So how will Sup Forums react if No Man's Sky is actually good?
So how will Sup Forums react if No Man's Sky is actually good?
Pretend to be ironic
Whether or not a game is good doesn't matter if Sup Forums decides to hate it
Even if it's good Sup Forums will say it's bad, just like with Fallout 4 and MGSV
hiro is asleep post lewd
Didn't hate MGSV but Fallout 4 was shit.
Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe different people have different opinions about vidya.
Sup Forums will like it for a few days until it becomes too popular then it will revert to hating it out of contrarianism and claim it never liked it.
Everyone will pull a 180 and go out of their way to ignore the past because it would make them look stupid just like doom and deus ex.
How would it be good?
I'll probably do what I did last night: buy my family a bucket of KFC on the way home from work, then fart into it in the car on the way back, and stifle a few smirks as they chow down on my fecal particles
What is wrong with you?
Source please, Hotaru is my jam
it won't be so we don't have to worry about that.
Why user
ask yourself that.
What did they do to you user?
We'll never know, because it won't be.
>family has to pay for Sup Forumss dislike of a game
That's just terrible.
Good man.
I'll probably get a job at kfc and fart on all the chicken then smirk as i sell my fecal particle breaded chicken to idiots.
Chaika on the front page!
i might go actually buy it. but ill wait awhile. because this game has really lofty claims. i don't want to suffer like SPORE again.
I'll probably just play it all the time but I already know it's gay shit because it's hyped and when things are hyped they're too pussy to make the decisions they need to in order to make the game good.
What anime?
happily surprised
No you never did this. You just want (you) you piece of shit
I don't think any game disappointment can top Spore. Others can be disappointments too, but you'll shrug it off after a week at most.
Chaika, ty user
Boku no Drake and Josh
post more Chaika
Komachi a best
Probably get a job making KFC uniforms and fart into the fabric and chuckle as the KFC workers wear my fecal particles
>Sup Forums's reaction
sincere surprise and sensible accolades completely drown out by shitposters and trolls.
pretty much like everything in other words.
Chaka, when the walls fell
fallout 4 is a fucking terrible landfill of disappointment and lazy game design. the only good things about bethesdas rpgs are the atmosphere and exploration
mgsv is unfinished and therefore inherently disappointing. good game but its not even close to being as good as it couldve been
>E3 showing off destructible pieces of building and some terrain
>turns out it's only on super mutant tower and a couple spots in underground areas with some wood paneling
>Dogmeat's a suicidal idiot that's mostly useless with more glitches can positives for even having him around
I can't even begin to type up the rest of the disappointments in it.
>fallout 4 is a fucking terrible landfill of disappointment
That's your fault. Bethesfa's been spiraling for years, this was not hard to predict.
>mgsv is unfinished and therefore inherently disappointing. good game but its not even close to being as good as it couldve been
The fact that Kojima hasn't made a great game since MGS3 should have tipped you off that MGSV wasn't gonna be good
I hope it is good. I hope Sup Forums likes it. I hope we can have fun again.
Well, I'll buy it if its actually good.
Personally I hate Sup Forums and how unfun you cunts are
i know dude. ive followed the franchise since the second game and some of the decisions they made for 4 boggle my mind. fuckin skill checks dont even change the pc's dialogue
I actually like Sup Forums especially when they're not talking about video games.
>anticipate a game
>game is good
>all is well
>don't anticipate a game
>game is good
>pleasantly surprised
>don't anticipate a game
>game is shit
>smug satisfaction
>anticipate a game
>game is shit
>kill self
It's objectively superior to doubt all games prior to release.
Just like how Sup Forums reacts to every other good game release: By hating it anyway
The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.
>enjoy off-topic threads
>begin going to appropriate boards
>started to learn how to cook from /ck/
>/an/ has blini threads
>Sup Forums won one for da land
>Sup Forums makes Sup Forums great again
Indifference. Just like I'll feel when it's bad.
Damn dude that was deep
neither of those responses make sense within the context of what i was responding to. and mgsv is good if you pretend act II doesnt exist. mgs ground zeroes is also very good
>So how will Sup Forums react if _____ is actually good?
Latch on to minor complaints and keep calling it shit/
The biggest problem with Sup Forums is how most people here get a sick kick when things go bad. Despite the constant complaining and whining I genuinely think most people here want games to be shit so they can go online and continue to shitpost and brag about how they knew something was shit from the start.
But in the end of the day you still get a shit game. Being proven right isn't a win because I don't why on Earth you WANT things to be bad.
I knew you were a Sup Forums poster you obnoxious little shit.
when AAA developers fuck up a big game (think brink) it teaches consumers to be more cautious and guarded when it comes to giving asshole companies like EA your money
i agree though. i hope the game is good, but i wont be surprised if they dont manage to make exploration compelling or varied enough
>relentlessly spammed on Sup Forums for months
>having any doubt about it
my favourite webm desu senpaitachi
I'll buy it
Promotions for everyone!
Then Sup Forums will be flooded for a week or so with posts about No Mans Sky. After than, everyone here will act if they always hated it, and circlejerk/shitpost forever about how bad it is. We have seen this countless times, and we will see it again.
Doesn't matter.
Once Sup Forums decides it doesn't like a game any and all discussion relating to it is almost impossible.
Good luck starting a No Man's Sky thread after it is released without everything calling you a shill and the whole thread being derailed.
so clearly you're not aware of the daily shilling going on with this shit game already. there's multiple threads up right now including this one. the game is going to be forgettable garbage
Didn't stop overwatch or pokemon go
And I'm supposed to just believe this fucker? Blossoms ain't that great in the first place.