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Holy shit, didn't even notice that
A Mario is a Mario, you can't say it's only half
dafuq am i looking at?
I don't get it?
can't be unseen
>Implying small Mario isn't half of regular Mario
>just figuring this out now
We used to have threads about this daily back in 2006, newfag. Why would you even out yourself like this?
what the fuck
i thought this was childrens game
also check out this
pretty confusing eh?
Holy shit this is crazy
Regular Mario is half Mario
.....really....makes you think...
Listen, TJ """Yoshi""" Henry...
What are we supposed to be seeing?
Holy shit the M on Mario's hat is actually a woman laying down with her legs spread open! Damn those perverted Japs.
This is what Sup Forums has become. Boring shitposting. Not regular shitposting. The boring kind where everyone pretends its fun because theyre bored
Holy shit, NONE of you fags realize that half of Mary-Oh's body looks like a PS2 controller!
The original design on the wiimote was originally half of the first 3d mario
Wait a minute.
Hang on a sec...
it looks like a geodude
Now wait just one minute.... What the..
holy shit... is that an upside-down N64 controller...?
autismo: the thread
did you ever notice what DK's head thing looked like.
Brain blast!
Mario deepest whore
>mushroom = penis = Mario
>peach = ass = Princess Peach
So Mario and Peach do anal? Whoa...
Ask me how I know you're a middleschool virgin ;)
pizza time
Seeing as nobody is going to explain, I'll assume this is like a fingerbox thread.
Could mario be a Pokemon?
Why does he only have one eye socket?
w-wait a second...what's..what's this..?
oh joy...another sm64 meme may be born...
Just kill me now
Reminder that Mario would fucking destroy Sonic in a fight, and fuck Death Battle for spreading the opposite, which is complete and total bullshit.
someone please explain this to me, i gather that it has something to do with that autism lord matpat?