Welp Bioware Social is about to get the plug pulled

Welp Bioware Social is about to get the plug pulled.


Will be see a influx of people here? Or shall they all flock to Reddit?

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who gives a shit?
developer forums have been useless for 10 years. The only forums I've ever been to that had actual discussion and weren't filled with dickriding was the Obsidian forums.

good riddance.

>The only forums I've ever been to that had actual discussion and weren't filled with dickriding was the Obsidian forums.

Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, Obsidiot.

really, faggot? obsidian forums are literally Sup Forums mixed with Sup Forums. they shit on sawyer and poe 24/7 and spend their days masturbating to brexit

They'll go to reddit probably. I think most BWS regulars will stay away from Sup Forums and /vg/. There was a fuckton of ass-kissing and tumblr-tier discussions there. Not exactly the typical stuff you see here.

BWS was a shithole anyway, the amount of snowflakes made in unbearable.

From what I recall after the ME3 shitstorm. It has been on a downward spiral since...Fucking threads about the chemical composition of Tali's sweat.

So Bioware is scheduled to join the pile of dead devs?

Nah, they still got ME:A on the pipeline. After that, will see. I just think they go fed up with all the bitching.

>closing their forums

Literally why? That's such a weird choice of actions for seemingly no reason. I used to go to the bioware forums when I was younger and it was shit though to be fair

Bioware has been dead since they started making console RPGs

>obsidiots are THIS delusional

That was actually one of the best threads they ever made. It was the sort of thing you would have seen here before this place got infested with post-ironic normalfags who all deserve to die.

Get your shit straight user, Bioware was dead after that faulty 5th CD of Baldur's Gate blunder.




Aren't those forums really active? Why would they shut them down?

Because it's the place where "muh shepard can't be dead" manchildren shitstorm came from

Isn't this like the third time they're shutting their down their forums?

Actually, its where the '3 colours of ending' came from. It's also why they caved and made a slightly less shitty, but basically the same ending afterwards

Shame. During the ME3 explosion I made an account there. The shitposting was glorious.

why do you hate obsidian so?

and they become increasingly efficient at it

Except this time it's actually staying down, previously they were just moving the forums. I can't help but wonder what sparked this shutdown.

They will get better feedback from reddit heavily moderated AMA than their own shitty forums full of spergs and landwhales.

dragon age was the last good game they made

Always considered them to be diet tumblr with their constant bitching about "Muh represensation!" and throwing a shit fit when use the male PC rather female for trailers.

Can handle people calling them out on being shit lately. So they just said "shut it all down!"

Layoffs and better control over the image of their games.

Be excrement to each otter.

god have mercy for rpg codex

the biggest loss for me by far is that the forums for legacy games is going away - ie NWN1/2, they are still quite active modding wise. Hope somebody archives all the shit.

they could use some new people to break up the circlejerks and trigger some of the autists in echo chambers there

Nexus mods probably.

Neverwinter Vault has all the mods being hosted at least.

fuck that

I hope they migrate to rpg codex.

Could be fun.

you mean the edgy jaded wanna be elitist? that lurker king cunt is really starting to get on my nerves with his pretencious bullshit in every fucking thread

I was thinking more about mod making discussion - scripting tips etc. than mods.
Sad thing is that all this crap already happened once when old Bioware forums got hacked. They were shut down and were supposed to be archived which never happened. Thus years of accumulated modding/game discussion disappeared just like that.

>god have mercy for rpg codex
rpg codex is hell itself

They will rip apart every little biodrone joining it

>being a bioware fan

fucking better not come here


the best part of rpgcodex is that one puerto rican weeaboo autist who spams his manifestos about "pure" RPGs and anti-japanese bias

>the best part of rpgcodex is that one puerto rican weeaboo



There'll be endless Sera threads and all Japanese game threads will all be about how problematic they are.

Every decision Bioware makes is pants on head retarded. I'm starting to think they're trying to piss people off at this point.

I dont think you really understand the audience in the rpg codex bioware forum.

EA aquired them. Bioware is long dead.

biodrones are allowed on codex and even have their own subforum
same goes for bethesda shitters

Good the Bioware social forums are full of Bioware fagboys and Autists. Only downside is that their fedora tipping autists will go to other communities. It's mainly going to be Reddit and Tumblr and some niggers on /vg/.

If they come here then we have a bunch of Bioware's useful idiots further diluting the board

Does this mean that Bioware itself will be dismantled if Mass Effect 4 doesn't beat Skyrim 2?

The pattern has repeated itself more times than you can fathom. Game companies rise, evolve, advance, and at the apex of their glory, they are extinguished. Bioware is not the first. By utilizing our funding, game companies develop along the paths we desire. They exist because we allow it, and they will end because we demand it.


