How would you update this for the following years?

How would you update this for the following years?

Other urls found in this thread:

With that buttmad tumblrite copypasta.

Fitting being [current year] and Sup Forums being overrun by numales and feminists.

2014 was "gamers are dead" in the original but theres another version floating around where COINTELPRO changed it

I'm yet to spot good gril player. Wherever it happened, they didn't match. There was MP grill at Warband, which was pretty much meme herself in community. And I could fuck her up as real pipsqueak. I wasn't happy because of that, not one bit.

didn't match with guys, not me

Team Siren.

And they won you faggots, they won, we lost.

We gave them more attention then they ever wanted, in the end of all things.

How does it feel?

Sonic's gonna blow them the fuck out when Sonic Mania gets more sales than the latest AAA games that they worship.

we have bigger playerbase you silly NO MA'AM member. I'd like if they put their shit together and actually start to play games instead of playing games

>They won

How? Besides indie games and Bioware who is catering to SJWs? Oh that's right, nobody, because they like money.

What did they win exactly?
Shitty games companies like bioware, EA, ubisoft that already spew bullshit so them spewing more bullshit doesn't change anything?

still can't keep up with the guys

Why even bother mentioning her age there? She's basically an adult, one year doesn't change much physically or mentally that would cause those results to be any less impressive


No, user, nobody wins.

>How to spot people who starting high school around 2007

Because that's young to be competing in video games, especially if you're still in high school and about to go to college.

She'd probably just have a job filling those slots of time if she were an adult who wasn't in college.

Koreans at that age are in high school and they usually go to school from 7am to about 8 or 9pm.

Having a pro at that age, being that good is pretty fascinating no matter the gender.

>7am to about 8 or 9pm.
Holy fuck now that is impressive in that case.

>There are people out there that unironically hate feminism

I thought that would be good but it was pretty boring. Probably my own fault for not having a strong interest in the topic.

This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen circulating on Sup Forums

I mean how do you look at that and not think it was just made by a bitter faggot who was bullied for being a beta autist? Nobody makes fun of anyone for playing videogames, unless you're actually a fucking loser who would get bullied no matter what. If you honestly think you were ever bullied solely as a result of liking vidya then it's no wonder you were a target. You're a fucking idiot.

I really thought this image would be mocked when it was made but I see it posted over and over and now I realise just how fucking sad and deluded lots of people on Sup Forums really are. I mean are you fucking serious? Did you REALLY have girls laughing at you for playing videogames? Where does this happen? They laughed at you because you were ugly, not because you played videogames

And even if you DID grow up in some kind of bizarre alternate universe shithole where there was a girl actually fucking idiotic enough to laugh at you for playing videogames when you were 10 years old, maybe it's time you fucking got over it? Or better yet, hold onto that bitterness forever and ever and save images from memecenter 15 years later making fun of girls because you're STILL not over it.

Are we talking feminism or "feminism"? The latter being the Tumblr brand of it.

First and second wave feminism were great social movements that got shit done and actually have women equal rights. Now feminism is just manhating mixed in with identity politics and they aren't fighting for anything concrete.

thnx bro, that lifted my chin up

It's not so much feminism it's more radical feminism where's not about trying to generate an equal society where people are treated based on your actions not there body.
And more about women should rule and get free shit for doing nothing while men suffer.
Radicalism in any sense is awful from the radical feminist to the radical anti-feminist.
Like during the shit show that GG there was that one sweet old lady who was an actual feminist and was telling the radicals that video games weren't generally sexist and usually empowering to women.

should have been the first post

This is actually 100% true.

Sup Forums used to tell themselves that normies hated them because they couldn't handle anime and video games. But normies like anime and video games now. But they still don't like user. user has no excuse any more. Time to face the facts. You're a bunch of obnoxious autistic pricks who aren't tolerated anywhere else, or even here, but here you don't have to be tolerated.

>that one sweet old lady who was an actual feminist


>But normies like anime and video games now.

No they don't.

They are always trying to "fix" them.

When the first wave rolled along people were also saying society was perfect the way it was and those women trying to change this were just trying to elevate themselves over men under the guise of equality.

Then when the second wave rolled along people were saying, yes, alright, the first wave obviously made a lot of sense and people were honestly backwards back then that they didn't realise it. But now society is perfect and women trying to change things are just trying to elevate themselves above men under the guise of equality.

And now here we are.

theyre both the same thing

let's be honest: why should women vote? why should women even do anything apart from make homes and have kids? men are biologically meant to be better at pretty much everything in every way.

most career women burn out at 30 and do worse jobs.

trying to replace men with women has hit the western economy so hard and in so many ways, it's a mistake it will take generations to recover from.

