Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?

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Is that kid white??

The one that doesn't play.

Are you fucking blind? Of course he's white.

Reddit probably got their wife's son to do this

If I saw this kid in real life I'd beat his ass

Yeah, this doesn't seem legit at all. I bet he's packing heat in that Baloo backpack.

why does he need a cash register if it's free? something is amiss here


It feels like...

All he's got packed in there are the bear necessities

I'll take the shota.

the kid is awesome, you miserable lardass neckbeard permavirgin. go let out your frustration on your parents

>How to whore out your son for Karma.

I'm starting to get a little spooked over here

>No Carlos picture

One fucking job, user. One fucking job.

>this reddit bait kid is awesome

It's about commercialized and void of soul as you can get for a kid, and clearly wasn't his idea

>beat a kid
You can't even beat your own dick

Oldschool would have had Ultros

I don't even like pokemon go yet I clicked this thread. I'm completely out of control

>herded by an app
>right at home in the company of toddlers

What a sad group


Why don't they sell the badges?

>valor nigger
>mystic tranny
>instinct normal person

instinct or yorue a faggot. but then again, youre already a faggot if you play this game

But he's fat

deep man... so deep.....

not for long

Why does this image make me sad?


really makes u think...

that the artist is a stupid faggot

It reminds you of your fleeting youth.

I can only imagine the amount of people getting triggered by that pic.

>implying i dont roll around decked out on red

Why bother asking?

This image is adorable.
I hope no one fucked his shit up.

Kid looks like he's having a great time. Only thing that would make me sad is if no one showed up.

To keep inventory.
Track numbers.

does it trigger you, you cynical human shit? do us all a favour and just kill yourself, my man

>instinct faggotwink


Team rocket when?

what a cool kid

found another unemployed user


No, it just reminds me of what horrible new generation of parenting we're getting


>PokeStops are places in Pokemon Go that allow you to collect items such as eggs and more Poke Balls to capture more Pokemon!
>These will be located at select places near you, such as historical markers, monuments, and art installations.
>historical markers, monuments, and art installations
Why would a Pokestop be at a fucking bench of all places?

So that a cute girl might be enticed to sit buy a cute guy and love will blossom.

Some towns are really starved for things like that, so they just make stops in seemingly random or unimportant locations.

I feel kind of bad for places that dont have many. I thought my town was small and wouldnt get very many but apparently we have more landmarks than surrounding locations.

you sound butthurt and jaded as fuck because unlike your shit parents his actually do things like pic related for him and he looks as happy as a young lad can be. if anything, his parents are awesome and that quality time they spend with him he will probably remember his entire life.

Artificial landmark.

>bullying Spark


You're imagining no one showing up or someone bullying him?

I live in the 4th biggest city in Europe and we still get pokestops like that

Some benches around the park here have memorials on them.

But Gary Johnson will legalize it. Omegle told me so.

I'd kill that kid if I saw him to be honest family

Did your dad hit you?

Dont worry user, i'm sure your mom believes you when you say things like that.

Ill be honest if I saw someone bully the kid I'd smack their shit

Oh god am I a moralfag?

really makes.... makes....
makes you think... like... whoa

Yes, but not the bench in OP's pic. It's just a regular wooden bench thats more basic than hydroxide.

Most Pokéstops in BC are on benches because there are a million and a half benches donated to the memory of random dead people and are considered monuments.

It already got a few people here.

I once saw a shitty ass bench as a pokestop I'm not joking.

They probably added it cause there werent many landmarks around.

This is fucking adorable

I remember sitting on a bench that had a couple stops in proximity, and I got to chat with a nice old lady taking a walk, playing PoGo together with her two grandkids. Meeting people through this game has been a lot of fun.

watch the edges user

By 8th street ("Calle Ocho" in spic) there are these long stretches of swerving sidewalk that divide the avenues. Almost all of these dumb stone "benches" with fruit painted on them are Pokestops. You can down the whole avenue and get a shitton of free stuff, especially if you're coming out of 8th street (which is also loaded).

I hope my family understands, please don't memorialize me on an object made for strange asses and the homeless

although my name is on that millennium wall thing in NZ, my mom purchased it as a gift for my birthday
don't even have a picture of it, all I got was a certificate I saw one time and then never again

thanks mom for the gift I will never see!

really makes you think... about those 50 year old high school health teachers that genuinely think that smartphones and innovations are bad

I dont think it's exactly moralfaggotry to want to protect a child. I'd feel the same way just because that's pretty fucked up.

Enjoy your jail sentence

that said, technology should be used to enhance the human experience, it shouldn't be the basis of it.
Like those girls that have legit anxiety attacks if they are without their phone for too long. That's when we have problems


how is he going to make money?

This kid could probably beat your Convention Day 4

why would you say the kid is awesome? he's not making any choices there

Oh in that case this is awesome.

I think the toy register just holds more badges. Or he has other things actually for sale.

Which is technically illegal in the states if that were true. He would need a permit.

I have a pokestop thats a car on a pole in front of a garage


He isn't
I'm sure it's just a cute public service thing, and I'm sure some people will slip him some change anyway despite the badges being free.

Looks like he's running out of Mystic badges too. Valor and Instinct's pile looks bigger.

Because in a few years this kid is going to get beheaded by muslims.

I don't think you know what public service means, lad

He's in England?

>Like those girls that have legit anxiety attacks if they are without their phone for too long
I want off this ride

>All this social justice tumblrinas


Where I'm from it just means doing random shit for people.
Free cookies outside shops, bake sales, car washes etc.

>see a kid
>beat his ass for no fucking reasons
and we are the problem?

Nah, Germany.

Yeah, what a bunch of SJWs. Advocating for not beating up children for no reason.


This post is depressing because you just don't understand.

>not wanting to punch kids
Yes, you are the problem

Okay but why though?

Where do you think you are?

you are a shockingly unironic racist

I'm anti-sjw as it gets and I fucking hate childrens
Beating the shit out of a kid for trivial matter is fucking retarded

I don't really see the commercialization involved in giving away free shit based on association with a team you can be a part of for free. We both know you just want to hate it cause normies are doing it, cunt.

you were a kid once

now's your chance, beat yourself to death

fuck off back to /r/vidya faggots

whoa... huge amounts of people having fun for free..... this is terrible...

You are unshockingly retarded faggot