8 year old cousin comes over

>8 year old cousin comes over
>raves about autistic bullshit like FNAF and minecraft
>give him Mario 64
>he sucks ass and gives up ten minutes in
>proceeds to play on tablet

Why are kids so faggy these days?

>Make him play a console that he's never played before with the shittiest controller ever made

Yeah, I wonder why he wasn't so good at it.

Wow, you're a good role model, user. Instead of helping him, blog about him online.

They have just as much fun digging into dort with a stick

It still baffles me how many people even back in the day had trouble with hand-eye coordination like this faglord

I already told him what to do, and he had a basic understanding of how the controls work.

No excuse for him to suck so much dick

Aside from the fact not all children are the same. Maybe your cousin is in fact really stupid.
Guide him a little or give a him a simpler game. Like Super Mario World.

Should have then him spyro to play. Kids love spyro.

Give him a hug, man

>calls 8 yo's interests autistic

>gets upset about 8yo not having the same interests

>doesn't call himself autistic.

People like you are the scum of this earth.

You made him suck your dick?

>8 year old kid is inept as fuck from tablet games
>try everything from pokemon, zelda, and mario.
>give him kirby (never played myself)
>he says its the best game ever
well ok then. makes me kinda want to play too.

8 year olds are always faggy, that's not something specific of this time.

this is way better than anything i was going to post.

liked and subbed.

>Head to walmart for dog stuff
>pet section is near toy section
>nearby is a cardboard bin for posters, apparently for FNAF posters
>Almost always sold out whenever I see it

I'm really happy for the guy that made FNaF, he's found a way to both be successful AND turn an entire generation of young spurg-burglars into mecha-furries


Don't be that guy user let him discover the classics as his own pace. You'll be like my uncle who forced me to play Duck Hunt for 7 hours when I was 4.

It put me off NES and other retro games til I was a teenager.

>young cousin comes over
>plays nothing but Cod and Minecraft
>show him Postal 2
>he gets addicted
>Install it on his own computer

Im so wrong

Jesus Christ, the porn is the worst.

>8 year old cousin comes over
>raves about autistic bullshit like super mario 64 and ocarina of time
>give him my rock
>he sucks ass and gives up ten minutes in
>proceeds to play on nintendo 64

>Fucking kids stop liking things kids your age like and start liking things I liked as a kid RRREEEEEEE

Just kill yourself. people will look back at minecraft and FNAF the same way you look back at Mario 64.

What is "FNAF?"

everyone's already forgotten about FNAF

So, you made him play on a system he has never played before on a game he has never played before as it's not even a part of his generation, and you're surprised he sucks?

Are you genuinely fucking retarded?

five nights at freddies, that chuckie cheese animatronic horror game thing

Start him off with the sega genesis or the SNES or something. Honestly if I started with Mario64 I probably wouldn't have stuck with games. ORR you can stick him with Banjo Kazooie if you think the anthro cartoony characters will tickle his fancy

just let him play whatever, god damn

I barely played Mario 64 when I was a kid I was more into turok and a fighting game I've unfortunately forgotten.
>but I still know there's more hours you can put into Mario 64 than FNAF
>and the graphics look better than minecraft

>expecting a kid who is used to phone/tablet games and controls would find anything remotely fun in a decent game
Why? He probably only watched FNAF and plays minecraft so he can laugh at ebin "he was destroyed!" jokes. What makes you think he'd enjoy an older game that isn't played by his favorite youtube shrieker? Try giving him a mobile port of some decent game, he probably won't be able to tolerate a controller if he only uses a tablet.

>Being this jaded and cynical against a child
How do you function?

How could he be so cruelhouse?

>6 yr old niece wants to play some games on my laptop
>let her play the sims
>asked her 9 yr old brother to guide her because the little shit's kinda tech savvy
>I go and get some snacks
>got back and saw they've created a custom family
>saw someone named elsa, as expected
>also saw a bearded guy with a hat
>named "Captain Price"
>lost my shit

>go to college
>meet some young 20~ yr old
>tells me he plays vidya like Dark Souls and MGS
>give him ET
>he sucks ass and gives up
>cries on some chinese cartoon website

Why are kids so faggy these days?

>jaded and cynical
I used to work in childcare, literally every kid but one was just into phones and touch to jump shit. The girl who worked with me brought in a Genesis one day with tons of games, and all the kids (8-11 years old I suppose) were just using tablets or decorated iphones. Except the one kid playing Gunstar Heroes.

>Nostalgia-ing over CoD 4

Man. ET was a masterpiece. Going back and playing it I realize that people back then really knew how to make games compared to now. Just look at all the obscure, shitty greenlit games we get on Steam. Europe is doomed.

>CoD4 is old by now
>you can only nostalgia about things from your childhood
>or stuff that isn't CoD
>or stuff that came out before year x
pls user, don't be such a faggot.


Actually we all remembered him from COD 1 instead... awkward for you

Captain Price is based tho

It's more of a shock than a criticism. I was 17 when it came out.

