That people like you would talk about this everywhere. That'll do, pig, That'll do.
>Maybe ggetting Blizzards attention will get us some of their fans' attention
You fucking misogynist fucks cant appreciate strong women in gaming, battleborn is a literal 10/10 game. Blizzard should burn in hell for fucking up Battleborn release with their overwatch beta shit!
They thought they were at all similar to Overwatch, despite being an entirely different genre, and they also thought that they could at all compete with Overwatch even if they were similar.
They were thinking that they could hitch their wagon to Overwatch and get free publicity.
It worked.
Honestly i don't think it matters all that much that Overwatch came out at a similar time. Battleborn is fucking awful, and everyone got to see that during the open beta. Obviously it most likely had some impact on sales, but it can't blame its failure entirely on Blizzard when gearbox is such a shitty company.
Overwatch = for sjw
Battleborn = fun
Hey Reddit!
Well, we're just a few hours from the launch of Battleborn. We're about to get a whole bunch of people playing a LOT of this crazy game. I'm so pumped. I'll probably not sleep for days.
As I just mentioned on the Battleborn forums, I've been working on Battleborn for almost four years now. Many folks at Gearbox have also spent much of that time crafting this game ...
... for you.
We sincerely hope that you like it.
Before the masses descend on Reddit, and Twitter and the Forums and everywhere, I just wanted to tell you all here on Reddit how proud I am of this community.
I've been in your seat - the player side - on a dozen other games. I've been the skeptic. I've been the ranting troll. I've been the fanboy. I've been the novel-sized-suggestion writer. I've been the game-crack addict.
Understanding all that goes into those feelings then, I just wanted to say THANK YOU.
THANK YOU for being an awesome starting community for Battleborn. This is by far my favorite sub-Reddit thus far, and I hope we can keep up the friendliness as more people show up to join our party.
You guys are badasses. Keep it up.
Randy Varnell
Creative Director: Battleborn
Gearbox Software
It's just so sad
>U mad bro
gearbox writing makes me want to puke
If it was any other company I would feel bad. But it's gearbox.
>they could have cut their losses 2 years ago when OW was announced but decided to compete with fucking Blizzard instead
I kind of feel a little bad for not supporting their shitty game now
the weren't
I can't even tell what that robot is. The picture is really dim and muddy
It's a penguin piloting a mech.
i had to look at that picture around 6 times to finally noticed penguin inside that robot
However it does look like the least asymmetrical character I've seen so far.
>it does look like the least asymmetrical character
Literally what the fuck is that supposed to imply?
>LITERALLY the penguin of doom
jesus fucking christ battleborn can't you have one good designer in your company?
>they literally made PENGUIN OF DOOM XD HOLDS UP SPORK
fuck gearbox holy shit
>can't even go through a thank-you note without using "badass"
Agreed. I have no love or respect for Gearbox these days.
That every other character in this fucking game has one half of its body purposely skewed or exaggerated from its other half. This penguin bot is almost an exception.
>It worked.
Are you sure? Because it looks like their game is one of the most abhorrent and miserable failures of a high-profile title in years.
Steinman, go home.
>asymmetry is bad
Asymmetry is prefered if a character isn't covered from head to toe in bulky armor.
Gearbox is a shitty pathetic company who liquidated the little reputation they had by letting Anthony Burch and his ilk dictate their 'sense of humor' and PR. Notable how many gearbox employees spent their short careers indignantly bitching on Twitter about nothing.
Seriously is there a Gearbox game that doesn't hate itself and is full of that self-deprecating cuck humor? Borderlands was about how you'd have to be a crazy psycho to go around shooting people and it literally decided to make a subversive gag out of the final boss instead of actually having a final boss (lol isn't it so funny how this game had no point and there's no real story?), Duke Nukem Forever is about how retarded Duke Nukem is, in the least fun way possible, and I don't even know what else Gearbox does at this point.
Seriously Gearbox LOVES covering everything they do in this unfunny pseudo-ironic 'lol it's a good thing you're not genuinely enjoying this nonsense' post-punk attitude that is not fun or marketable except for in the smarmiest parts of social media which don't even exist anymore because everyone grew out of it.
