Just finished this, my first game in the series

Just finished this, my first game in the series.

Holy fuck it is good!
The world, alchemy, combat etc were great.
The choices felt like they had great impact.

Should I skip 2 and go onto 3?


>witcher thread

Other urls found in this thread:


W2 gameplay is awful but the story and characters are top notch . Id say play it but if you really just want to learn how the story progressed and want to jump into 3 just watch the cutscenes and important dialogue on youtube

>skip 2


it's the best one in the series.

I've heard the exact opposite.

Play 2, read the books, play 3

If you could stomach TW1 then you can stomach TW2.

I read the books and played all three games and didn't really like the second game at all. The first village and the quests there are amazing, but for me it fell apart after that. You still shouldn't skip the game.

W2 still has the best main story in the trilogy (not counting HoS). Go fucking play it right now.

>should I skip 2?

hell no - Assassins of Kings is god tier.



Whatever you heard the third is the worst one.

2 is easily the worst in the series but I'd say it's still worth a playhtrough.

>skip 2
fuuuuuuuck no, its the best one in terms of story

>Combat great

OP confirmed for never played Witcher 1 and 2

Not at all, in fact 2 is closer in overall design to 1 even with the roll heavy combat

Also glad to know there are non plebs on Sup Forums that actually could figure out how the combat works in 1 and enjoy it, congrats user, you're alright

TW2 also has two distinct branches in the 2nd chapter, something you don't see often in RPGs.

Play 1. Play 2. Forget everything else.

We all know you're lying since you wrote combat is great. Better to just delete the thread.

W3 DLCs > W2 > W1 = W3
Surely we can all agree on this, right?

kek, casual shits

W3 DLCs > W1 > W2 > W3

>even with the roll heavy combat

this helps a lot in terms of aesthetics

HoS > TW3 > TW1 >BaW > TW2

Don't skip 2.

atmosphere in 2 is really good, maybe not better than 1 but it has a certain style about it

>W3 DLCs

No, not really. They're more "cinematic" then telltale games and pretty much everyone is an unlikable asshole with petty motives.

Don't skip 2.
Going from 1 to 2 will be a bit of a shock at first, because so many aspects of 1 that were great actually get slightly worse in 2.

Examples of this are:
- the cumbersome consolized UI
- fluid control over Geralt
- freedom to drink potions (you need to meditate now)
- the spooky atmosphere and the feeling of utter freedom

Despite all of this, 2 has some of the best character development, character interaction and story in the whole series. It's better than 1 in many ways, but ways you won't really appreciate until after several playthroughs.

The game does not hold your hand in telling the story unlike 1. Characters will talk to eachother about things in a realistic fashion i.e. not in an expositional sense as if it were catering to a player, and so expect to do a lot more reading in-game and out. Political context is much more important in understanding the happenings of The Witcher 2, but you will appreciate it all the more once you understand what's going on. The game may need as much as three playthroughs to fully understand and appreciate, so don't 'rush' through it.

Also fight the urge of feeling 'hurried'. If you've already played the first game, you'll know what I mean and the second should be no problem. For example in the first game the quest is to find Salamandra and to figure out Azar Javed's endgame, and arriving in Vizima you felt like there were a bunch of chores getting in the way of your 'quest'. The Witcher 2 is similar in that regard in that solving the final mystery is like peeling an onion.

The first act will land you in a trading port village of Flotsam. Enjoy your time there, and prepare to settle there for the long haul. Although it might feel uncomfortable on your first playthrough, it's actually a very cozy and sleepy town once you get to know it - even the forest, once you clear it of dangers.

Second act can be very uncomfortable depending on which path you take. If you choose Roche, you may never feel at home in the

>liking witcher 1
either desperate to improve opinion of the series or masochist with really bad taste

the animation seems kinda jerky but otherwise that's great

Fuck Triss
Marry Ciri
Kill Yen

disliking w1 = horrible taste tho

third is the first one with "good' gameplay

dont listen to this faggot

2 is better than 1 in almost every way IMO.

pleb alert!

>liking witcher 2

either desperate to improve opinion of the series or masochist with really bad taste

Don't skip 2, and also read the books.

It's a not as bad as people make it out to be. First is is kinda rhythmic, by the time you're out if the intro you should have it hand packed unless you're just bad at video games or adapting to different mechanics. All you really need is fucking timing, so I don't understand why so many people have a problem with it. Then again, there are alot more bad players than there are good. As for tw2, it's generic as fuck and no one should have any difficulties with it. It's all dodge, quen ect. Nothing bad or good about it. Third one improved a lot but the whole game is just boring as fuck and I don't understand the hype.

