Here's some first impressions of someone who already played, should we believe on him or wait a few days more?
Daily No Man's Sky thread
Wait forever for it to be five bucks.
Day 1 pirate
>short time
So, great. Totally blow off the fact that the main criticism is that everything will look the same due to procedural generation
>should of
Stopped reading there.
He's only played it for like 10 hours tops. If the game's supposed to be about longevity that's not really much to go on.
>Apologize for bringing the hype.
>should of
What were you expecting from someone named "CAMPBLACKMAMBA24"?
Remember when Elite: Dangerous first came out?
The random generate shit is what people want. Even if it's shit.
>don't expect to take off flying when the game starts, must put in work
I like this. I hope my first planet isn't shit.
>Uncropped screenshot of mobile NeoGAF
>Should of
I hate faggots who do short impressions posts like these, detailing absolutely nothing.
>Neogaf poster sucking sony dick
>Should we believe him?
Come on
The screenshot is from a friend of mine, he's in work right now so he couldn't edit the picture
>that everything will look the same due to procedural generation
If they ripped off the superformula, or made a "tottalynotthesuperformula" formula, it wont.
This one fact gives me a little bit of hope.
Ill get it day one, but thats more because nothing else is fucking comeing out.
Sup Forums is going to go on full damage control mode if this game is good
Literally every Android phone has a crop tool in there photo app.
He was in a hurry
Lol OP btfo he is a neogaffer.
Then why didn't he just copy paste the link if he's so much in a hurry? It takes more time to take a screenshot and send it than sending a link
Fuck off Neogaf. We dont want your kind around here.