Can we all agree good players are just a fucking cancer of this game?

Can we all agree good players are just a fucking cancer of this game?

>literal kids mad that veterans have developed near-professional skill in FPSs in the 15-20 years they've played since the early versions of 1.5 and q3arena

just kys imo

Maybe you should learn to ignore said "good players" because the more you argue with them the less yoy play.

Don't blame the players for the cancer, blame the game because it created the cancer

Sorry, I'll stop being good so you can have a fun time :^)
I won't. git gud.

You don't have to worry about getting matched with good players OP, it uses a MMR system.

It's all the players, they are almost all cancer.

>Playing Quick Play with a friend, We're Hanamura on Offense
>Guy on team picks Bastion, keeps running into enemy territory and immediatly dying
>"Hey Bastion can you switch to someone else you're not helping us with a defense hero"
>He replies "It's for fun though. If you want to win go play competitive stop ruining my fun"
>We lose and he writes to the other team "Nice defense guys, good job!"
>They only one because our team was stuck with a tard that kept feeding the other team
>Called him out for feeding and get told "I don't know what that is stop ruining OW"
>Stopped playing after that. The community is literally cancerous.

I'm an hero tonight
this game pushed me over the edge
>start at rank 46
>drop to 41
>pure luck winning streak up to 54
>haven't won a game since, it's been 3 fucking days
Made me realize I'll never be good at anything ever simple games and I've no hope for any success in the future.
I work full time for fuck all, have never been on a date, never had any friends or anyone who would even listen too me. I won't be missed and I will be forgotten.

So thanks Sup Forums
You were the nicest anyone has ever been to me


>Being good is considered cancerous
You what?

good, if you cant even consistently stay above rank 50 you dont deserve to live

I played Bastion on Hanamura Offense the other day and came out with a win and 4 golds. It's bretty fun.

nope you're the cancer. some guy just wants to have fun and all you do is bitch the entire game because you care so much for a meaningless game

>getting mad at quick play
No user, you are the cancer.

Mad because bad

>good players

It's not the players. It's the game itself.

This Tbh

this, with all games like this
if im playing dark souls 3 and some guy is playing overly defensive since rolling is broken compared to the other games then kills me by hitting where i was 10 seconds ago
i blame the game

nigger face

fuck off MOBA cancer

Kill yourself sub 30 shitter

Oh fucking please. I'd rather deal with phantom reach then the broken hit boxes in DS2.

>play Ana as a full healer


>play Ana as a combat heavy nuisance


She is the best.

Overwatch comp
>do poorly
>feel like trash
>do "well"
>feel alright

TF2 comp
>do poorly
>feel like trash
>do well
>feel fucking incredible as I rocket jump around like a mad man and push scunts' and demos' collective shit in

Why is this?

You're playing the wrong hero in Overwatch.

What Overwatch hero lets me go fast? Lucio I guess but he's not offensive enough.

Tracer you little nig

>We have to weed out the cancer!
No user, you are the cancer
>And then user was deranked

You're cherry-picking

But her move speed is only very slightly above the speed of everyone else in the game, and she can only go faster by teleporting which isn't a very challenging mechanic and doesn't offer vertical movement.

Tracer's only speed is 2fast

76 can sprint without end

Take your pick

You don't understand, faggot. If both team are shitters, you will play pretty equally and game doesn't end with steamrolling. However, If there is a good player, he will literally btfo other team, constantly spamming ultas and shit, killing fucking everything.

>turn off voice/text chat completely
>game is enjoyable again

is a reply to oops


I am somewhat but TF2's movement just feels a lot nicer, and you can't help but feel like the lack of any really interesting movement mechanics aside from Lucio's is a product of wanting to appeal to the MOBA audience which is used to just using abilities with cool downs to get around.

Why? That's the whole point, you get better you win more, what's wrong with that?

>you will never get roofied by ana

I love how there are threads every day from ultra shitters that literally think there are hackers in every match because they never played an fps before.
This game is such casual bait it's unholy.

he gets them free ultis like that though

>some guy just wants to have fun
You can have all the fun you want, play a fucking SP game with your thumb up your ass idk, but if you playing with 11 other people you better get your shit together Tyrone.

>Comp is literal idiocy for ultra shitters,
>Quick Play apparently is for ultra shitters to totally sperg out.

I guess there is nothing for sane people in this game

He can play vs ai

>Tfw constantly winning solo qp and solo cm

You are talking to whole generations that were never picked in gym class, that never played a basketball pickup game. They are fat aspie social anxiety shitters that have no idea what personal responsibility even means. They are the sjw's in denial that create their safespace in their mom's basements.

Don't worry you are just lucky in dice-rolls and get carried. Hell most of the rank 60-70's are complete shitters.

