My quick impressions

My quick impressions

1. Don't expect mind-blowing graphics out the box

2. Don't expect to take off flying when the game starts. Must put in work

3. Game was extremely smooth. No frame rate issues at all

4. Expect to possibly not fire up another game for a while. I could tell in my short time that this game is gonna destroy some relationships and happy homes.

Again I apologize for bringing the hype this evening. I should of just kept it to myself but no way in hell did I expect this kind of offer.

I will leave you all with this picture. Be strong fellas it's just 10 more days

Other urls found in this thread:

Any memes in the game?

The game is a meme

Very nice shill post. Would work better on Facebook or reddit.


Rolling for ninja

this seems genuine and definitely not a shill in the slightest

Lets goooooooo

damn, xbots are already starting to get salty over this game and it aint even out yet.

I'm not a shill

>this game will destroy le friendships xdDDd


Onion knight get

You told me things II could see from the trailer. Bravo

ya yeet

OP got his "impressions" from Reddit

Calculater or onion plsz


record some footage then faggot

Dank Knight, best knight

sounds like shit

Hello fellow r/nomansskythegame subscriber :)


>don't expect mind-blowing graphics out of the box

what did he mean by this?


rollin str8

Trying again damn it

rolling for chemist

>don't expect mind-blowing graphics out of the box

what did he mean by this?

sure I'll look up some porn of what I get

Gotta roll


>don't expect mind-blowing graphics out of the box

>talking during the intro


I don't like the cover art so I don't care about the game.


That makes sense.

rollin and poopin

I don't understand how this game could have any longevity. The goal of 'reach the center' is not good for extended play or exploration. In fact it encourages you to land on a planet and leave as soon as you mine enough resources to upgrade your ship.

Derek Smart

F off my smug folder is 10x bigger than yours.
Go shill no man's sky somewhere else reddit.

rolling for dubs

is this from a gaem ?

Reported for bacterial marketing

Chem get

Thanks user

it does make sense.

Is this coming to PC as well?



Yeah it is

ps4 only fuckman

>le destroid fransheepz
Too obvious, make a new thread and try again.

Rolling for cute

I'm here to talk about a video game.

gibe monk


>Daily reminder this guy paid $1250 to get the game early

I'm not joking either.

Go go Dancer!

>>My quick impressions
>no actual impressions stated
>>sorry for bringing the hype
>no hype was brought

I'll never understand the rabid obsession people have with No Man's Sky, but no one can ever provide actual compelling reasons as to why. OP being a perfect example.

"Bringing the hype".
You said nothing about the actual game.


rollaaaaa 2

Whatever I roll I'll play on my next campaign.

Roll me


please big titties



Here's what everyone keeps saying

>what do you even do?
>looks boring as shit
>where's the incentive to keep playing?
>what's the point?

How about what's the fucking point of Minecraft? It doesn't give you any objectives, nor does it hold your hand on the PC version, yet it's stolen peoples lives for months. Ask yourselves what's the point of building a house in that world? Why make anything more than a mudhut if it does the same thing as an elaborate mansion? It's called the imagination you fuckwits.


It's on Steam and GOG

To be fair, minecraft really facilitates using your imagination to build whatever the fuck you want.

what's there to use your imagination on with NMS? Harvesting so you can upgrade your suit? Harvesting so you can upgrade your ship? Harvesting so you can upgrade your weapon?

There's no outlet to use your creativity. It's literally just grinding mats.


Minecraft has organized and understood ways that players can interact with each other, this game has none of that.



Nothing better than that slow burning hype you feel when you know GotY is just a few days away.

Going for wizard



>cookies not spread apart far enough
>all those cookings merging
>guaranteed to be mushy right in the middle
>cooked straight onto the pan and no sheet
>guaranteed dishes later

I would not eat cookies with this fag.


roleando otra vez

got em

the dev has never been specific about features and has been sugar coating the expansive world for months. also not everyone likes minecraft.


Lancer is mai waifu

time to roll

I hope this game has a lore telling about how and why the big bang occurred... what if the BIG BANG was really just a massive war explosion that wiped out entire universes, and the current universal expansion is still the foregoing rapid fragmented momentum of energy? What if our lives is the result of some super galactic war that wages between universes?

whm PLS

>2 off

rollin rawhide

Go roll


roll bb

come on priest

That waifu pic was the only thing worthwhile in the thread.
T h e y d o i t f o r f r e e

can i play it on my



Kill yourself