How do we fix Overwatch?

How do we fix Overwatch?

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It's fine I think, what's the problem?

CC in any game that isn't a moba is retarded
It's retarded in mobas too but that genre is retarded

>statement with no reasoning
Ok friend!

Add an electric shotgun-esque burst Alt fire to Winston.

Something to make tanks abit easier to deal with.

Unlimited ammo with short TTK was a mistake

by buying Fallout4 and Skyrim friend
ditch this weeb and cheap ass bait game user

>Turn Winston into Roadhog
Literally what are you talking about, he can just jump to a tank

Mosts multiplayer game have some sort of hitstun, stagger, knockdown, etc. though.

no need to fix as its a casualfest.

However, they can "fix it" by making an alternative mode, competitive. where characters are actually balanced decently, matches are longer and maps arent 90% copypaste.
Also take a note from the superior game Dirty Bomb, and realize how you do objective mode competitively. also make a fucking Versus mode, a fucking deathmatch mode. Make it so you can see D/K in list (again, take a note from DB and do a points system so that support/heal doesnt feel like discarded)
Give recoil to weapons, no infinite ammo, improve shooting feedback, etc.

Lose ultimate charge on death.

with this


-Tanks are gimped of any damage they have
-Only Offense and Defensive heroes should be allowed to deal lots of damage.

This is how you fix Overwatch. There are far too many scrubs who are getting away with easy wins because they abuse shit like Roadhog and Reinhardt to solo-carry games.

>dirty bomb

shit wouldn't even launch on my laptop
how is it superior.

also there isn't a single map in overwatch that feels similar, take all those cocks out of your ass for once

>gaming on laptop
>game doesnt run on my "pc" therefore its bad


You could've just not mentioned that and people would have thought it was just a joke they didn't get or someone meming, you really fucked on this one boi

More Memes

Buff Mei


she's pretty buff already


Ranked and Casual with the same rule set.
Server browser.
That's it.

That would make it way more snowbally than it already is.

higher tick rate would be a good start.

that and reworking some maps, mainly control point ones, like giving players some additional routes to the objective. Not like in, for example, hanamura, when you have only one way to the objective, when you're a character who can't fly or teleport around, so that the only viable tactic is throwing yourself at the enemy and hoping to kill them all, so they wouldn't even manage to come back in time to continue defending(that's another issue).

Fallout 4 and Skyrim have way more waifus than this game. Overwatch? More like Overhyped.

Buy Skyrim.


honest answer?
>no generous hitboxes. if it doesnt hit, too bad. hanzo arrow, hog hook, mcree flash, etc.
>press Y to win ults need some form of input. ults such as, mcree, reaper that you could literally disconnect your controller after activating and teamwipe need to go. ult should be a gamechanger if used right, not an automatic win
>any stun/CC completely removed
>reindharts and genjis ult melee hitboxes fixed to where they actually need to connect with what they hit. no more of the reindhart (and to a lesser extent genjis blade) 270 degree swinging arc
>junkrats nades get explosive dropoff, not a flat 80
>reindharts ult cant hit you if you dont touch the ground
>torbs shitty turrets get given deadzones and lockon time. an ability shouldnt be more useful than the player using it
>playlists to have the option of koth/hybrid payload
>matchmaking removed, playlists for groups but other than that random search
>any gun that has auto lockon reworked to require aiming
>reapers ult only works on the horizontal plane, and doesnt destroy people laughably far outside of the shadow. he also doesnt get free health for popping it. the current sphere of death is pants on head retarded and the easiest teamkill in the game, literally jump from a ledge in overtime and press Q.
>clipping on random bits of the environment for any reason removed.
>mercy stays the same as she is currently but her guardian angel loses the cooldown entirely so she can be a slippery bitch and ping pong between teammates midair. balance out her ult nerf
>decide whether mcree is a long range or short range character and adjust accordingly. pick only one, not both like it is now
>self healing leading to ults removed
>ult charge only increases with work, not on a slow tick automatically

what else?

Fix this shit for starters

What's with all the roofs you can't actually stand on?

You can't solo carry as Reinhardt unless the enemy team is fucking braindead

>press Y to win

Console pleb detected, post discarded

Make it F2P

>literally jump from a ledge in overtime and press Q

>>matchmaking removed, playlists for groups but other than that random search
i agree with a lot of what you are saying but i dont understand this. Why get rid of matchmaking all together? I know i dont want to crush people who just started yesterday or have hopeless games where i never stood a chance.

fucking bkub rip off all overwatch fanart has been nothing but pseudo anime made by weebs

maybe a playlist for subs 30s or something.

the way it stands now with the way matches are matched id say 99/100 are won pretty decisively by 1 team. usually within the first minute. randomizing it couldnt yield any worse results.