>online pvp game
If you're looking for happiness go somewhere else

Not anymore. The moment Comp showed up, everyone started shouting LOL ITS QP SO MAD. Before comp, those same people are likely the ones who sperged the hardest at team composition and the like.

You can't win.

>Become the healslut
>Get off on abuse, respond only with apologies
>Thank and compliment your team for carrying you

You have now won Overwatch

Go Genji then. He can double jump and run up walls, and use his forward slash to reach places

At least it feels good to prove them wrong though:
>playing Tracer on Defense, King's Row
>some fucker keeps talking about how we need defensive heroes.
>everyone ignores him
>keeps doing it, starts singing about it
>we win anyways with 25% of path still left to go
feels good

no one with a rank above 40-ish plays solo que.

I'm rank 67 and I only solo queue

>be current Zen
>heals and kills all day
>team compliments you
>alpha as fuck

Dumps need not apply.

I think me and my depraved sexual psyche still have the real victory here

Nope, i get put on excellent teams not out of luck but because im actually good,and I'm always fighting with competent opposing teams, if we lose its because their team is better than us not because our team has a few bad apples, we both bust our asses to win
I rarely encounter shitters, while in a group or solo.

>buys $40+ game
>enjoys it for hours
>quits playing game forever due to the 1 bad match he experienced
Gotta love idiots who judge the majority through the actions of a small minority.

prove it

>Nope, i get put on excellent teams

? So you're just lucky or what? Are you bending the truth here a little? What are you saying even?

>I rarely encounter shitters, while in a group or solo.
>while in a group

ok so basically you get carried.

What a nice and positive attitude.
Too bad that you are just a fucking shitter at video-games.

Do you have the slightest idea how this whole match-making/ranking system works?
Because if you did you would know that ranks mean absolute nothing, at least so far. But I highly doubt they get that sorted out ever.

Prove that I solo queue or my rank? I just dropped to 66 from the last match but here's my profile. Idk how you want me to prove I solo, I have no friends that play ranked lol

>Prove that I solo queue or my rank?

Both. But yeah I realized blizzard has it out so you can't actually prove this. Not even by using a site like overbuff. That seems a little convenient.

The only way I've ever thought of proving a screencap was someone's profile was to ask them to go to a specific page, like "Competitive Season One; Weapon Accuracy" and screenshot that.

It's beyond me how to prove I solo queue though. I can't see why it is that unbelievable. It's not like 67 is even high, I run into shitters, trolls, and bad genji mains literally every other match.

What is there to prove? Shitters get carried as much as shitters get deranked. And some ultra shitter even reach the 80's like that Torb onoly faggot, have you seen the failfag play? He's fucking horrible, and he's 80. 80
I pity everyone that takes ranks seriously.

You should have gone dva/rein/zarya/ana. Any of those characters can prevent him from popping instantly and blocked for him so he could murder the enemy team. Bastion on offense is silly but you can build a team around it.

I find it hard to believe someone can climb with torb he seems garbage after a certain point.

>"It's beyond me how to prove I solo queue though. I can't see why it is that unbelievable."

It's because I watch people on stream drop from 70 to like low 60s solo queing and it makes me wonder if the rank was even accurate or if they were even good in the first place.

This game needs a solo que function.

That's a fallacy in on itself. As much as calling the mode "competitive" is.
It's a 1v1 ELO system put in a heavily team-based FPS with completely non-skill based random fucking match-making whose algorithm only looks at wins/losses and streaks thereof.
Can no one do simple math anymore?

Bastion work really well on Hanamura offense when you're playing with randoms, especially the last point. If the damage dealing players on defense don't immediately notice and target a Bastion on the last point, he can wipe the defenders out in seconds since point B has little actual cover and multiple entrances.

>Shit averages
>10 E 8 D doubtful any solos

I still don't think people really know how the MM system works and it's no real use going by blizzards explanation as they're a company who needs to cover their own ass and lie. Also "you think you wan't this but you don't"

Is there any sfm yet?

>he just wants to have fun
Then why did he bitch at his team saying "good defense guis :)"

You only need to play to know how it works.
The system is tailored to net everyone the least possible waiting time, that's point A.
Point B is the lowest possible ping, and point C somewhat in the same level range.
Then they lied about D that it's looking for individual skill, that's a downright lie.
And it's not hard to spot either.

>stop being better than me
What exactly is wrong with being skilled


>win two first rounds of Koth as a fucking steamroll
>team decides to go full retard
>"can someone please pick Lucio so I can go damage"
>can't fucking pick lucio because he's got Lucio selected
>pick Lucio
>he goes Junkrat
>get steamrolled the next 3 rounds