Fuck Gearbox and fuck their mediocrity and fuck their idea of humor.
And this is how much it's selling after what only two or three months of release? Burn in hell Gearbox
Dumb Steinman poster
>Isn't our hero so random? I mean it's hilarious how retarded video games are, could you imagine actually enjoying this design? Good thing we're all playing ironically. God video games are so fucking gay, right guys?
>still trying to make badass a thing
>Overwatch is a skillful game for pro players
>character inspired by a 6th grade autists OCEEDONUTSTEEL deviantart project
They're charging $5 too much.
Gearbox is a reminder to other companies that you cant put shit in our mouth and expect us to love it. Sooner or later you will get what's coming to you
You have a link to the video this came from?
I'm not defending Overwatch, but that is clearly on a console.
>lol console fps
I like this fucking post.
Wow, I didn't realize the extent Blizzard ripped off Battleborn.
Well Overwatch was in development long before Battleborn.
Judging by the times Gearbox ripped off a lot of people in the past, I'm going out on a limb here and say, Gearbox ripped off Blizzard.
The other way around, actually.
Burn in hell Cuckbox.
Post your face when you wake up and realize that you arent Anthony Burch
We know nothing about that development. As Overwatch was just made FPS with ''Titan's'' used assets after Blizzard realized they cant cash in with MMO anymore
Right, which means it was in development before Battleborn.
No it means blizzard cancelled thei own game and used everything salvageable and sellable from that game.
Yes and no. Overwatch is basically just scraps from their failed Titan MMO idea.
It's Stillborn you unfunny fuck.
Is Battleborn the long awaited next TORtanic?
t. battlejust player
>Wants to shitpost so fast he doesn't even read the post
dis guy
>s-stop making fun of my game
Nothing will ever be that good again.
Battleborn to blunderborn
Actually, I remember Blunderburnt being announced before Overwatch, in fact I recall going "another one of those?" when I first heard about OW.
It might be just me though, and I don't know which development started first.
Battlejust is funnier
it's like the meme JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP
>Being so stubborn you delude yourself with some really fucked up math
That is just sad to read
This is legitimately depressing to watch.
It was funny at first, but now I can't help feel nothing but sympathy.
>playing the same, copypasted multiplayer FPS after all these years
Why haven't you stopped playing generic online games? Playing games with friends is for fags.
I'm almost 100% positive that person was fucking around
What a year of disappointment that was.
Just remember how Gearbox treated Alien
They deserve NOTHING
Long summer afternoons with nothing to do can drive a man to behave like children. Get it? It's like the "What can change the nature of a man?" meme from Pillars of Eternity XD
I know you're joking but Overwatch takes absolutely no skill at all. I can't deny that I've had fun with it though
I've seen so many mental gymnastics on developer forums that I wouldn't put it past people to be this deluded.
If this were true everybody would be the same rank in competitive, but they're not, jesus christ are they not.
Sounds exactly like gearbox writing
I am going to kill you normie.
It physically hurt to read this post.
I'm glad this failed
Fuck gearbox for ruining Duke Nukem and Alien Colonial Marines
>played pendles after work last night
>queues popping on ps4 in less than 3 minutes
>the mother fucker is the funnest gank city champ ive ever played.
Absolutely no regrets.
>... for you.
And it all comes full circle
Gearbox got too confident when they stole all that money from Sega and put out that garbag DNF. They thought they were big boys since then but they got a rude awakening. I hope they go bankrupt soon.
They thought it would be free marketing to compare their game with overwatch.
What they didn't expect is that blizzard fans are insane and would shit on the game 24/7 in every way possible, even though overwatch has 70% less content.
I like the idea
How he looks is unexplainable
There are clearly sentient bird races in Battleborn's world. Benedict, the Eagle, is always at odds with Toby when you kill each other with them, and the next Dlc character is a Demoman bird.
>his boots make that squeaky sounds
>australian accent
some people say quantity over quality
That clearly didn't work out for Gearbox
Heres that (you) for you.
So are there any non-repulsive character designs in Battleborn?
I know that Titan, the mmo OW was salvaged from began development back in Wrath.
I think they added water waifu as a DLC
Her voice and character is shit tho
Of course.
I'm sure glad Randy got his wish.