ITT: your dad's favourite vidya
he's addicted to this shit
ITT: your dad's favourite vidya
he's addicted to this shit
My dad likes fighting games but he's shit at them. The more like a 70's kung fu movie they are the more he likes them.
I love chess but hate the stupid fake rules people have made like king and rook switching.
gran turismo
the joke is I don't know :'(
My dad isn't much of a gamer, I know he has the Wii fit stuff, but I have never seen him use it.
Last time I saw him was last Thanksgiving.
My dad also loves fighting games.
Soulcalibur and DoA in particular, always picks busty characters.
List of games my dad spent a lot of time playing:
>Chessmaster 2000
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>Tekken 2
>Tekken Tag Tournament
>Soul Calibur 2, 3, 4, and 5
>Timesplitters 3
>Metroid Prime 1, 2, and 3
>Wind Waker
>Croc 2
>Bugs Life
>Toy Story 2
>Robot Arena
>Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
>Starcraft 1 and 2
>Warcraft 3
My dad has literally never played a single computer game in his life, not even the amazing pinball game that came with XP, not even minesweeper or solitaire. He's a fucking beast at counting cards and has gotten kicked out from a few casinos in his life though.
My dad plays a surprising amount of world of tanks
you should be playing chess with your dad
it's a good game to know well
>always picks busty characters
Your dad sounds like a fun guy
This game and Tetris are like the only two games my dad enjoys.
This one
This was his favourite, at least when I was a small fry.
He has like 40k games in this, tried to make him play something more elaborate but he says he plays it just to clear his mind and because he can play it while talking on the phone
My dad liked the leisure suit Larry games.
My dad loves Civ.
My dad plays dark souls and monster hunter.
mfw he plays more hardcore games than me
My dad plays a lot of online black jack and mahjong solitaire.
My dad likes tekken and mortal kombat but he's so godawful at it. Actually funny story he bought me mortal kombat deadly alliance when I was like 10 or something. My mom flipped a shit.
fucking my mother
Peggle or Dungeon Keeper
My dad fucking loved Nigel Mansell's F1 game on SNES
Anytime he sees an ad for the latest F1 game, he'll always ask if I'm going to get it and if it's any good
He just loves F1 basically, I've never seen him touch any game outside of that Nigel Mansell game
My dad is shit at everything.
My Dad plays a lot of Doom and Tomb Raider more than anything.
He's a fan of Uncharted, but doesn't own a PS3/PS4.
>people on Sup Forums are so young now their fathers play/played games
Deleting his save file was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
>not having parents who played games in the 70s-80s
i bet you didn't even call controllers "paddles"
He's got around 2200 hours played on steam
why did you delete it?
My Dads in his 50s and still plays some new games.
Space Invaders. I've seen him play, he's a mad bitch with the joystics
This, Aces Over Europe, and Descent II are the only vidya outside of Rollercoaster Tycoon I've ever seen him play.
He fucking loved playing Day of the Tentacle with us though, still makes jokes about the game years later every now and then
My dad won't play anything even if I ask him. When he has a day off he just gets drunk and watches ID murder investigation shows
He used to play this every night and then Red Alert 1 mildly. Always GDI. He must have finished the game at least 40 times. He was in the military so he had all kind of military strategies that were amazing to watch. My German Sheppard always slept inside the desk's leg room while my dad was playing.
He also played Wolfenstein and Catacombs, in our older PC, but once we got the IBM Aptiva C&C was the only thing he played
Now he only does shit with his smartphone, not even games. Also now he's bitter, paranoid and I think he watches a lot of porn.
Fuck, forgot the image.
my dad plays exactly 3 games, Titan Quest, Pharoah and Skyrim
I needed to make practice files for a speedrun
My dad is alive anyway the joke is if he found out he would be mad
He used to be big into FPSes, but mostly plays mobile shit now.
TellTale's Walking dead, any golf game, and most car games.
Pac-Man, since he has fond memories of playing it when it was new. That's it.
Sega Saturn was our shit back in the day. He also used to play a lot of that F1 racing game we had on the N64.
Patrician as fuck.
you mean castling? that's not a fake rule. it's been around for fucking ever.
not believing in castling is like not believing pawns can move 2 spaces on their first term. it's literally 2nd level game rules
en passant is legit to
Castle Wolfenstein
My dad was never big into video games, but he was the first in our family to 120 SP64. Years later, I gave him my old DS and the game. I checked his save files once, and he had three 150 star files, and a self-written walkthrough in the magazine rack near the toilet.
Normie tier shit like elder scrolls and destiny, but he's been playing a lot of Fat Princess lately.
>Of all time
Counterstrike 1.6
>Complaining your dad is a normie
Both my parents are otakus and I'm not sure what's better
mine plays text adventures and shooters like r-type
IL-2 sturmovik probably
He also greatly enjoyed Witcher 3, although it was a bit hard for him and it took him multiple months to complete.
He plays this shit and he used to play some space shooter on my sega 20 years ago.
He played MLB 08 The Show a lot. Huge baseball fan.