My niggers
>Tfw missing comfy color palette of TW2 and the combat designed around m+kb when playing TW3
Mods help but it should be vanilla

God how I would love to be able to skip 2, but you can't.

Fuck Yen.
Marry Ciri.
Kill Triss.

The world of the Witcher would be so better off without the machinations of this manipulative sociopath.

Fuck Ciri
Marry Yen
Kill Triss

average witcher cutscene/sidequest


Or, you know. A Gothic fan.
Plus points are also awarded for playing a 2008 in 2000-fucking-8.

It's definitely not a bad game and I've enjoyed it infinitely more so than Boredom Age: Origins.
It was great for its time.

How the fuck is bloom and sharpening overload comfy? Neck yourself.

miltary camp, but once you familiarize yourself with the situation and the different characters it will be better. It's a bit of a tradeoff as you will feel more comfortable in Act 3. If you choose Iorveth, Act 2 will be more comfortable but Act 3 will be less comfortable.

Also, since you'd already beaten 1 - KEEP YOUR SAVES to import in TW2. If you sided with the order in The Witcher 1, then I suggest you choose the Roche path. You will see a familiar face in Act 3 in any case. There are also small things like getting a free loan in Vergen if you helped Vivaldi in TW1.

tl;dr play TW2. It does some things even better than TW3. Think of it as a road trip with your buddies down the Pontar river.

just like in real life!

The irony is that I disable bloom and sharpening in TW2
Then it looks almost perfect

It's funny because I disabled them in tw3 out of habit, but low sharpening and bloom are required for it to look good

>character assassinations left and right
>slow weak geralt that controls like a tank
>sign bar
>nerfed to everloving fuck alchemy
>shitty quests that are always about someone outassholing someone else sprinkled with torture fetish
>witcher vision

Yeah no

It still is lol, people get off put by the ''unconventional'' combat just like they did in gothic but I fucking loved it, felt like you actually played a witcher the way geralt connected combos together and just fucked everything up. Gothic combat was great too, plebelite happenes to hate that one as well no surprise there lol!

And origins wasn't bad either, it had this certain genericness about it but for some reason I found it charming

I thought the combat was good, I played witcher 2 for about 1 hour at my mates and it was just a lmb mash fest.

Il never understand why they spoil the books in 3 when they are not even released. The DLC goes out of its way to spoil you

>Third one improved a lot

Name one thing it improved

>nefred alchemy

Confirmed for not having played tw3.

not him but the the graphics

>>character assassinations left and right
unlike 2 , that has assassination on the tittle

>>slow weak geralt that controls like a tank
still faster and less clunky than 2

>>sign bar
just like 1 and 2?

>nerfed to everloving fuck alchemy
fixed with mods

>>shitty quests that are always about someone outassholing someone else sprinkled with torture fetish
prety sure i had to escort a fucking goat with a bell in one side mission

>>witcher vision
THEN DONT FUCKING USE IT. you can see the blood and steps whitout it.
but how would you sence smell whitout it?

NPC models
Better sidequests
Way more of everything

Yeah witcher 1 combat was good, the biggest problem it has is that there is no queue system on your actions so you for example have to wait until geralt completely unsheathes his sword before you can start attacking, and many casual elites cant seem to grasp this so they just say ''LOL BAD COMBAT'' and have been saying it since release.

Witcher 1 also attracted a lot of stormfag hate back in the day because it was made by poles, not even kidding kek

OP here.

Cmon man Witcher 1, whilst first 2 chapters had me a little confused on how the game is actually played, I came to enjoy the swamp and enjoy its charm.

I can't wait to play 2 after the praises this thread gives it

Anyone else prefer Witcher 2 Triss?


As with all Witcher games, it's the little details that make the game.

Stuff like the comet passing overhead (a portent of war/remnants of the curse/omen of impending doom) that gets larger and more apparent as you near culmination of Act 2.

TW3 Triss smells better.

>witcher 1 combat was great

What did he mean by this????

3 is more emotive

2 looks good but doesnt express anything

He meant he isn't a dumb casual lol

I too love the smell of recently burned mages and Geralt.

I prefer w1 enhanced edition triss

>Get Witcher 1 for like insanely cheap
>Install Game
>Playing Tutorial
>Trying to fight these dudes
>Cant figure out this retarded control scheme they neglected to tell me about
>Double tap left click and Geralt does a front flip
>Close game
>Never play again.

