>I'm too old for this shit
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Mine was a couple months ago, playing Life is Strange
>I'm too old for this shit
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Mine was a couple months ago, playing Life is Strange
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>Playing a JRPG
>all the playable characters are in their late teens
>realize you're much older than them and get sad
>Pokemon go
I want more games where you play as a middle aged white man, now please. Can't think of any recent games right now except gta V.
God of war
Metal Gear Solid sort of does that.
Saints row IV lol so random first segment
>those older people complaining about your music when you were a teenager
>realize that's you now but with video games
what do you mean sort of? big boss was 49 or so
>infinite respawns
>new game+
>unlockable difficulties
Eh, I'm not much of a fan of the series so I was only assuming.
>tfw i play video games as a hobby and not as escapism
>tfw i feel absolutely no shame for doing what i love
My only objective in life is to retire as early as possible to make more time for video games
Max Payne 3
Unlockable difficulty pisses me off to no end. Just fuck my shit up from the word go, don't fucking dance around it
Plus a lot of those games aren't worth a second play through.
Only way to do that is to start a successful company and sell it.
>tfw turn 21 next month
How should i spend my youth, ya old fuckers?
Or I could just marry a rich old bag then watch her die, you dumb faggot
>we know you will abandon our game on hard,so first play it on easy
NuRE grinding shit game modes
I will never play uncharted 4 again
Prepare yourself a lot for the future
My fucking god this. There's no goddamned game to play - you just swipe your finger across the screen to catch pokemon or get items at a stop. Battles are literally tapping the screen furiously. You can't even trade. It's retarded.
>re-play San Andreas
>read up on it a bit
>find out CJ is the same age as you are currently
What if she doesn't die?
Get drunk and high with friends, then come to shitpost, that's what I did back then. I actually started doing that when I was 16 but things were different.
Get into drugs
I heartily laughed my way through Life is Strange. Approach it as some sort of bizarre EU view of American Teenage girls and it becomes even more funny.
So much of it is completely unintentional.
I literally though the social aspect of the game was about trading
To be fair, that could just be the writer's portrayal of teenagers not being compatible with your own experiences. Not that I've ever played Life is Strange
Neptunia games
Still enjoyed the gameplay though, just found myself skipping the plot halfway through
I'm awarded of that and have tried to stay as open minded as possible, but theres no mental gymnastics I can do to obscure the naked truth the industry has gotten shittier in some ways.
Not that I believe publishers were angels in the past either, it's just that they know more now. Its a finely tuned machine that understands precisely how much it can Jew the consumer, just how little effort to put into the product vs advertising, just how braindead simple to be to catch the lowest common denominator audience.
Not really a game but watching "Let's Players" is something that I must be too old for. I can understand if you want to see what gameplay looks like but there are people who are obsessed with these faggots.
>get older
>game you played from your childhood is still great
what's her name, Sup Forums?
Mine was a long time ago. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I loved Vice City and I wanted to love San Andreas but I seriously couldn't understand what the fuck anyone was saying in it. That is when I realized I was old and out of touch.
Now I'm even older than that.
Age of mythology and half life
No its about going to pokestops and collecting pokeballs and potions, and sometimes other folk hang around that spot as well
My understanding is that soon more pokemon and social features will be added. As long as they add new features at a decent pace, I'll keep playing, otherwise, fuck going outside. At least the female character is cute
Super Metroid. It was more from my teenagehood but I still play it today.
I realized I can't talk or relate to people anymore. I meet a person and everything they talk about seems inane and I couldn't care less.
Playing some WC3
Remember the first time I played RoC when it was first released, at a LAN cafe with my friend.
My friend now works at IBM, is engaged and has just bought a house.
Im still sat at my desk, playing the same games.
>watching anime
>realize I'm over 18 and still watch children's cartoons
oh no, I really fucked up my life
Im in cool leg right now for computer shit, but i could just get my A+ cert and start there.
An alternative is going for nursing.
Im not into drugs
Age of Empires 2
>Played literally every instalment of the Monster Hunter series, probably putting in 300 hours into the ones I liked the least.
>Each installation becomes more and more animu
>play latest entry, most armors have wings/capes, you can jump and do CUHRAZEE attacks, singing and dancing cats thrown in my face every fucking second, NPCs spraying memes all over the place
god damn it
I cannot begin to describe my disappointment and anger
I know exactly how that feels
Then don't do drugs, but you gotta go out while you are still relatively young.
Have sex.
>but you gotta go out while you are still relatively young
>tfw about to turn 20 and haven't left my house in 6 months
Develop skills and make friends. Eventually doing normal stuff won't feel as satisfying so you need to become an intellectual. If you spent the last 9 years learning to draw for example then you will have something nice to take up your time.
I'm 27 and love them. It must be because it satisfies my social needs somewhat. I don't watch trash let's plays, though.
>go to a family's friend house to help with a moving
>there's a huge tv there with some game on it
>Far Cry Primal, iirc it was in the same month it was released
>"well, cool"
>on the couches there was a kid and their parents plus another couple who would help in the move too
>it took me a while to realize none of them were playing anything, but with the notebook plugged on tv and watching a let's play on youtube
It was a relatively good notebook, for fucks sake. If I had one and a big ass tv like that I'm sure I would be playing instead watching that shit, the kid watched that shit for probably one hour before we turned the tv off to take it to the other apartment.
