Let's fill this in.
"Gimmick", "Shit" and "Flop" are out because they're not objective and/or will not be verifiable when the console will be shown but only later.
Let's fill this in
Phone replacement
not competing with MS / Sony
Got it.
Motion controls
It's totally not a mobile U guise
1st Party games
3rd party games never
Cartridges are cool
You don't understand
Treehouse shenanigans
Splatoon 2
Virtual Console
required accessories
-Transformation/ Detachable controls
-NFC reader
-Handheld+TV play
mother 3 VC only on NX
Tegra based
xD nice meme felow sony friendo lelelel!!!!1!!! C H I L L I N ps4 all teh way 4 us sony friendos xD
Microsoft and Sony copy it even though nobody wanted it when Nintendo did it
Third pillar which is actually not a third pillar but raplacement for 3ds/wii u
Paid online with "free" virtual console games.
They pull this shit every time
>it's not a replacement guys really!
You gotta give me time to do this.
It being a mobile games platform would very much be a gimmick.
Is it limited to the hardware itself or anything about it? If anything goes then Zelda BotW and Pikmin (Title pending) launch titles.
change the free space to: "Nintendoomed" (Free Space)
Promised third party support with no footage of said version.
3D display
Something about ''innovation'' and ''transformation''
''Unprecedented partnerships''
multiple versions
(Background should be the "rising sun" Japanese flag)
Backwards Compatibility
Nintendo is going to cheap out as much as possible, since they are already dropping out of the home console race they won't bother adding costs for backward compatibility.
No worldwide launch. Japan gets it a couple of month early. Japan gets all game releases a couple of month early.
Built in nfc reader for amiibo
Last gen port.
Excusive Sonic game
Proprietary Memory Expansion Card
Add "Not attracting Western Third Parties and Nintendo doesn't give a shit."
Wii U ports
you forgot region-locked and censored
Sorry I thought the thread had died. I'll be back soon with the updated version.
Exclusive Sonic game.
>all the shameless shitposting in this thread
Wew, at least try to be clever lads.
I'm hyped for the NX lad.
A NORMAL console (competing with PS4 and xbone)
also everyone else fucking screencap this
A good launch/launch window lineup for no droughts
Change Free Space to Gimmick (Free Space)
>Gimmick", "Shit" and "Flop" are out because they're not objective and/or will not be verifiable when the console will be shown but only later.
>Implying that wont happen
short battery life
Under $300
There's already a "$250" in.
>Touch Screen
It's confirmed it will use Tegra Pascal. Expect around Xbone power.
Official name has "Wii" in it
Already unconfirmed
Official name is "NX"
>Nothing for "All digital purchases are still device-bound"
Keeps 3D
Social Media Integration
Hybrid destined to conquer Gallifrey and stand in its ruins
Another NSMB.
Compatible with NES/SNES catridges
USB type-c connector so when you plug the handheld part to the home console part it uses both tegra gpu's in sli
Try to focus on the console itself and not the games.
Amiibo panel.
NX isn't the final name.
Final name never ever
It´s probably going to have a shit name
Mediocre Launch Lineup.
Overly enthusiastic speaker.
Totally bored speaker.
>250 $
user pls
>hating on my favorite manchild toy is out
ehh. Just one more?
Virtual Console purchases don't transfer
Virtual Console purchases transfer one-time, one-way from WiiU
They've already said it is a third pillar. They're lying of course but...
It's not even out yet retard, how can it be anyone's favorite?
Deattachable controllers.
Good marketing.
One or more people making a big fuss over one insignificant feature.
Voice control
>One or more people making a big fuss over one insignificant feature.
Can i put that down as "Sup Forums"?
Virtual reality
3G/4G/LTE Compatibility
Scrollable shoulder buttons
Haptic feedback analogue sticks
Motion sensing control device aka Not!Kinect.
"Expanding our audience"
Oh fuck, this. VR support really is possible.
Although I pictured more people outside of v, you can go right ahead.
Put it down as Sup Forums as fuck Complaints.
Don't send ninjas
New Pokemon along with the release
Price drops after a year.
Actual third party support.
go back to neogaf
I thought we were making fun of the NX? That was my contribution.
Not from Western ones.
Hate to break it to you, but nintendo has never, and I mean NEVER been good with third parties.
Has wii in the name