My dad swore off video games when Duck Hunt had him up all night and he had to work the next day.
Im OK with 2 space pawns. A pawn moves forward. A rook and king cannot jump over each other in their move set.
Also what's that shitty move where a pawn attacks from behind diagonally?
That's en passant
What are you doing on Sup Forums son
He used to stay up to 4AM playing AoE.
I want baby boomers to leave
My Mom likes Zelda, Ace Attorney and Prof. Layton. Mostly puzzle strategy stuff.
My dad designs speakers in his spare time.
His hobby actually translates into a marketable skill.
My Dad doesn't play video games. He tells me I should go get pussy instead.
Pawns can't do that. That's fucking trash.
Probably invented because some French guy kept losing to an English guy.
"No, bro, I swear these are real moves. No I'm not making them up so I can win"
En Passant was originally designed to curb the advantage white has by going first. think of it as the world's first balance patch
Dad and I used to play this all the time. He loves this shit.
Tell your dad he's a fucking casual. Real men play black.
My dad only plays old shit on the arcade or Atari
He said he didn't like it when they stopped having the joystick
If you play me in chess we're playing vanilla old school rules.
Or Shogi.
It was actually introduced when the two space pawn jump was introduced in order to counter people using the pawn jump to bypass the opponent's pawn. If you are okay with the two space jump, you should be okay with en passant, though I suspect you're just memeing anyway.
I replayed this last week and it was better than I remembered, if that's possible.
I like the two space jump because it speeds up the game. If it means getting rid of en pussyant then duck the two spaces.
My dad (mid-50s) is really into Civ IV, medieval total war II and paradox games in general. He also has a full set of medieval armour, and doesn't look like a skinny old guy with a pot belly like most dads, but like an aging viking beast. He's a pretty good dad
Like raising decent children
>tfw my dad introduced me into videogames with the sega genesis
He used to play Playstation sagas like Metal Gear, Gran Turismo, Syphon Filter etc.
Now he is basically a racingfag. He loves racing games for some reason and he is quite good at those.
my father would rekt me so hard that I went crying to Mum everytime. His personal motivation was to never go easy, not even against his own son.
The day I beat him was the day he gave me the SNES and since that day he never played a game again. "My time is over but you can surely go on."
forgot pic
Was the breadwinner
fuck you motherfucker
My dad hates video games and hates that I play them.
i believe it's pic related
Motherfucker loves MMOs and the occasional story driven TPS like Red Dead Redemption. He tries just about every game I buy, since we have the family sharing deal on steam. He really liked Mad Max and the Batman games because they have slow pacing and hes shit at reacting quickly or having to do a flurry of inputs. He and I used to play WoW together as well as City of Heroes. Now he just plays LotRO and SWTOR
My dad used to yell at me and sometimes beat me when I played video games for "too long", so there you go OP, thanks. :^)
Actually there was a whole lot of games he used to play. Him, my brother, and I always had fun playing games together.
My dad didn't like videogames so he nothing. But my friend's father only played Black.
My dad used to play clocktower and resident evil on the ps1. He also used to play the 1st mortal kombat on the arcade machine for 4-5 hours at a time and would survive off of 1$. I don't believe it, but he keeps on telling me that "no one could see me in that game." He also played gears multiplayer for a while and learned how to wallbounce and flick-aim pretty well.
My grandma also played missile command and got the 256 rollover bug almost every time she played. The lady had good aim and I think she would have been a beast at quake or unreal if she got into it.
this and it's sequel
My dad's favorite vidya was anything I happened to be playing at the time, because he just wanted a way to spend time with me and bond
he passed away when I was 12
being gay is a meme
my dad's super into WoW and hearthstone. he's terrible at both, though. he old work friends got him into wow and he raided with them for a while, but now he just does mostly solo content. has like a dozen 100's and collects battle pets. he's literally one of those players that blizzard panders to by removing challenge to solo game and making the open world less immersive which ruined the game for me. we argue about it fairly often.
my grandma's really into that treasure facebook game and i'm worried the obsession with tedious and shallow collecting games might be genetic
Keep in mind, my father is nearly 60, and is oblivious to what a meme is, and the vast amount of horrendous internet humor in Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel no thanks to Anthony "Faggot" Burch, so what makes myself and many other people on Sup Forums cringe, he has no idea towards.
That being said, he enjoys roaming around and just collecting better and better guns. Borderlands 1 being a much better example with the loot system. He enjoyed the Pre-Sequel story how it showed why Handsome Jack became the way he was and looks forward to any other future installments of Borderlands. We used to play splitscreen on Borderlands 1 however long ago it came out, and he went out of his way and bought a PS4 so we could play online together now that I'm overseas. Its literally our way of staying in touch.
He is not aware of Stillborn.
your dad has shit taste
I've never met my dad, but my mom is super into cod.
We played a lot of syphon filter,and a game in which you were in a train shooting terrorists,c an't remember the game,we also played a lot of football game, winning Eleven comes to mind
Sounds more like affirmative action to me.