I asked for this

I asked for this.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Deus Ex Mankind Divided release date

Anyone else /slightlyworried/ here?

They made a lot of promises but the art still seems a bit dull compared to HR, also many of the gadgets abilities seem like they make combat / general stealth gameplay trivial.

At least the soundtrack will be good.

I'm interested in the game from a technical perspective as much as the gameplay side of it due to it supporting DX12.

I just cancelled my pre-order today. I really don't like the changes they've made from HR.

>Melee takedowns are still there
>Only 1 hub + story locations
>universal ammo
>Retconned HR
>Changed voice actors (Sarif)
>Awful lip synch and animations
>Further emphasis on third person gameplay (One button cover dash ripped straight from the Division)
>Season pass

I didn't ask for this.

>Only 1 hub + story locations
Was it confirmed or just speculation?


>still written by that dumbass bitch

it was fucked from the beginning

Yeah RIP.

I watched the Dubai intro and a bit of prague and honestly it was a bit boring.

Dubai doesn't seem as interesting as Sarif HQ and walking around Prague in broad daylight just looked weird.

What does "gold" mean

>One button cover dash
Along with the changes to the look of hacking, this is what I hate most.

>not a single pink haired bearded thick glasses nu-male in the picture


Finished development

The game development is complete and it is ready to be printed to disc.

Master (golden) disk with 1.0 version of the game is sent to a factory for production.

done being developed

the master that presses the individual game discs is gold, thats where the term comes from

Oh shit, when is the release date?

why don't you fucking use google


>universal ammo

So they added the thing people complained the most about IW? The thing that even Harvey Smith recognized it was a bad idea and removed from Dishonored?

lmgtfy.com/?q=Deus Ex Mankind Divided release date

>universal ammo
That never makes sense, unless every weapon is some fucking energy weapon

>universal ammo

>universal ammo
it's shit


Just make it like Human Revolution and I'll be happy

well some sci fi games recently have had weapons 3d print caseless bullets, in which case ammo would be universal.

boy i can't wait for more cut hubs and a 30 dollar season pass to half-assedly restore one hub.

is copypasting misinformation a new meme?

This is bullshit, don't listen to him. If you look at the youtube footage of rucker's extraction, you can clearly see different ammo for 10mm pistol, shotgun, tranq rifle and stun gun. Probably applies to other weapons as well, but they were no available in the demo

But that means you really cant pick up ammo on the field

has anyone seen any nighttime locations yet?

Everything I've seen has been bright, sunny daytime.

Seems stupid to have a game based around staelth that only takes place in the day.

ammo in this case would be materials for the 3D printing, which would conceivably be universal.

The only point I can't find a source for is the universal ammo. Everything else is out there.

>Super-Visible War

>not realizing it got delayed half a year so they didn't have to cut anything

t. Asspained Canuck Developer

welcome to neo Sup Forums

we post bullshit in the name of TORtanic

same as every other aaa release, a day after you already bought the game. in other words, when its too late.

Where is it said that Prague is the only hub?

This actually makes or breaks it for me

>universal ammo
Has this been confirmed?


>it's a retard who spreads false information and Sup Forums being as gullible as it is believes every word episode

Oh okay, thanks.

the people that buy games now are dumber. no one complained about it in mass effect 2

There's the upper Prague hub which is daylight and fancy, and the Aug ghetto of Golem city which is a hub located on the outskirts of Prague.

Take that how you will.

8/9 are confirmed though?

If it's only those then that's really disappointing. You need to have another exotic country and location like Hengsha was in HR to make things interesting.

Golem city isn't enough for that.

>Melee takedowns are still there
>Changed voice actors (Sarif)
>Awful lip synch and animations
>Season pass

Make that 4/9. I've yet to see any source for rest of these claims.

To be fair ME2 made it a bit less annoying.

The ironic thing is that IW ended being more influential tha the original Deus Ex, with most RPGs dumbing down its mechanics while focusing on graphics rather than more fleshed out interactivity.

Ok but where's the crack?

The trailers have said that the changes to the hubs will be more dramatic as the game progresses but I'm remaining cautious. Deus Ex without Asia is retarded.

Adam Jensen shouldn't be the protagonist in this one. He's now being franchised.

we've known it was gold ever since they showed the first trailer, just like the last one

I haven't seen a confirmation about the number of city hubs. The closest I was able to find was PCGamer interview: "Mankind Divided will play out over a collection of hub zones, although Eidos Montreal hasn’t confirmed how many yet". If anyone has a source, please post it

Probably 3 weeks

>my toaster will probably never be able to run this
life is pain

Oh shit, is it almost out? I stopped paying attention to it after E3.


>Only 1 hub + story locations
>universal ammo
>Changed voice actors (Sarif)

jesus what are they doing??
universal ammo??
did they nerf sarif because of the weed conspiracy?
1 h u b

i am sure i didnt ask for this.