Bioware getting dissolved is inevitable, regardless of how well its games sell. Such is the fate of all companies bought out by EA.

I remember that place, Tumblr before Tumblr was Tumblr. Though the shit storm after DA:2 and ME:3 were great.


>theres a chance skyrim remastered edition will outsell ass effect 4
please happen

So does this mean they're releasing new Mass Effect info soon and they're shutting down the forums so they don't have to hear people complain about it?

Their twitter or heavily moderated Reddit.

>Will be see a influx of people here? Or shall they all flock to Reddit?
Do you seriously believe that people only browse one website ever? If the place gets shut down, no one new will come to Sup Forums or go to Reddit or Tumblr, they're already on their sites and will just browse them more as they have one less forum to check per day.

>that part about half-RPGs
holy fucking shit, he's still cute tho
I take his autistic blog posts over the cringeworthy edgefest by newfags anytime

I can't believe those guys are for real



Great, as if this shitty board didn't already have enough mongoloids spouting the "BG2 IS GOOD LMAO" meme. Give it a couple of months and you dumb fucks are going to spout the same about ME3 and DA:I too.

Will the mod section still be up? There's tons of shit you won't find on nexus.

I despise what BiowarEA has become.

Are seriously saying the waifu threads on Sup Forums and /vg/ are better? If anything they're even more deranged.

Post says no, it'll be gone before the year is out.

>Are seriously saying the waifu threads on Sup Forums and /vg/ are better?
no i'm not but this is Sup Forums

both are cancer that needs to be purged

Press F to pay respects

/vg/ is honestly just reddit/tumblr with Sup Forums maymays. They dicksuck the companies so hard, whine about waifus, and generally just act like total fags.

Those forums are hell on Earth. The mods are never there and there are countless threads about the same topic all the time, half-assed theories, and out of topic conversations/roleplay games between the users. Also it's the first place where people started offending Gaider, who then went to Tumblr... where he was punctually harassed a second time.

The forums are basically useless now. The majority of the fans is all on Tumblr and Twitter (where the devs directly communicate with them and even show teasers, like that DA dev who showed a teaser book of DA4).

There is even a die-hard fan of Bioware who got to work for them and updates daily a website and her tumblr with news about ME and DA, even before the devs do it on the forums. It's obvious there are better ways now to talk with the fans and let them produce stuff for the series.

It's not a bad sign, it means they are finally trying to get rid of a cancerous place where only "UGH so much whitewash" and "everyone is anti-queer" threads proliferated.

>Anders made my husband gay
What did she mean by this?

It got that way because they are lazy fucks who couldn't bother moderating their own forums. It is not a good thing, it's a bad thing that's become necessary because, yet again, Bioware no longer give a shit.

what the hell is this

It's the Bioware forums

Agreed. If EA hadn't bought them we could have seen a proper DA2 and DA3.

Bioware's new "fan base"

And how would you moderate something like that? It was the fans who started to use that place to shitpost once they realized they could finally go to other platforms to share meaningful or decent posts and theories.

For every thread about "Fenris' tattoos" or "How long is Garrus' dick" closed, three more would get started five minutes later. Also, since the fans get rabid about everything, no devs is safe there and Twitter at least offers the chance to see less direct "attacks" and complaints.


This. Once they started pandering to waifufags that place was fucked.

>Shiala for romance
Hell yes
The only sane choice for LI in the series

I recall in ME2 after helping her, she seemed pretty thirsty for Shep.

end of rine ;_;7

blobsidian fag detected

wow! sounds like a great place filled with interesting conversations!

>"BG2 IS GOOD LMAO" meme
assblasted PoE fanboy detected

considering it has moderation and usernames, it kinda is, because people don't go around shitposting and making >implications

usernames automatically makes it shit and full of attention whores and circlejerking. there's no such thing as a good public internet forum.

so does having the ability to post images and having trips, since you get tripfags and avatarfags shitting up threads with anime shit.
>complaining about circlejerking
do you even realize where you are? Sup Forums is the biggest circlejerk on the internet.

Mass Effect 1 is the best in the series, objective truth.

Ding Dong bannu

Sup Forums does nothing but circlejerk. Anyone going against the hive mind just gets labeled a shill instead of a troll.

jesus christ

anyone have the screencap of that really in depth discussion of tali's sweat? or something like that.


Read the thread you fucking nigger

They'll go to Reddit, Tumblr and GameFAQs. Precious few will filter into here and they'll only do it around E3 or the release date of ME4.

This thread should be archived for the later generations.

bioware only gay users' forum incoming

>that Priestly post

cancer never changes