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With a gimp and smiling.
Meme game
MGSV is literally the most disappointed I have ever felt in my entire life.
Fuck you kojima
Fuck you hideo
Shit would've been so cash if they let that mask be an equippable item. Might not serve any purpose, but it still looks cool
Fuck you Konami
>tfw watching the trailers and thinking about what I imagined it would be like
Sometimes I go back and still get the chills, at least from the Elegia trailer.
What are some games where the player can watch their character descend into villainy and/or insanity, like what people thought TPP was going to be?
MGSV is the perfect way to enlightenment. All those trailers painted something so much deeper. And then it gets here, and TPP is "nope, just a video game bro, not what you were looking for". In a moment it forces you to let go of everything you built up in expectation during the 2 1/2 years before it released in hype, because there's no way to hold onto it. 9 times out of 10, nothing happens when you're forced to let go of everything. Nothing. But that 10th person, some times something extreme happens to them. And then they have a big laugh when they see the big secret.
why are we still here
>no mask item to keep you from choking on your own smoke grenades
Fuck fuck fuck upgrading and unlocking items had ONE purpose
Yeah, that would've been neat.
This, it's amazing really. I waited for the game to begin the whole game
Google 'Infinite Heaven'
For the idiot in the last thread
>MGS1 characters don't know the difference between Venom and Jack
NO FUCKING WAY, it's not like it was BIG BOSSES BIGGEST SECRET OR ANYTHING, it's so weird that he wouldn't have told sniper wolf about it, right?
Yeah, you really aren't using your brain. Jack even changes his fucking face until God knows when and you'd still rather believe that his body double built for the express purpose of carrying out his field missions for him wasn't the one carrying out field missions for him
>Boot up game for first time on launch day
>Hospital opening
>Chapter 1
>Chapter 2
>Truth: The Man Who Sold The World
>Wait what the fuck, that fan theory was real?!
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
The chapter I've lost, the missions I've lost, won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there.
You feel it too, don't you?
>fan theory
>not an obvious leak
Game spoilers get leaked around here pre-release all the fucking time, you mong.
I get angry when i think about how much fun the first 4 hours where, before i realized that the whole game is a copy paste job and that literally nothing happens
It was a theory since the first trailer.
The only meaningful content removed from TPP WAS GZ.
Would have been much more impactful if it had happened when it was meant to, after you rescue miller
>tfw you will never play MGSV as it was meant to have been
Male to female
>The only meaningful content removed from TPP WAS GZ.
And it's ending.
To spread the truth good sir!
Venom hated Quiet and rejected her love, she died alone and heart broken after he abandoned her.
i'm so sorry user
Kinami will heal the pain with joy
I'm actually impressed I was able to be that affected by a game, even if it was negatively. I took it for what it was, the game is still really great, and it does tell an interesting story, maybe not an interesting metal gear story, but it's a nice little footnote to big bosses history.
Everyone sperging about about MUH NARRATIVe doesn't even know if this is the final game, maybe it was just kojimas final game and he knew it, so he just did what he wanted and detached himself from the narrative as much as he possibly could.
delete this
>Burning with revenge
>Volgin is on fire and out for revenge
>Men become demons
>Venom has a horn coming out of his head
You mean a prediction.
Best song in the game.
if only this were true
>tfw the trailers were better than the game itself
The horn was kinda cool but annoying. I was really conflicted about it. Just like the quality of the game.
I think the biggest give away for the ending was those fake TED talks that were given by the guy who looks like the doctor in the beginning. Once I started the game and saw his mannerisms in-game matched the TED talk actor I knew immediately where the game was heading. Kojima should've tried to orchestrate that later than he did.
Imagine if Phantom pain released and you only played as snake for a shortwhile (like the tanker) and the rest you played as volgin seeking revenge and taking down Diamond Dogs. (He would not be a fire zombie obviously) Only to realise that this isn't the real big boss when he kills venom
V = Volgin
Volgin has come too
The best thing about phantom pain was the character designs, Venom Snek is probably my favourite character design of all time. He's just so fucking cool
this is the type of person kojima made mgs4 for.
I played the game for a little bit yesterday. I almost have enough mother base fun bucks to buy a 5th FOB and it will still not mean a thing because the requirements to develop high-grade equipment is insane. And you can forget about using it. I tried a side mission and had fun on my horse for 10 seconds until I got to the location and remembered the gameplay is ASS. Why is everything broken up into 5 minute segments? It plays a hundred times worse than Peace Walker.
Am I the only one who constantly thinks of "it has to be this way"?
baga... :o
Those were real ted talks and that guy is really going through with the procedure. He already successfully did the operation on a monkey.
This was my favourite part of the game.
Poor monkey
Kingdom of the flies was not an ending, all it does is postpone liquid and mantis fucking off to do God knows what
Yeah but then he published a paper using strange acronyms like HEAVEN that seemed to be pretty obvious MGS references. I'm still not sure how to feel about that, because there's not a lot of documentation on the guy outside of this procedure.
It was literally a crazy coincidence. He lawyered up and got his konami hush money already.
Of course it's an ending. We played the same game didn't we?
If you take TPP out of the Metal Gear universe and look at the arcs individually we're left with so many things left unaccounted for and unresolved. The vocal-chord parasite strain, able to wipe out an entire language from the face of the Earth, as well as the majority of its population, is currently being held by the AWOL child soldiers who are on the run. The bi-pedal tank created by Dr. Emmerich, capable of launching large-scale assaults using missiles, machine gun fire, it's sword and it's rail-gun is also missing and in the hands of our would be antagonist nursery. Two immensely powerful tools still in the hands of the bad guys.
And if you put these arcs back into the larger scope of the franchise, it's even worse. ST-84 is literally never mentioned again, the parasites are never mentioned again.
The game does not have an ending, it merely has a clarification about a future plot inconsistency.