Duke Nukem 3D.
I did exactly the same thing when I was your age and I turned out fine. Literally only left the house for booze for like 2 years solid.
>entire family watching a lets play
that's beyond autistic
*Insert game name* on the Super Nintendo.
I just realised that most people are boring because they give up on their dreams and they don't want to talk about them. So they are not doing what they wanted to do and they don't talk about what they want to talk about. I think it's also why the Internet has turned into the asshole venting machine now that everyone is using it.
There is a reason you keep hearing the "follow your dreams" mantra.
My problem is that I'm 32 and I never found anything that I want to live for.
I know that feel. I just wanted to hunt monsters dammit - I don't want to be a fucking anime protagonist.
got you, pham
>tfw already 21
I swear sometimes I still think of myself as an 18yo fresh out of highschool until I snap back into reality. I messed up my 1st attempt at university, can't get a job because I'm too busy with family, and because my life's so boringly steady I barely meet new people, I still hang with the highschool buddies. How do I get a gf if I never meet potential gfs?!
>tfw found my passion when it was too late
I still hang out with my childhood friends, whats wrong with that
Oh, she'll die, don't worry.
if you read this I hope you have a good day today
Try playing Doom, Wolfenstein 3D or Fatal Fury games (except Special which is actually pretty good) on SNES nowadays
If I ever do find my passion I will just drop everything I'm doing and go for that.
Playing Furi and wishing there were checkpoints.
>Desperately waiting for the Fallout 4 Trailer
>It comes on
>>Stopped watching right there
>See 22 year old roommate later: "YO, THAT LOOKS SWEEEEET!"
Being 30 is hell.
Playing literally any big online mutliplayer game.
Overwatch, League, Dota2.
I'm constantly surrounded by people who are 14-15. I feel like a dad. Which sometimes is pretty nice because I get to take care of the young ones and protect them (support play), but overall, I'm just too god damn old for this shit.
I need a good retiring game that I can play until my lust of gaming disappears.
>tfw i'll be 21 in two months
i have no idea what i want to do, i'll probably fail uni, i'm bad with people, all friends are normies and i don't want to work for the rest of my life
life sucks
thanks for reading my blog
Fuck dude.
I already draw
Im sorta in the same boat. Fucked first university experince and now i hang out with ol' highschool buddies. Not to worried about a gf until i can land on my own two feet tho.
Its never too late
>it never ends
Its not that most people give up on their dreams, its just real life gets in the way of pursuing them.
By the time you have a mortgage, kids etc. people just keep with the status quo of a secure job.
"Follow your dreams" is blown out of all proportion in western society, because the dream is fucking absurd, this generation (you and me included) are basically facing the high probability that we wont even be able to afford a house in our lifetime.
Gothic never gets old
What I meant is I frequent ONLY them. Their group of friends expands through work and universities while mine if anything shrinks
Yeah, shit gets in the way and it sucks. They know that and they settled for being boring.
What is that one game you're going to remember when you're on your death bed, should you get the chance to reminisce?
dragon warrior monsters, zombies ate my neighbors
Hotline Miami came to mind
I packed boxes for 10 hours for a temp job and quit the next day. I would kill myself if thats the way i had to live. Its eaisier to just get a degree.
Im also dog shit at normies as well. But just have a favorite movie and shit and youll be ok
>not in school
>no job
Yeah good luck with that gf man
Just hope that when you're on your death bed that it doesn't remind you of loss.
Smw and sf2 vanilla
Throw in scIV for good measure
And cut the cord
Life was simply unfair.
probably mgs 1 or 3
Im 21 ended school at 16 and started college im close to graduate yet i feel like a school kid sometimes, it tends to happen user
I don't find loss edits funny in the slightest, but it it sprung to mind while I was on my death bed, I guarantee I'd crack a smile.
ayy my man
Fuck having kids. I'll check out early, who the fuck wants to be a old hag thats 90 years old?
>at friend's birthday party
>realise everyone I know is at least 4 years older than me
I don't know how this happened
thanks user
Fallout 4®
I will never forget any of the mario games, especially galaxy. MGS3 and halo 3 are also on my list. Shit, donkey kong country as well.
Any of the meat fighters
I want to see future technology, so I want to live as long as possible
I'm starting over this September with uni with a more future-securing course (studied philosophy before). And about the job, I don't know about America but it's not that odd to be young and jobless here in Italy, I wanted one to start building a bit of financial independence, not because of necessity
Cold Steel has been giving me the old man feels.
>turn on the 360 for old times sake
>expecting to see the lobby full of my friends or gamertags I know
>its empty
>remeber most of my friends sold thier consoles and dont game anymore
>play with strangers for about an hour, barely enjoying it
>getting nostalgic remembering old games and maps and matches id play with my friends just a few years ago
>bitterly turn off the 360, go on Sup Forums and day dream about better times and how it seemed to go so quickly yet still feel like just last week
The day I bought and played Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Changed my life forever.