There are people posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that unironically think Morrowind is better than Dark Souls

>there are people posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that unironically think Morrowind is better than Dark Souls

They're both shit so who cares

Exactly, OP, Sup Forums is filled with retards. Only a retard would compare a true proper RPG to an action-adventure game with stats or think that one is better than another.

How is Dark Souls shit?

It's too hard. It shouldn't be so hard just to get through the first boss.

>there are people here retarded enough to compare the two


This, it has been 5 years and I still can't beat the first boss. Now that's some poor game design right there.

I know, right? It's too fucking hardcore for me, holy shit. I admire everyone who manages to play this game and not die every few seconds. Dark Souls is probably the most hardcore game ever made.

boring and repetitive battle system
unoriginal setting
enemies have extremely limited patterns
they only have elemental weaknesses (proof of laziness in the game-design, they don't have any kind of weakpoint or anything else that should convince you to ditch your main weapon for a certain area)

this game is garbage, it's literally impossible to enjoy the battles when Monster Hunter does => everything

>boring and repetitive battle system
How far did you play into the game?
>unoriginal setting


Monster Humper isn't 0.000001% as hardcore as Dark Souls.

>How far did you play into the game?
The gameplay doesn't get deeper.

dropped it in lost izalith after being done with the three previous souls

and yes, the settingh is unoriginal. All buildings are the same medieval shit where everything is dead. Nothing impressive at all, especially after Planescape Torment.

about every other game is better than dark souls

Every enemy is different so yes it does.
So any game that at all has medieval implications, even if that's a small subset of the game and not at all representative of the whole mythos, is unoriginal?

nice meme

Nice "argument".

>Every enemy is different so yes it does.

every single humanoid enemy can be handled by rolling like a tard at the right moment
mostly because they aren't mobile at all, dogs and drakes were the only who forced me to change my battle "tactics"

> small subset

did you play the game blindfolded?

>Every enemy is different
Oh, like the Asylum Demon, Stray Demon and Firesage Demon? Or like Taurus Demons en masse? Or like Silver Knights and Black Knights? Or like Hollows and Armored Hollows and Undead Soldiers? Or...

>did you play the game blindfolded?
Did you never make it outside of the Burg/Parish?

>Monster Humper isn't 0.000001% as hardcore as Dark Souls.

Nice "argument".

Or this cherry? Or this one?

It's self-evident. If you can't see it, I feel sorry for you.

Also, nice meme image. Here's another one you might like. I dug it up for you myself.

>Monster Hunter
>aka grinding: the game
My fucking sides

The painted world of Ariamis was the only remotely original location (and also the best) in this game. And even there the architecture was medieval.

Every single place feels like it came straight out from Baldur's Gate (after carefully stripping all life from it), the most generic fantasy game there is.

Grinding is irrelevant in the discussion. It might be tedious and annoying but it has nothing to do with the battle system. You can have the "best" sets of armor and weapons of the game and still getting raped by many end-game monsters if you're not playing correctly.

>Every enemy is different so yes it does.
That's not a rebuttal to calling the combat shallow.


It's very relevant since you complain about Dark Souls being repetitive then claim one of the most repetitive series in existence does everything better. You're legit retarded.

>this whole thread of DaS apologism ignoring that the criticism on gameplay coming are about combat and not other designs like grinding

>Dark Souls
These two games are incommensurable.

adjective: incommensurable

not able to be judged by the same standard as something; having no common standard of measurement.


>muh meme webms
nice try.

>the combat is repetitive
>this repetitive game does everything better

>does everything better
About what?

The fucking combat system you dumb motherfucker.
I never said going to fetch plants and mushroom wasn't boring and repetitive.

Still not a rebuttal.

Is the point that nobody knows how to make a good magic system?

Not an argument.


Good thing Dark Souls is about more than combat then.

You had no argument to begin with, literally just dumb opinions.

>backstab and parry: the game

>Good thing Dark Souls is about more than combat then.
That fucking backpedal. It having more is made irrelevant by boring combat though, so "nice try".

you need to cast a spell on it, then unlock two doors
then hit it twice. that's the secret.

Hot opinion.
>made irrelevant
A game is a sum of its parts.

It's mostly about combat though.
Exploration? Maybe, but you can't explore without fighting.

The story, the background? It's decently interesting (if you liked the game) and does a good job at giving meaning to characters, bosses and environments. But it isn't rich in thematics and ideas like a good plot can be. Which isn't bad per se since it doesn't seem to be the intention of FS to do something like that.

>isn't rich about thematics
The whole game is about humanity's struggle for survival when facing the death heat of the universe. The story telling and lore are great because they don't rely on plot dumps, instead making good use of characteristics unique to the medium.

>You had no argument to begin with, literally just dumb opinions.
>Hot opinion.
M8, have I not provide examples? Have I not shown alternatives? Why do you come with such little in the way of an interesting argument or warm conversationalism?

>cherry picked meme webms
Bait or legit retarded.

Post disregarded. Argument won.

How much of an internet do I get?

Two totally unrelated games that cannot be compared

>cannot be compared
But he just did. What now?

Technically speaking, you can. For basic gameplay, what most of Sup Forums should be interested in, they're both sort of spam-click games, albeit DaS has some positioning and exaggerative swings that can't be cancelled, so it's "more challenging".

You might not like the gameplay but how can you say the setting is unoriginal? I mean even the structured areas look different and that's not including areas like the tomb of the Giants, ash lake, and dark root forest which are not based on atchetecture at all. Calling it "generic mid evil" is such a typecast it makes you sound like a spoiled kid who makes up an argument to defend his point just because he remembers his experience with his game more. Not to mention how awesome it is that the majority of the world connects so you have an open world experience and can choose numerous different routes.


People that need to git gud