Do you still have your very first video game Sup Forums?

Do you still have your very first video game Sup Forums?

>Everyone's first vidya now-a-days is from the N64/PS1 era
>My first game was SMB3./Duck Hunt for the NES

>Everyone grew up with videogames at age 1


Mine was Star Fox and Super Mario World.

Still have the games and my SNES stashed away in a container.

I'm conflicted right now.

>First game is pokemon red
>look on ebay
>Because of the pokemon go craze, people are selling RBYGSC carts for 40-70 each.
>I could sell the whole set and get a PS4
>But nostalgia

Red is my first game man. I'd feel wrong just selling it, even If I never touch it and its save has long since been deleted.

Super Mario World, which I got for Christmas 1992.

It was weird because the game was brand new in its box, yet when I started the game, it had a save file already on it, and the first level I played was one in the Forest of Illusion.

Mario duck hunt nes bundle. Still have it all. 1990 was neat.

>Stashed in a container
>No proudly out where you can enjoy them

With this whole retro craze, now is literally the best excuse to have that stuff out and active. I hated keeping my SNEs locked away in the closet top shelf.

I can't remember which was my first, but it was one of these on the NES:
>Super Mario Bros 2

I've never sold any of my games, so I still have them all in working condition. Hell, I even discovered that I had a mint-condition Gimmick, which is worth a few euros these days.

>lost all the consoles from my youth from Genesis to PS2/Gamecube
>still have my NES and all its games

first I played was probably SMW, first I owned was pokemon blue. still have the blue. I'll probably sell it, because I no longer have a gameboy of any kind.

>tfw first videogame console/handheld was GBPocket

Pretty much every plug in my apartment is taken up by something, the cords are all tangled up too.

I don't have any space for my retro consoles right now. I just keep them in dust free containers. I do take them out when my friends come over though. We all get hammered a play retro games drunk.

Pokemon blue is currently worth $40-$50 thanks to the pokemon Go craze, if you're going to sell it, nows the time.

I still have the box.
Not counting freeware shit like Frogger and Tempest.

>What is a powerbar

But yeah I hear ya.

Your first game was an M rated shooter? Did your parents just not care or are you a wizard?

Fuck no nigga

You show me a pc with a 4 inch floppy drive an ill show you somthing that isnt gonna get halfway through booting before I throw it out the window from lost patients

But seriously Crystal Caverns was the shit

My brother is 3 years older than me and liked cheesy gore.
So by the time I was 6 I had watched Child's Play, Jaws, and Arachnophobia. And my dad was a PC guy who was into 3d modeling, so I assume he'd just freeware stuff and let us play it.
I remember playing Doom but only one level, my brother and I played Shadow Warrior and Duke Nukem nonstop.

And I somehow got Grim Fandango when I was 7.

My family was poor when I was growing up so all my games and systems would get pawned constantly, until they finally just sold them off.

Surprised I still actually know where it is. First game I remember playing was Tetris for the Game Boy and it was just sitting on my dresser and hasn't gotten lost through two or more moves to different houses and around 20 years.

Battery's probably dead but it's not like you need to save in Tetris besides if you care about the high scores.


probably for the best.

Duckhunt, and no

Have it on floppy somewhere in my house.

No, we gave it to our bowab's kids.

i was like 2 years old but im glad Radical Rex was my virginity and not Sonic.

My brother had a SNES, but I didn't have anything of my own until I got Mario Party and an N64.

Still have the 64, but I haven't been able to find the game.

A link to the past for the Nintendo gba

I fucking wish user. There isn't even a decent picture of the first game's box on GIS.

I still have my copy of Mario 64, which was the first game I owned.
The first game I PLAYED though was either Sonic 2 or Super Mario World, both of which I own digitally now.

First game I personally own? Half-life collection for PC. Think I have it in a box somewhere at my parents house.

First game I ever played? Nope, Sonic 1 cartridge lost.


God no. That was almost 30 years ago. First I owned was Mixed Up Mother Goose followed shortly by SMB. I wouldn't want them even if I did have them. What good would floppies and a cartridge do meon systems that can't run them?

My memories are in playing, not possession.

What counts as "my" first video game?
Because my mom was a gamer before I was even born.

Just buy it on 3DS.


Yeah. It's sitting in the Master System, which is sitting in the closet.

Kirby 64, no
>Younger sister fucked up our n64 by painting it with our moms fucking nail polish
>dad threw away the game because "We're not buying you another 64, so might as well throw these away"