the new characters are very weakly written
>Antasma has barely any screentime or buildup, just gets brushed aside
>the Pi'illos are fucking gay (One of them is implied to be actually gay)
>Starlow forced down our throats once again, is malicious towards Luigi and just has sarcastic fights with Dreambert ad nauseum
>the Dream World segments drag on forever, labyrinthine in nature, have to swap maps constantly on bottom screen for Attack Piece indicator
>all battles are mind numbing, Luiginary attacks are all pointless, you can just steamroll the whole game with Luiginary ball
>Giant Luigi battles with fucked up gyro sensing tracking making some fights like Zeekeeper a nightmare
Fuck this shitty ass game, and FUCK Paper Scam too. The last good M&L was Bowser's Inside Story.
>"I don't like it so therefore NOBODY SHOULD"
The only good M&L is the original
PiT has a very weak script and awful balancing, BIS is too short and has the shitty inside Bowser levels, DT is too long and has the shitty inside Dream levels, PJ has by far the most boring locales in the series and the crappy Papercraft battles
And then there's the core issue with all the ones after the original in that they completely miss what made the gameplay and adventure in Superstar Saga perfect
Alphadream needs to try and make an original IP again, because it's clear that with M&L they'll never surpass Superstar Saga at this rate
The gameplay and story is good as always.
But there are so many tutorials and a decent amount of backtracking that it hurts the game.
W-well at least we got based Popple out of it
What pisses me the fuck off about this game is they don't let you skip most of the tutorials. They'll do that Nintendo thing and ask if you need an explanation. You select "no" and the fuckheaf characters still go "well let me explain it to you anyway"
I almost gave up on the game once I realized how much the game tries to make you back track only to make itself much longer than it should.
Unnecessary hassles over the pettiest (literally) NPCs and their unlovable personalities really made me have a grudge over this game. At least some were still redeemable (the block lady), but others... my god.
I still went through the hassle of finishing up the game just to see if it was worth it.
It was not.
And the gyroscope based battles were by far, one of the biggest letdowns I had ever seen. I've simply lost count on the times the Zeekeeper and the last portion on Bowser's battle messed up on me. Bowser's battle was actually enjoyable, but the very last part actually managed to take away all the excitement I had.
I honestly didn't even bother with Paper Jam, due to having grown tired of the series.
>Giant Luigi battles with fucked up gyro sensing
Fuck the ending attack. I could never figure out how to aim the star.
That part was cool though.
>having a problem with the gyro
The real problem with DT's giant battles is that with how they're structured getting anything but a perfect on everything in several of the later ones means doubling the length of the fight
It'd be cooler if it fucking worked properly.
Guys lets be honest here. Bowsers inside story had charm OOZING OUT THE ASS. Mediocre gamplay aside, Bowser best part of the game.
Literally nobody should like this game
My one and only gripe with BIT is that early/mid-game battles are more of a chore than anything else. At this point all the Bros attacks are either tedious to use or don't do as much damage as regular attacks. And it still takes 2-4 regular attacks to beat one enemy.
BIS was pretty good in the grand scheme of things, but nowhere close to SSS in quality.
SSS was an amazing game, but every subsequent game shat on a lot of mechanics that SSS did right.
>Completely unique setting with a lot of creative areas
>A LOT of new characters, both good and evil
>Bros moves were quick QTEs rather than long drawn out minigames (not to mention Advanced Bros. moves being THE SHIT).
The only thing the later games really have going for it is the higher difficulty, but that's it.
SSS is one my favorite games of all time. It's a shame Alphadream couldn't do it again.
While i agree it is slow as fuck. The montain and forest segments made it worth playing.
You made it to the final boss? You got farther than me. I only made it to the beach area before giving up
I gave up because the game was dragging along and I go frustrated every time I had to get a tutorial for a mechanic I could've figured out myself.
Hell, even PiT was better than DT. At least I finished that one.
Best track coming through.
Bowser is always great as a playable character, it's a shame it doesn't happen all that often.
Why would you go that far and not just beat it? The boss couldn't take more than 20 minutes to beat. Even if you hated it, this makes no sense.
You can tell it's bait because Final Anthasma and Dreamy Bowser are GOAT fights.
>You have to disable his limbs to do actual damage.
It was shit in Superstar, it was shit in SMRPG, it is shit here.
I'm feeling like I have seen this thread before. Like five times already.
DT is only good when you unlock hard mode. The writing is definitely lacking and hard mode saves the combat.
>all these people who can't do the gyro
Newsflash: you're all uncoordinated failures and probably flailing the 3DS around like a retard. All the gyro inputs you just need to use subtle movements and pay attention. If you can't literally feel it out you're doing it wrong.
not that I'm justifying them, it was still dumb to use Gyro and I'm glad they took it out in paper jam.
Finally, someone else gets it. I never understood why everyone on this site loves to shit on PiT, but give this game a free pass despite it actually being more flawed.
Bros Items are the worst thing that happened to the series. They turned fights from actual turn based battles with a quick test of reflexes if you want to do a more powerful Bros Attack into a string of shitty timing/button mashing minigames.
>people on Sup Forums still have this mentality
Should have stayed a trilogy desu. The lackey of the first game's villain returning and being stronger than she ever was made for the hypest finale.
this came with my 3DS, ignored it for a couple years then deleted it to make room for cfw.
8/10 would delete again.
The finale was kind of meh.
Fawful was a letdown, his own fight was worse than the one in Superstar saga and he got cucked at the end for a deviantart recolor of Bowser. A shame because in the rest of the game Fawful was pretty cool.
Newsflash: I was perfectly calm and as precise as possible, and the gyro still spazed out completely. I never had any problem with the gyro in any other game.
>And probably flailing the 3DS around like a retard
I wish that was the case, but I'm the polar opposite, I try my best to make my spins as little as possible because I'm a lazy mother fucker.