Game type: FFA
Tourney ID: 2268-6069-7830-32
Password: rage
Time to fite Sup Forums
Smash Sup Forumseekend
Other urls found in this thread:
It's time
Joining in a hour
Hopefully things will be lively by then
Fuck it I'll join now
Aww yeah
Also shoutouts to VenomRoy for drawing Lucina for me.
wrong one
Who has 3rd world internet
>That lag
I was playing FG this morning without a hitch so I'd like to think it's not me
>Oh good! user you're here!
*Runs to you*
>A-user, its terrible!
>Ganon has taken over Hyrule and Link isn't strong enough to stop him.
>If you don't turn customs on for the next FFA tourney, then the whole WORLD will be in grave danger!
>Please user, you're our only hope!
*Kisses you on the cheek*
Why are we so ded
I haven't been to these in a while. How many people are in?
will join up in a few hours
Only a few atm, things are off to a slow start today for some reason
>For some reason
This shit is dead at all times don't kid yourself. The attention whores and their fans left which took alot of people and posting with them
No really, after an hour we usually have more players
Guess I started it too early
I love you BoneyT
>that jaw and chin
>This LAG
I love you too user
Gotta go now guys
One of you will have to make the next tournament
What if I don't want to?
Noice find
Reminder that Smash is not a serious fighting game so play casual and have fun
Duderock or Aaron, FIX YOUR INTERNET......
It can be a serious fighting game like any other fighting game
Problaby aaron
mice try rock dude. But my only 2 matches I've ever played with yu were stuttery as fuck and the ones without you are jsut fine.
Yeah Aaron is a vet here and he has soild net it's not him
Reminds me of this, just that it's not even a pivot grab
Then Sup Forumseekend is kill
>Mario and greninja teaming up on me
I'll make the next tournament then
Do you guys want teams or another FFA till we get more people?
Customs would be cool or custom teams
I'd say a 1 hour FFA.
>same chracter and stage every game
>it's not even a fun stage
suffering. If you're going to be a tourney fag about stages in ffa than just pick battlefield.
Do not listen to the Customs guy, you're most likely to encounter Ganondorfs and Jigglypuffs with OP equipment (Not special moves, equipment)
That said FFA if player count is 16
If we're gonna do customs, don't do teams.
I actually like customs it's just silly fun but the majority has to agree
This will probably be it
16 is a bit much it takes till like 9 eastern to get that high on Fridays and if we can get atleast 12 I think Teams is fine
Another question since the FFA is just a hour to get more people in so we can go back to the rotation as normal Smash balls on?
Smash balls on low
I haven't played since the beginning of May.
Any updates come out? Did they add tourney teams yet?
lol, you know they didn't do a thing.
Good thing yoky and I didn't fight on the stage tht I picked, now I can talk about how stupid halberd is instead of temple.
Since May Bayonetta was "nerfed" and that's all
Si I was thinking, why don't we all join one of those regular tourneys while having a Sup Forums tourney up? If we lose in the regular tourney we would just go to the current Sup Forums tourney
Drew Maya as well.
Trying to learn how to draw faces a little bit better.
I do like how i did the colors for Lucina, tho.
The nerf was pretty big user, why did you have to put "" around the word nerfed?
Just do normal FFA with bumpers on high
Next tourney better be CUSTOMS!!!!!!
No items pls
Here is a Shadaloo Doll Athena Asamiya.
I think i messed up some aspects of the body and the color, but some of the Vydia drawthread liked it and requested girls being mind controlled and stuff.
Fuck you tony
you need to brush up on your face shape (female)
Wow pick the largest stage in the game and proceed to not play no one has ever done that one before!
Because she simply takes effort now and isn't brains dead you retarded tripfag
I know.
At least the Maya one looks decent enough.
But i will work on it.
>Little mac
Yeah ok, I'll just let myself be free..
Was it Tony with Jigglypuff? It's pretty common on him.
ID: 1526-4366-3031-56
Password: rage
Format: FFA (Smash Balls Low)
Let's go lads
Plus no one was after me anyways so its cool.
>Sup Forumseekend lag right off the bat
What a way to start.
ID: 3623-2396-6423-11
PW: rage
>Not even customs
Um, Nigga, we have enough people for teams.
I deleted mine join this one
>Complains about tourney fuck ups
>Believea Customs -> Customs is a viable rotation
You are bold
Who else, I swear he's 12.
No one was after me until the end anyways so chill out..
Where's your trip?
No one went after you because they don't want to chase down someone who's clearly not playing and using Jigglypuff on the largest stage in the game that's retarded
Where's my customs?
The same place where are your balls to fight.
>Implying I don't fight at all.
I forgot what Clouds Final Smash was lmao
Chaos with the summons
I'm sorry for your SD lol
>Personal requests on Sup Forums
You should go back to /r/Smashbros
Well, at least this Phoenix Wright is pretty decent.
It's not a really original pose, but the jaw's manly.
>Yoky keeps aiming just for me
>people wonder why I pick big stages.
Where is your handler?
>sandwiched between two Ryus and taking a zillion damage
GG tho
Jesus Christ that's amazing
How'd you get a known camper to go for you lmao
then stop playing such a faggy character.
>Act like a faggot in the thread and in game
>Suprised when you get targeted
The person in charge of keeping your autism in check
I can't even SD with Pivi's lag
>Jiggs is a faggy character
Delete this right now!
It's not me!
Floating around avoiding combat and picking large stages so you can do it even easier is yes
Boney I understand your autism needs big stages but Palutena's Temple is exaggeration
>"it ain't me starts playing"
>Palutenas Temple
>2 people don't kill themselves
Shoulda idled out
FATS, we should've idled out