Looked bad, on PS4 anyways
>terrible FOV
>terrible FPS
I curious on what the PC version looks like
Info on multiplayer is appreciated.
really really fucking bad
literally a 3/10 game
Back of box
1 (one) player
We tried to tell you, nigga.
there isnt any, you can go to planets that others found but not interact with people
i cant tell if you guys are lying or not
why am I not allowed to like this game?
Lurk more. There IS NO MULTIPLAYER
>graphics are terrible
>dozens of popups and other visual obstructions
>mining resources is a grind, no way to automate it
>constant audio cues
>spend half your time micromanaging and fixing your equipment
>creature animations are laughably bad
>crafting is MMO tier (250 iron + 150 carbon = minor upgrade)
>alien bases are copypasted upgrade dispensers
>floating rocks
Yall are talkin shit, but I haven't seen any gameplay from this leak yet. Anyone have a link to these videos? It no longer exist on daily motion.
Shitty boring walking simulator
day one buy
you're late.
You didn't miss much anyway
The floating rocks bug me the most. No danger of cave ins and landslides and the like are a bummer.
>Tl;dr: every voxel in the game cant know anything about its surroundings. So, things like flowing water and real physics, are impossible for THIS game engine.
is this true Sup Forums fags
Multiplayer fags leave REEEEEEEE
What fucking multiplayer? lol
Because hyp for shit concepts needs to die
lots of people like garbage, go ahead and enjoy it
shit game engine
When is Sup Forums not 90% correct on predictions?
>he expected physics in a procedurally generated "game"
Because you literally save the thumbnail
no shit it was made by 13 portland numales and a tranny with a stolen algorithm. did you really think they could code?
>AAA hype, marketing and pricing for an indie game with a dev team of like 15 people
What could possibly go wrong?
>The guy who played it literally said FPS was very smooth
im so fucking glad we were right again bros
No mans buy and deus shit in one month, rev up them shitposts
>35 fov
>25 fps
guess it's legit
imagine no clipping through the floor in a video game and then wondering around for 20 minutes in an empty void
the video was that but he'd sometimes shoot a rock with a gun to collect autism numbers
That's because the faggot paid over $1000 for it.
kys underrage faggot, you're worse than the shills
if it's 30, it's not smooth
also he is probably bias of the game
mankind divided looks fine except for the fact that they kept that bullshit insta kill melee animation shit instead of a proper melee system
>literally a leafy fanpost
>calling anyone else underage
wait what happened with Deus Ex?
The game could be shit
fuck off cuck
its uninspired rehashed sjw shit. Crash when?
>implying the procedural generation meme getting BTFO once again isn't something to celebrate
>Yall are talkin shit
that angst though
>When is Sup Forums not 90% correct on predictions?
What do you mean by this? Doesn't that directly state that Sup Forums is incorrect 10% of the time?
The first time in years that Sup Forums has ever been right about something
>You now know that they confirmed flowing water and most people only have learned about this game through Sup Forums and believe every word.
Just read stuff from the damn site with sources guys. It isnt that hard.
>sjw shit
kek in what way? because of the apartheid parallel? The main character is literally anti-aug
I wanted to cover my ass
this has to be like arg viral marketing or something
dont let Sup Forums get to you, just enjoy games
Nothing, it looks like Human Revolution but better in just about every way.
>my frame of reference is only 3 years.
You just stated that you're a newfag.
Sup Forums has been right about kikestarter being a total disaster for a while, and also about We Happy Few
>Melee takedowns are still there
>Only 1 hub + story locations
>universal ammo
>No more boss battles
>Retconned HR
>Changed voice actors (Sarif)
>Awful lip synch and animations
>Further emphasis on third person gameplay (One button cover dash ripped straight from the Division)
>Season pass
>If its the industry standard for a PS4 Game it isn't smooth.
Well I guess no games have FPS on PS4 so this shouldnt be something to compare then
Ha, like if anyone here would admit that the game is actually good/bad after watching the leaked gameplay.
No one will do such thing, shills will keep shilling and shitposters will keep shitposting.
Welcome to Sup Forums, where you get cancer and fuck off. Have a nice day.
>No more boss battles
>universal ammo
>Season pass
Not even going to pirate it this time
Looks honestly pretty good, it has an artstyle that I would like. Still worried if its enough to keep my attention with this claimed "8 billion years" worth of exploration.
Sup Forums hates it because the pro/anti aug situation in the game is supposed to be a reference to african apartheid or some shit and /pol think it means the jews have turned it into some kind of white female brainwashing game or something. which is stupid because plenty of the niggers/augmented in the game are bad people
>>You can not dig beyond 128m below ground
Hmm, and here I thought I could dig deep enough to kill myself in molten rocks.
what's wrong with we happy few?
i think it's great aside from the harsh survival elements.
>Melee takedowns are still there
>Changed voice actors (Sarif)
>Awful lip synch and animations
>Season pass
gonna need sauce for the rest
uploaded to youtube if you haven't seen it
>industry standard
>Well I guess no games have FPS on PS4
>No more boss battles
why say shit that is blatantly false? What do you get out of it?
They're not even worth saving. Imagine the dumbest redditor aimlessly wandering around being amused by some ugly ass procedurally generated animal and really struggling with basic features of the game despite it holding his hand.
I guess you could almost say...the game doesn't have much depth
Will the PC version have a FOV slider?
And of course you're more perfect than everyone, right?
Game looks alright.
Was kinda worried that it would look like a recolored copy of one of the previosuly shown planet but it was pretty original, albeit the planet itself as a shitty hellhole and I can understand that the guy wanted out in the first 20 minutes. But that's pretty much what the game's about so it doesn't bother me.
>does nothing but shoots lazer at rocks for 26mins
Please buy no mans sky. you deserve to spend 60 dollars on some procedurally generated maps and no content. I fucking beg you to buy that game.
>its a generic survival game
What you gots against yall?
u tried
b-but it's deeper than bethesda games
>Game looks alright.
Alright what part looked "alright"? I'm super curious.
youre pretty fucking dumb for listening to a shit post. you should try spending 2 minutes on google so you can realize most of his post is bullshit
>with this claimed "8 billion years"
idiotic marketing like that should be enough to tell you the game will be terrible
>they put all of their money and effort into marketing and hype generation
>the actual game is a shallow, boring piece of shit held together with Scotch tape and bubble gum
Sup Forums is always right.
So why does duplicates of each element take up separate inventory slots?
looks hideous and i'm already bored of the game just by watching that video. great.
Take your shilling elsewhere, I'd be stupider to believe YOU
Leaked where?
why does the frame rate look like shit?
>>universal ammo
But that's wrong? Most weapons will have multiple ammo types, like the 10mm Pistol will have regular rounds, but also tranquilizer rounds that aren't shared with the Tranquilizer Rifle.
>its a generic survival game
Not really.
cause it's running on PS4. That FOV is what really kills me though, looks absolutely revolting
Shame on everyone that watches that footage. Respect the developers.
Ok seriously how bad it this game? I want it to fail
because it's on PS4
>there are idiots on Sup Forums that think procedural generation can create interesting or meaningful gameplay or level design
you need to go back
The game runs well at 30 fps on PS4. The poster I was replying to implied that even if it has smooth 30fps it doesnt mean the framerate is smooth somehow. Literally 90 something percent of games on consoles run at 30fps but apparently this man wants the game to run at 60. By that logic, there isnt any (Non PSN shit) games that have smooth framerate on PS4.
Cool, but I don't reward early access games. You can be jewed at your own discretion but count me out.