I don't remember her name, sorry.

>that one sweet old lady who was an actual feminist
You mean the woman working for a right-wing think-tank who invented her own special snowflake brand of feminism so she could tell every other feminist they're doing it wrong?

He might be referring to the factualFemenist I think is the name of the YouTube channel

nice bro ur into zizek? u must be a genius dude

How overweight do you have to be to make something like this?

Because if you truly like something you have to be able to address its flaws. They wouldn't be doing this if they didn't like vidya a whole lot.

>There are people out there who unironically think identity politics aren't worse than cancer

2016 - "Make everyone a nigger."

that image is so cringy

I don't really remember that.
I know she told some people they were wrong in the means of femmisn shouldn't be bringing men down is should be about bringing women up. Like how the problem right now in america with women not having high education jobs isn't men or people hiring them is that women don't want to pursue these jobs and just want to get 3 part time jobs for some stupid reason.

I'd put how le ebin memes are a great way to fed your persecution complex.

>muh SJW!!

Kill yourself, you've somehow managed to become more pathetic than a fat feminists from Twitter. Fucking beta pussy faggot.

>hey guys why not listen to a REAL feminist like this sweet old lady?

None of her fans could tell you a single pro-feminist thing she has ever said. She does nothing to help women or promote women's issues. She calls herself a feminist so she can spend all day every day shitting on feminism and feminists while hiding behind a shield of "hey I'm a feminist myself ;^)"

In the extremely rare cases that these right wing "feminists" even bother to care about women it's only long enough to take a shot at Islam before going back to crying about muh christian family values

Why do women ruin literally everything?

>getting triggered by an old as fuck image

How's your first time on this website going?

The whole post is top quality one but I guess I could add something here:

>how fucking sad and deluded lots of people on Sup Forums really are

I'm orginaly Sup Forums dweller, and there's many deluded poor shits as well
Better yet, check the Sup Forums out
Or /t/ with people going mental over someone posting wrong torrent with some weird fap material.

Go outside and it'd be the same, but outside you ain't no anonymus anymore and somebody may actually slap you in the face for saying retarded things,

My point is that this is just life alright, weak folks are sometimes embarassing to even watch at

Grow up, nigger.

>>getting triggered by an old as fuck image
It's old but Sup Forums keeps updating it every year and making themselves look even more and more pathetic. That's the saddest part.

>femmisn shouldn't be bringing men down is should be about bringing women up.
Which it is so that's kind of a moot point.

>for some stupid reason
Right. I'm sure that's it. Employers are literally lining the streets begging women to come in and take a full time job but women just show 'em their hands and go "lol I'd rather work three part time jobs for less pay"

The difference is that in the first wave, feminists said they wanted the right to vote, and eventually they got the right to vote. In the second wave they said we want equal pay for equal work, and then a bill was passed that granted that. Both are concrete rights that women did not have that they wanted so they could be equal.
Now, what do feminists want? I honestly have no idea what concrete rights they are fighting for, if any.

Nobody is more triggered than the faggot who went to the trouble of making that image in the first place

>It's old but Sup Forums keeps updating it every year
>ends at 2012

Just stop.

Pretty accurate

It's an obvious case of "how do you do, fellow feminists?" but since Sup Forums doesn't actually know any feminists they just sided with the one telling them everything they wanted to hear and decided that was the "real" feminist.

There are threads every year for this shitty image.

Did you mean this?
Yeah, someone should update the image. We're so enlightened now after all.

>posted time and time again on Sup Forums
>all these new triggered idiots just like you

You modern libs really are not self aware huh?

Is that Broteam in the bottom right?


I was made fun of for enjoying Pokemon when it was a thing back in the day. I wore a shirt, casually, over the years. Socked one guy in the nose and a decent majority of them fucked right off.

There's a reason feminism doesn't like both egalitarism movements and MRA movement.

Then again, it's good the rope is tugged in different directions.

Have an anime pic to discredit my point though.

>all the raging roasties ITT

Social equality.

Same how black people weren't suddenly equal to whites after the emancipation proclamation or the Civil Rights movement. There's a big difference between putting something in the law books and society actually treating you as an equal.

It's combination of them and leftypol. See

>man smell
What did she mean by this?

Yes that's what's happening right now
me and my friend are in college to become engineers and the only women there are to get free part time doctorates and not fully pursue the the line of work.
Same thing with minorities, instead of trying to pursue a better life/education even though they can usually do it for free with all the fucking grads out there for them. They choose not to and it's sad.

STEM is known to be rather hostile to women so that's no surprise.