What needs fixing? Less EU characters?
Token Canadian? Oh I know someone from Antarctica that will mean every continent gets represented.

>Mei is Chinese and not Canadian

Still salty, I mean c'mon she's an ice-slut.

But then, as a leafman I'm morally obligated to get assblasted whenever we're not represented in something anyway, so whatever.

Get rid of that fucking Umaru clone you just posted and throw it into the lake of fire where it belongs


Not bad suggestions for the most part but

>reindharts ult cant hit you if you dont touch the ground
>Everyone jumps on instinct and avoids the hit

reindharts ult casts pretty damn quick. if you have the reflexes to dodge you should get away.

it gets retarded if youre playing pharah hovering at 3 or 4 meters or if youre on any vehicle (the 3m high buses on numbani included) and you just get stunned out of the air.

Most of these are all right, but:

>Mccree's ult is press a button to win

It can be really easy to counter Mccree's ult, if you're not a complete shitter. Just deflect the bullet with Genji, block with Mei's wall or D'va's/ Rein's shield. You can also observe your surroundings and hide behind a wall for a few seconds.

Or just shoot him, before he even manage to fire, 'cause most of mccrees are complete idiots who just stand in front of the enemy team and use their ult hoping to not get killed instantly. Even most people in quick play know how to counter him.

If his ult had to be at least a little useful, Mcree need to actually try to flank or surprise enemy team from behind and hope he'll manage to target them before they turn back.

Uninstall wizard


Go back in time and make a good project titan.

Yeah but then it just would've been MMO trash

The 2 biggest issues that people haven't set blizzard on fire over, hit boxes and 20 tick.
The collision detection is Capcom levels of retarded.

remove ultimates

This image is fucking sexist infantilizing trash

>competitive match
>defending on hollywood
>be symmetra
>those turrets in a nice enclosed space like point A can be deadly
>game starts, give shields to everyone
>begin setting up turrets all over the place
>turn around, my entire team fucks off to attack them right out the doors
>"guys we need someone else besides me here to protect the point"
>they ignore me
>enemy tracer comes to the point
>"I need help back here"
>try to fight tracer but she just blinks and recalls whenever symm's laser locks on to her
>destroys my turrets
>look at the corner of the screen, enemy team wipes out my team
>tracer kills me
>all 6 capturing the point
>they capture the point
>we lose
>XXxxxDe4ThN1j420XxxxxX(genji): WHY DIDN'T YOU DEFEND THE POINT???!!!

I fucking hate this community.

Mentioning the controller just adds hilarity towards the fact people take OW seriously.


mcrees ult is pretty much a long distance reaper ult. you can deflect or rein shield it, but you better as fuck know EXACTLY where it came from because if he sees you onscreen within 1.5 seconds of ulting, like, at all, you are dead

it also has crazy vertical horizontal range. had one tonight where an enemy mcree dropped ult on a bridge, which our mercy went under (bar like the very tip of her wing light) the pharah conc blasted about 30m above the mcree, had 1 target in mid screen and a junkrat way WAAY off to the left. pretty much 3 targets at either end of the screen. all dead since youre usually dealing with his team.

take other ults for insrance. junkrat, pharah even reindhart. if you dont place it very well youll kill 1-2 tops. mcrees only criteria is line of sight, everything else irrelevant, and he can also just cancel ult or hold (for something ridiculous like 8 seconds) if he sees a genji deflect and only lose half charge. you fuck up with anyone else thats too bad. not mcree tho

>Fix ranked, first of all by removing coin toss
>Add new maps, preferably designed by someone who understands map design
>Add a server browser
>Allow community maps and modes

Can't wait to play shit like Facing Worlds, Mario_Kart, 1 vs all, prophunt and randomized weapons in the Overwatch universe. At least 100 extra hours of gameplay right there.

>I want my game to be as boring and generic as possible with no utility to make gunfights fall into your favor

>its a youre defending and you have an Ana and Widow on your team episode

Junkrat's ultimate needs to take longer to farm. Its ridiculous how many times he can summon that fucking wheel in a match.