HR is retconned by having Sarif return, Jenson survive and the whole aug apartheid they're pushing for. That's like 3 endings in one.



17:00 shows the shitty cover to cover system


Bonus point: The tranq rifle looks like SHIT.

>That's like 3 endings in one.

That's also from Invisible War. It's like as if they are so creatively bankrupt they have to copy stuff from the previous games, even the the dumb ideas.

>The original Deus Ex allowed players to use different kinds of ammunition in their guns. The shotgun could fire buckshot for close range attacks, but it also had armor-piercing “Sabot Rounds” for taking down robots. It ensured that weapons had multiple tactical uses. Mankind Divided brings back the various ammo types “We’re upping the ante a little bit with combat… Armor piercing is one, EMP bullets is another, and regular ammunition for your weapon. Not all weapons will have all types of ammunition. It’s more like certain weapons have specialties. The ammo types are a bit of a wink to the original game, at the same time they serve as a really good tool to create a more interesting experience for the player.”
sounds fine

Fair enough. But the universal ammo claim remains false and we have no info on the amount of hubs.

Can't wait for the SJW agenda story where augs matter and if you don't like augs you're some racist bigot, made up by SJW nu-male Toronto devs who are implying I'm racist when I'm not. Fucking #AugsLivesMatters #FuckDaPolice bullshit. Fuck apartheids, niggers are augs and they deserve it.

does it necessarily need multiple hubs if the single hub were large, detailed, and varied?

I this gonna be an AMD game or nVIdia backed?

HR already had multiple ammo types, so there is something fishy with that comment. Probably EMP bullets can be used across different weapons.

calm down sperg

Am I the only one who doesn't really care that they fudged the ending of HR for the sequel? The endings were essentially all the same anyway. Sarif and Jensen dying was never explicitly shown either so they could get away with it.

>online challange mode microtransactions
wow its fucking nothing. i hate dlc and micotransactions but if it isnt stripping content from the base game i dont care.
>17:00 shows the shitty cover to cover system
Honestly whats the problem here? youre still free to walk from cover to cover in 1st person if you want, or use the streamlined "tactical" 3rd person method.

If I want to play a stealth game, I pick a stealth game. If I want to play a shooter, I pick a shooter. Why would I play something which does both half decent?

yes its possible that ammo will be universal and classified by types, but its speculation

i actually prefer the added cover method because i find it less jarring than constantly popping in and out of 1st person

>TFW Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 both aren't looking that good, and neither does the System Shock remake.
Where do I get my 2016 Deus Ex fill?

>SJW nu-male Toronto

It's worse than that, it's written by a woman who happens to be a hardcore sjw. Last game was chocked full of references to OWS, anti-corporate shit and culture wars nonsense.

Fuck you, you stupid Sup Forums faggot. Look at the dev team picture. Not one of those people look like a nu male or a pink haired hambeast. Try posting something besides regurgitated memes sometime.

The remake is a fucking disgrace. Unity engine, gender choice and available on consoles.

>but if it isnt stripping content from the base game i dont care.

It's stripping resources and manpower you twonk.

dont fall for the Sup Forums memes. dishonored is literally more of the same with better graphics, and so is mankind divided.

Anti-corporate shit in Deus Ex? wow what the fuck

Development is finished. No idea if it means the console manufacters have approved the game though.

goddamn take a step back and realize how fucking delusional and paranoid you sound

Because Dishonored is fun and the sequel looks great unlike Mankind Divided.

I'm unsure about how it will run on my PC. Will pre-order it a few days prior for the bonuses and refund if needed.

Anyone know if steam refunds limit of two weeks is always two weeks from release of games in the case of preorders?

Yes, the two week rule starts on the release day.

I don't want more of the same for either of those. Human Revolution was a complete mess and Dishonored was so easy you can fall sleep.

Smith and Pacotti were actually very pro-corporations, the Illuminati are basically the good guys in the original two games and they favor corporate power and individual freedom over the commie hivemind bullshit from Helios.

Harvey Smith was a military guy before going to work at a fucking private company called Eidos. Those guys were nothing ike the Canuck liberals making the newest games.

Did they announce the specs yet?

samefag SJW team is back.

>cyberpunk is anti-corporate
omg no way

>>Only 1 hub + story location
but they've shown 3 so far

This. As ironic as it sounded they showed corporate endings in better light than the other ones.


Nope. Though the game doesn't look that demanding so you should be fine if you have a graphics card from 2012 or newer.

Although it will most likely use Denuvo (to be confirmed) so that will artificially push up the hardware demand so we'll see.

They've shown:


Mission locations:
Golem City


cyberpunk is also anti-government as well.

>le all unity games are bad meme
all cgi is shit micheal bay did a bad one

And Antarctica, and probably an Asian setting, maybe another one too in NA/Europe

You forget that Golem and Prague are really dense. Tons of side quests.

thats a part of being anti-corporate since corporations corrupt the government with their financial might