You dislike children just because they don't appreciate what you liked as a kid?
What the fuck?

damn, my 8 year old cousin barely knows what a video game is

Maybe some kids don't give that much of a fuck about videogames.

Maybe that's not a bad thing at all considering what a massive faggot you turned out.

You're a fucking idiot if you got that I disliked children from that. I worked in childcare because I deal with kids well and are they generally are friends with me. Me and the girl usually didn't even let them play games since there was a park nearby. Also I never played genesis when I was a kid.
I guarantee they don't. I don't get how that makes me a faggot though, I never bothered them about the stuff they found entertaining. Unless you're an autist who somehow thought I would go up to literal children and insult them.

Why do you keep posting your estrogen driven impressions of what he said instead of actually trying to understand? Stop looking for something to be outraged about you fucking cunt.

Mario 64 singlehandedly invented full 3d games on the caliber as 2d games, came up with a ton of groundbreaking tricks like momentum based movement in a 3d engine with functioning physics for the MC, broke the standard of having a single tunnelvisioned goal as an expiremental game in anything but CRPGs, invented a sub-genre of platformers, and to this day its movement mechanics are almost unrivaled for a 3d platformer, outside of the specific runner games.

Minecraft carbon copied 2 indie games, put 1% of either's content mixed together, promised it will all be in eventually, then after getting rich in the first 5 months of alpha, updates came a hundred times slower and were nothing on the scale of the promise, infact, to this day, the game isn't even close to what it set out to be.

What did minecraft influence or enable? Lazy/scammer devs releasing unfinished garbage being a norm? Great.

Kids have no standards so kids will like anything they get exposed to, but objectively speaking SM64 is the superior videogame by such a huge margin it's not even funny. It's a superior game when compared TODAY, let alone comparing the impact both games had at their respective timeline.

But Minecraft was pretty fun for a while. Remember (of course you don't) when Sup Forums discovered it?

If there's anything I hate today's kids for it's killing handheld gaming, but at the same time it's not really their fault since its just cheap parents getting free/$2 iphone games for them on the phones and tablets they'd get them anyway instead of $40 games on $150-200 handhelds. Also, handheld gaming is getting kinda shitty since it started moving towards 3D games with inadequate control schemes anyway.

>Hur I give really old gam to yong person
>They don't like it?????!????
>tablet buzzword

I am really getting tired of seeing this fucking thread.

Of course a child in this day and age isn't going to want to play a fucking N64 game you autist.

Why are you hanging around with children? Let alone judging them for their tastes. Grow up.

Stop enabling my retarded cousin you stupid fucks

I get FNAF being autistic but minecraft? it's a great game and it fun.

Hahahah this.

People hate on it because of the fan base and creative mode gets boring after a while.

He's my cousin you stupid fuck

You mean when notch shilled it, and baited newfigs into playing it?

I bet your family hates you.

Can you make him a sandwich?

Minecraft is basically the posterchild for autistic games you cuck.

why do you keep posting this thread? You did this months ago.

No its a game with fun gameplay and a autistic community, FNAF is a autistic game with a autistic community

you are a faggot

Mario 64 has not aged well. Let me guess, you probably think that Goldeneye is still the definitive shooter?

Stop being a fucking nostalgiafag. I have never understood why people try to start kids off on old games with unresponsive controls that poorly represent what video games are capable of just because they're "classic."

>So, you made him play on a system he has never played before on a game he has never played before as it's not even a part of his generation, and you're surprised he sucks?
You do realize that when SM64 came out, a lot of us played it never even having played a true 3D game before, right?
Of course, we didn't have shitty tablet games to stroke our dicks for us.

Games in the 90's didn't hold your hands, user.

How many times do we have to hear this story gramps?

The only thing that has aged in SM64 is the shitty camera.

Kids enjoy stupid shit, news at eleven. When I was 5, I liked The Bananas in Pajamas and thought no band was that great. When I was 13, Kappa Mikey was legitimately my favorite cartoon, I liked the English dub of Yugioh GX, and I thought Weird Al was the best artist of all time. Are any of these things still my favorites now? Of course not. That's part of growing up. You develop your taste. Sure, I still like GX to some extent, but certainly not the dub. Maybe in 10 years, when I improve my Japanese knowledge, I'll grow to hate the original version of GX as well and I'll be too edgy to remotely appreciate parodies of crappy modern pop songs.

Now, I will say that I believe some kids are less open to trying new things, though. My uncle showed me Science Ninja Team Gatchaman and Space Battleship Yamato whenever I talked to him about anime, I legit gave them a chance, and liked them, but when he tried the same thing with his son years later, the kid was too obsessed with Youkai Watch to look at any other anime, but maybe he'll learn one day, who knows?

t. autist

You talk too much about dick OP

I think you like it

You do

Dont you

You do

Camera can make or break a game, user.

Killer Instinct?

But Weird Al IS the best artist of all time.

Sup Forums liked it because it was new, promising, and by an indie dev. Everyone was pissed when he went to shill on reddit and then got famous and lazy.