But I'm sure your "factual" feminist would say women just don't like STEM fields or maybe they're just not smart enough and should content themselves by being homemakers for their STEM husbands.

who knows...

>STEM is known to be rather hostile to women so that's no surprise.

Feminism is an egalitarian movement. What feminists generally don't like are people going "oh no, I'm not a feminist, I'm an EGALITARIAN".

And every MRA community out there seems to be centred entirely around bitching about and harassing women for having opinions and not so much about addressing real issues.

Define women. I study a STEM subject and there are 1/3 women there. The thing is I live in Eastern Europe so the radfems STEM people are righteously angry at don't exist.

God, I love stuff like this.

>STEM is known to be rather hostile to women
Unfounded claim.

>But I'm sure your "factual" feminist would say women just don't like STEM fields
That appears to be the case, they frequently avoid technical courses where they would be offered training in those fields.

So... they fight for a foggy machination of modern culture?

Why fight us about it? We're not the mainstream, and we never will be.

Keep Third Wavers off of videogames, it will not help them achieve their goal.

>Define women.

google "STEM sexism"

>Define women.
Is this a trap?

>hostile to women

Maths are literally purely intelectual. There's no place for opinions there, so how would it be hostile to women, other than them not choosing it themselves because they statistically don't get interested in.

>That appears to be the case, they frequently avoid technical courses where they would be offered training in those fields.
Unfounded claim.

>Define women
they have smoother penises than men, and are generally uncircumcised

Well if the white man is so superior to women and minorities the extra effort should be no problem

In my country feminists and dykes are basically considered men.

So nothing but anecdotal evidence and "A man said mean words to me once so now I can't pursue my dream ;(" I understand why females get so triggered over this image now. Because it's a mirror

Is this really the argument you're going with?

White men are doing it.
Women and minorities are the ones failing/half assing it.

>Why fight us about it?
It's not about you, user. It's about women who enjoy video games and experience sexism in the community and want to experience less sexism so they can enjoy video games more. They're not out to get you. They're out to improve things for themselves.

The people are hostile to women, dude. STEM fields are notorious boys' clubs. Kinda like video games, really. So just imagine Sup Forums.

What is "sexism in the community"? A girl in a video game being dressed scantily is not sexism by the way

I'm gonna be 100% honest for a second.

Gaming culture is fine. If it wasn't fine, it wouldn't have grown into this.

Girls have existed, and other social outcasts have existed as well. Your best chance to fit into divisive social situations like this isn't to change the rules, it to adhere to them.

Fuck, I was put onto gaming by my own mother, who started me with Phantasy Star on the god damned Genesis, and I still constantly talk with her about shit she plays. There was never a need to change the rules, she was okay with it, I was okay with it, it is immensely disrespectful to jump into a medium and try to change it because you don't fit in.

If some faggots grill you for being something, then just call them a faggot and kick their ass in the game and teabag them, as it's been since time immemorial. Everyone insults everyone in this medium. There is no Sexism, EVERYONE HATES EACH OTHER.

Have you fucking seen Sup Forums?

This doesn't actually exist, biology is dominated by girls, chemistry has a pretty even split and maths is too autistic for guys to even be rude to girls.

Physics and eng are the only ones I think it's kind of true because they tread the fine line of being normal enough to interact with girls but being sperg enough to be unintentionally sexist and creepy to them.

"Oh no one person said mean things to me, I guess I should just give up instead of pursuing my dream and proving them wrong ;;;;((("

Why are you repeating yourself? You're not adding any information. Why would you expect that to prove anything?

>Everyone insults everyone in this medium. There is no Sexism, EVERYONE HATES EACH OTHER.

I don't get why this is so hard to understand. People have been telling each other that they're going to rape each other, etc in games since multiplayer gaming has been a thing.

With that Bazinga image that kills threads, about your mother dying.

Because it contradicts your claim that woman don't avoid technical courses.

2013 - "mainstrem is shet, indie 4 lyfe!!!1 gone hom amirite???/"
2014 - "No fun allowed in video GAMES."
2015 - "Video games MUST appeal to me and my sensibilities, check out my Tumblr to find out what those are."
2016 - "Same as the nineties; video games cause terroristic shootings."

We've grown into a nation of quitters. I was going to vote for Bernie, but I'll be covered and pitch, set on fire and thrown down the god damned Grand Canyon before I let Hilary get nominated President.

She might have some good ideas, but her getting the presidency would allow her to become the figurehead that this generation finally needs to go nuclear, and I won't fucking allow it. My own democratic party has gone too far, and it's time to stop.

That's because women cannot handle banter at all.