ITT: Mediocre games you really like and would like a real sequel to.
ITT: Mediocre games you really like and would like a real sequel to
One of the most overrated "underrated" games of all time
na maine
I don't like Retro's Country games.
but it's not mediocre user, I enjoyed it a lot more than GTA V
this i really don't get the circle jerk. i'm pretty sure it's a meme.
>True Crime: Hong Kong announced
>That's fucking cool
>True Crime: Hong Kong cancelled
>That fucking sucks
>True Crime: Hong Kong picked up as Sleeping Dogs
>That's fucking cool
>It releases and it's actually really good
>That's fucking cool
>Nobody buys it or talks about
>That fucking sucks
>They release it again the same thing happens
>That fucking sucks
>They announce a new game
>That's fucking cool
>It's a shitty MMO
>That fucking sucks
Sleeping dogs was far from mediocre dude
They shut down the mmo awhile back
It was fun but a sequel could expand so much on it.
mediocre doesn't mean bad
Could I maybe interest you in another Remastered Edition?
>sleepy puppers
Kill yourself
I agree, however, keep in mind that Disney bought LucasArts since then and gave EA the exclusive right to make Star Wars games for the foreseeable future. In short, a sequel would fucking suck balls and probably retcon Fixer to be a droidsexual otherkin.
Sleeping Dogs has better single player, GTAV is just for multi.
Don't twist the knife man, that's a dick move
Never ever, the new "more relatable" Lora is too popular with casuals
feels bad
The world was empty as hell, the driving sucked, the combat was easy peasy and the guns were blah incarnate. It was still pretty decent though.
Dark Messiah
I feel that a sequel with an improved combat system, more open levels and better AI would have kicked ass.
Yeah I don't get why so many people say it's so good either. The combat's okay, the driving's crap, and the missions were decent but not amazing.
content is pretty good and the sandbox is fun to dick around in.
Also the DLC is pretty substantial.