male pandaran a cute!
Made me feel aroused by midgets, and then I looked at real midgets and became disgusted
That's why Panda women are perfect
why does nearly every horde male race suffer from extreme kyphosis
Because they are true victims
B i g D r a e n e i C o c k
>you'll never be an adventurer and rail all those delicious races in Azeroth
the character creation is so shit still in wow
>you will never get railed by a male pandaren
Why even live desu
I want to copulate with a goblin girl.
that's a good question regarding you
What a gay
>do a quest
>get transformed into a human female
Okay, honest question: Who plays these? Their remade faces are horrible and fuck me, every single animation of them looks dumb, inclusing the incredibly wonky looking running animations.
shut the fuck up faggot
>not wanting the pandaren dick
What Warcraft race would you marry?
I wonder who's the faggot, the on who wants to take furry bear dick or the one who doesn't, faggot
rude ,very rude. I will stop replying to you now since you insult me.
Caring, motherly waifu
Wild, free spirited waifu
Creative, fun loving waifu
Those 3, basically.
What a gay
no u
draenei, nelf, belf, tauren and maybe worgen
of course there's naga, dryad and harpy too if we count non playable
Undeadlets, wwtl?
Good to know Orc males are slightly below, above or at 6 length.
Impeccable taste famalam.
Undead are actually slightly taller than regular humans when they aren't slouching.
Humanlets btfo.
I want a Pandaren wife
Is there a cuter race than Pandaren?
mind the HUNCH
option to unslouch when
I've been fapping to draenei for a very long time.
To add onto this. I wish there was less futanari shit.
I pity you. You should just give up and like it.
>Blizzard didn't bite the bullet and just make it overt that Yrel wanted to fuck the player character
I want to fuck a draenei
>ywn fuck a blood elf
why live?
>tfw we'll never have a character creation system like City of Heroes ever again
No. I like girls with girl bits.
What if it's a feminine penis?
>implying Draenei/Night Elf isn't the best interracial couple
Not with that art
Human on Pandaren is better
Can we takea moment to appreciate how fucking absurdly huge that star is, I mean Jesus fucking christ
I'd rather take a moment to appreciate how absurdly perfect Draenei women are
>you will never be in a relationship with a loving draenei mif
>gnome girls
>Only play Female Night Elves, Draenei, and Humans
>Seriously considering turning a few of them into Gnomes, especially since they can be Hunters now
Should I do it?
I can agree with you there. Never understood this whole futa fascination with female draeni. Or why anyone even thought it in the first place.
Male Worgen on female Draenai is clearly the superior choice.
Probably Nelf. Their culture and way of life would be comfy as hell.
> all these xenos and so few people recognizing the true master race
there's no boob window in the Cindercloth Vest
what a shitty artist
>Sexi accent
>Taller than you
>Thick Draenei cock for her to ram my boi pucci
>Goat feet look super cute
>Righteous holy light coursing through her giving her a natural affinity for being a paladin so she can protect me while I act as her healslut
>Is an ayy
>Haven't played since Cataclysm
>Want to roll a fempandaren monk because of that one lewd webm
It's not worth it is it?
I've been paying for my sub with gold since they introduced the option, it's not that bad now that I'm not spending actual money on it
>you will never live in stormwind and bang Alliance chicks
How you making money with the garrison nerfs?
>that disgusting orc
I'm not, but I still have 5mil from when they gave gold
>tfw started late
>not really interested in garrisons
>couldn't get on the gravy train
>now it's gone forever and the fuckers with 10 max level alts rule the economy
>you'll never buy 2 years of subs with gold
Feels bad man, what's even the point anymore
there's that few faustsketcher pics of allies doing that with OG
mostly worgens, I think
I'd post it but it's not hard to find
Use TSM and play the auction house or sniper
I want a goblin and gnome girl to fight over for me
Big Tauren titties to use as pillows as I sleep in a tent on rolling hills of mulgore
>Look up race gender distribution out of curiosity
>Draenei men are outnumbered by their women 3 to 1
>You'll never literally be surrounded by sexy women of your race because there's barely any men
I seriously hope they do warcraft 4 soon. I couldn't give a fuck about this mmorubbish anymore.
>play the auction house
never had this work when there's alaways 100 others doing the same thing.
goblin or draenei
Fem dwarf
It will never happen. No matter how much you hate WoW, it still brings in bucks for them and every expansion sells insanely well.
what if you're a gay guy
Will you contribute to the Pandaren repopulation project?
A minimum of conceiving 3 children is required.
Which race should my shadow priest be, Sup Forums?
I play alliance.
Sounds comfy, will you use her as a bed as well?
>tfw no thick fem dorf
I want a night elf to dominate me.
Pandaren female
mfw no Orc boys that like Pandaren or Tauren girls
You know she's probably fucks her mount, right?
Humans are just naturally superior
That's kinda hot
Beta cuck detected.
Hats off to the lolpandas who can still carry on playing this shit. You truly are the untainted among us.
>Tfw no thicc Draenei
>people have been running the same set of bosses for MORE THAN A YEAR
Jesus fucking Christ, these people are complete addicts.
Most don't do that
I don't know who's more delusional, people who play on private servers, or people who think raiding is the only thing to do in WoW
Not likely
I haven't done serious raiding or PvP since Cata. I'm on an RP server and have infinitely more fun with that than the actual content.