>unlike 2 , that has assassination on the tittle

Just say you don't understand what character assassination means

>still faster and less clunky than 2

Literally false. Animations alone are slower and then you got tons of random thugs whose hits can send you into stun even with quen and knock 1/4 of your health. W3 Geralt is the weakest witcher ever.


Have you actually tried this when you have to examine a dozen objects in the building to find another fucking clue that leads you to another fucking blood trail?

>sign bar
>just like 1 and 2?

Confirmed for not having played 1 and 2. Even in 1 you didn't have to wait till the bar restores completely to cast a sign.

But the combat is so shallow IT IS for dumb casuals and only those can enjoy it.

>Should I skip 2 and go onto 3?
Why the fuck would you?
I mean..
Just why?
Why would you skip Witcher 2?
Is this a troll thread?
Am I posting in a troll thread?
Is OP having a laugh at my expense?

Yeah that's what the average ''witcher 1 has bad combat'' poster does kek
-t guy who couldn't even grasp it

you missed out man.

Back in the day it used to be essential to read a game's manual before playing.

You born in 2000 cuck

>Cant figure out this retarded control scheme where you have to click on an enemy to attack

Yeah, it's the devs who are dumb, sure

I thought his post was ironic and making fun of people who actually behave like that

>Double tap left click and Geralt does a front flip
You realize you were playing in overhead view right.
You have to go to options to change the view to OTS.

>-t guy who couldn't even grasp it
>change stances
>double press buttons

That's what you think is hard, think about your life senpai.

>Confirmed for not having played 1 and 2. Even in 1 you didn't have to wait till the bar restores completely to cast a sign.
bullshit, the max upgrade could be able to use half bar
>Have you actually tried this when you have to examine a dozen objects in the building to find another fucking clue that leads you to another fucking blood trail?
yeah its realy cool.
>Literally false.
allow me to prove your wrong with this webm then

Well I can see where theyre coming from. The tutorial didnt explain shit and the control scheme is retarded. Literally get more from a Dark Souls Tutorial.

TW1 is so fucking good god damn.
TW2 is boring me to tears with its shitty generic light attack/heavy attack gameplay. I just got to the first town though. I'm guessing it gets better from here on out?

Yeah, TW2's triss smells of the swamp and only bathed in that one cutscene for the whole game.

Definitely do not skip 2. The story is absolutely worth it. It'll make 3 all the more satisfying.

>allow me to prove your wrong with this webm that shows how slow Geralt actually hits compared to previous games

uh, okay

and yet you lads fail to comprehend it and have to shitpost it butthurt as fuck for years because you get mad at the prospect of people enjoying the game

100% guaranteed you'd abandon gothic 1 because you're too stuborn to adapt to an unconventional control scheme as well. people like you just dislike video games, its as simple as that
yeah but that doesn't make the combat bad

slow but precise, in 2 he was fast and fuck all

Kill Triss then fuck her
Marry Yen
Care for Ciri

TW1 has that slavic charm and athmosphere and it panders to no one because they didn't give a damn about any groups.

TW2 is a consolized mess that wants the game of thrones audience. It takes itself too seriously.

TW3 wants the skyrim audience but at least it has the charm back and doesn't take itself too seriously. Music is also back in form.

Basically tw1 = tw3 > tw2

>but precise

You mean like he directs his attacks towards the enemy? Well shit, 10/10 combat right here.

Don't skip the second one. It's a good game.
But still the worst of the series, people putting TW2 above TW3 are fucking out of their minds.

>Really enjoyed first game
>Wants to skip second game

Literally wat m8

well Witcher 1 had that, witcher 2 didnt had that

I liked the sequence of Geralt's attacks in TW 1, he even does a somersault and swings his sword in a ridiculous way, I love it.

Use your W1 saves for W2, then use your W2 save for W3.

Looking back on the witcher 2 the areas you got to explore were pretty shit compared to the witcher 1 and 3, But I loved it the first time I played so I would advise you try it out.

I'd like the Witcher if it's gameplay wasn't garbage tier. It's just shitty less functional Dark Souls combat

Just play Dragon Age Inquisition instead, it's a better game but people will say otherwise because "muh waifus"

Thread theme.


Yeah, it did, and it was faster with wider range attacks so you could fight off a random ambush without rolling away waiting for cast bar to refill.

The first area was cool. The second was shit

yeah but you could not defend for shit