I also have an 8 year old cousin.
>Plays smash, pikmin, kirby, pokemon, castlevania with me.
>Leave for college.
>Come back for winter break.
>Play Undertale with him.
>Get him a deal on my friend's 360 for 30 dollars including Streetfighter, sonic CD, gears of war, N+, Dark souls
>Leave for college.
>Come back
>"Hey user, have you seen purple guy? He's so cool! Also, we should play sonic.exe sometime."

I think it was undertale that set him off. I don't know though.

anyone under the age of 21 is cancer as hell to vidya now,

90's kids appreciated the content they got, which is why we had great E for everyone titles and great M for mature titles,

reddit tinder grinder twitter and facebook all have a say in what the devs do with their IP's and everyone and their mums have an idea that "should be in the game" this is why we're getting call o dooty shooty booty 9 ,
instead of a new perfect dark or abes oddesy

>12 year old cousin
>asks me if ocarina of time is any good
>says it's always in the "Top 10" lists of best games of all time
>i tell him to get a used copy from gamestop for 3DS
>asks me if the graphics are old

to be fair the physics and exploration in vidya is at a level most of us cant even fucking fathom thanks to cuckrosoft and other brands.

the only things that suck about current vidya is who the games are marketed twoard,

so instead of having super cool heroes to look up to
they imagine they are the heroes leaving them thinking they made the game and the story is all about them.

nothing learned nothing enjoyed. just look at me points to share on the look how much i dont care social media experiments that they whore themselves out to

then explain that its more about clearing dungeons than the graphics and that the game is old enough to be his daddy

>Mario 64 single-handedly invented 3D games

What are you talking about? 3D games were around for at least 3 years before N64 even came out.

It cant be helped, man. Video Games are dying out and only garbage interactive movie fps games and mobileshit like pokeyman go will rule the future.

You people know that if games like most of the ones you enjoy came out today as new IPs, you'd be hypercritical of them.
>Deus Ex is tinfoil hat wearing bullshit for alt-right nutjobs
>Diablo is a retarded Christfag brainwashing game in disguise. Can't fool me, Blizzard, I know this game is all appeal to emotion.
>Mario is a randumb faggy platformer. Talking mushrooms and evil turtles? They definitely want the Twitch audience for wacky streaming.
>Legend of Zelda? Why do I want to play a game about some gay weeaboo anime swordsman?
>Metal Gear Solid? This is just a meme game. They even mention memes! Why am I just running around in cover while these non-sequitur bad guys attack me in this stupid popamole cinematic """"shooter""""?
>Mortal Kombat? This is just some edgy, attention whoring weeaboo game that wants to try so hard to look Japanese, it's pathetic.
>Sonic? This is just literal furry pandering. There is no reason for a character like Cream to exist outside of loli furry pandering, Tails is for the shotafags, and Knuckles is only there for forced nigger diversity, 0/10

I'd agree, but I'd have to raise the age up to at least 30.

Where in anons story said he was nostalgic for CoD4?

>mfw I have a younger brother and all He does is watch ebin youtubers and play minecraft/FNAF
>He has his own names for villagers, pretends He is too, a youtuber, and yells louder than Pewdiepie on cocaine

I am scared He will one Day have a youtube gaming channel, where He plays only minecraft, How do I save him from such fate?

The fuck are you trying to say?

What's a woman?

>8 year old cousin comes over
>raves about autistic bullshit like Mario and Pokemon
>give him Atari Pong
>he sucks ass and gives up ten minutes in
>proceeds to play on his SNES

Why are kids so faggy these days?

introduce him to Sup Forums

>8 year old cousin comes over
>Raves about autistic bullshit like baseball and handegg
>Give him a stick and a hoop
>He sucks ass and gives up 10 minutes in
>Proceeds to ride his bike

Why are kids so faggy these days?

>be dad
>see son raving about his gay retard anime like DBZ and Gundam Wing
>little fag hasn't seen REAL anime like Fist of the North Star and Robotech
>actually see him nostalgiafagging over this and trying to get his younger cousin to watch it
>I intervene and remind them all that Hokuto no Ken is the superior anime
>they say "Why would we want to watch this old person show?"
Fucking children.

>Install a game that bases it humor exclusively on shitting on everything wrong with 2004's America

He won't get any of the jokes, user. He's just in it for the pissing and shit jokes.

better repost this to reddit quick we cant let this epic meme die

>Wanting more underaged kids on Sup Forums

Shut up turtleposter.

>8 year old cousin comes over
>raves about autistic bullshit like Ocarina of Time and Mario Party
>give him a 2600
>he sucks ass and gives up ten minutes in
>proceeds to play on N64

Why are kids so faggy these days?

>visit cousin
>her son is 12
>knows more about computers than i do
>tells me about how he's going to get computer parts for his computer build for his birthday
>it's all stuff that i want but can't afford
>all he does is play left 4 dead 2 and team fortress 2

Fist of the North Star and DBZ came out at practically the same time, they both came out in the 80s


Mario Kart would've been a better starter