Why would Mei be Canadian?

>more maps
>more game modes
>fucking stopwatch competitive

that's literally it outside of 60 tick rate, which is likely never happening

Price drop at the very least.

fellow symm fag

Its nice to play the only character that's balanced in this shitshow game. Have you noticed no one complains about her?

>one of the most hyped games in forever.
>Already dead.
No surprise, the game is so shallow and offer nearly no content at all.

Didn't they fix that, or at least confirm they would fix it?

The biggest complaint I've heard about her is that she's a support instead of defense. I guess it's the non-offensive ult that makes the difference between her and torb.

Nuke it and pretend it never existed.

because ice i guess

Make thr Ranking not based around how well i personally can carry a team.

>Reaper not in Mexico

If she was defense she would need a buff on both her health and her gun damage, as well as remove the shield ability or somewhat limit it.

She's support because shes fragile and her ult doesn't kill anyone, rather help the team.

>Hit 10 million players like 2 weeks ago
>Easy to get a match 24/7
>raking in hundreds of millions in sales
Please explain

>McCree's uses his ult
>Use Defense Matrix and boost into him, because I know there are at least two people on my team that are probably standing around, clueless.

I want some more maps at the moment

That's about it, everything else is fine in terms of balance

>it's a you're attacking and then you get killed but realize that you were the only one attacking cause the rest of your team is dead episode
I hate this

So did WoW.

Because she's ice-themed and Canadaland is icey, as opposed to China which isn't at all. Plus she's a chink, which Canadia has a good number of anyway, though making her an Inuit would have been better since the game already has more than enough gooks.

Rhere aint much wrong with overwatch besides maybe lack of content. It has 21 or 22 characters but it has very few maps to play. They should simply make a game mode version of every map they have with slight tweeks here and there, like KOTH in dorado and playload in Lijang tower.

he's american.

Genji needs a nerf. In good hands he can carry any game. He's been top pick in every high level and pro game forever, and he's good at all ranges with the highest mobilty in the game.

>add lobby browser with game types of past brawls
>add brawl roulette
>add option to automatically re-queue after every match
>add spectator mode if a game is full, inaccessible to those playing

Bro northern China is cold as fuck.

Let's be honest guys, right now Genji is and widowmaker are pretty much useless?

Stop fucking posting cropped images, if you got some balls just show us what we want to see already.

>In good hands
That's like 3% of all Genji players

Why is this best skin

>That image
You shouldn't

Implying devilish Mercy isn't?



>Weaken most Ults, decreasing range, damage, hitbox, whatever is needed to keep them from being "I win" buttons
>Ults dont charge unless you are doing something productive, IE getting kills, staying on a point, defending, etc.
>Ults lose 50% charge if you die. 40% if you are defending a capture point or staying with the payload at the time of it happening.
>Ults cannot be the POTG unless it wipes out 4+ people
>Give us both teams stats at the end so we know why we lost/won
>Less shit matchmaking
>The option to opt out of hopping in to already started games, sometimes you only have an hour to play and it fucking sucks when you jump into a half finished already lost game and then not enough players stay so you are ejected back into matchmaking into yet another already lost match
>Smaller spreads so you actually have to aim
>Increase everyones walk speed by at least a little bit
>Give Pharah half decent splash damage

She's as squishy as Widowmaker.
>gun damage
She has the highest damaging weapon in the game.
Torb gives 75 armor per drop.

I consider a well protected Symmetra better on defense than Torb.

>China which isn't at all
I'm gonna stop you here because a lot of China is really cold in the winter, but she's an ice woman because she did research in Antarctica.

Not really. Around rank 60 or higher most Genjis can wreck face.

Don't you mean by waiting for Quake: Champions, the true competitive focused hero shooter Todd?

He's meant to be unstoppable in good hands, and a waste of a slot otherwise. You gotta give the skilled players some exclusivity, you won't find it in many of the other heroes.

And WoW had a large userbase for an extremely long time. It took 5 years before WoW started losing subscribers. Not helping yourself.


Make Gremlin-D.Va canon.

We get them to add a Gremlin Dva skin.

In all seriousness fix the fucking leaving in ranked. Literally every other fucking game I play I have a faggot on my team leave, and I have no way of winning unless we were already up by a round or two

So you're saying that during Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath, the game was dead.?

They also gained like 10+m in Wod and dropped half of them within 3 months. Kind of like how it's with overwatch right now.