All I need to upgrade my weapon is one nibelsnarf claw

>all I need to upgrade my weapon is one nibelsnarf claw

Why, this shouldn't be too hard!

>grab Nibelsnarf quest
>break both his front legs during the quest for the extra chance
>capture him

>have a 17% chance to get a claw from the quest itself
>have another 17% chance to get a claw from the subquest (break his legs, what a coincidence)
>have a 23% chance to get one because I captured him
>have a 70% (yes, seventy) chance to get a claw cause I broke his front legs

>get NO claw
>all these odds should've added up to almost 100% one way or another


Other urls found in this thread:

you had a 85% chance of getting a claw

probability sure sucks dick, huh

And now you know why statistics are bullshit.

You break both his legs and expect the claw to be intact?

that isn't how percents work

oh yeah, prove it. calculate what my odds of getting a claw were, I provided you all the info you need

cmon einstein

literally already been done

99% chance to hit doesn't mean 100%.

Its XCOM baby.
And yes, the desire sensor is real, stop wanting it and you'll receive it

How do I make the game think I don't want it

>I had a 100% chance to get one claw


American """""""""education"""""""""

I said almost. And I'm right, I did the math and it was 94.75%

So fuck you lad

start making a weapon that requires you to hunt Nibelsnarf and requires everything but the claws

>want rathian something
>10 tries didn't get it
>fuck it I will try to get another piece meanwhile from another monster
>rathian shows up, kill it
>get just the item I had gave up on

Stop wanting it and you will receive it.

>american mathematics

Because the series runs on Korean RNG, where 99% means 70% and can only get worse.

It approximately a 84% chance that you'll get even one claw you fucking retard


Actually it's

You are literally retarded. Literally.

No its not. If you think that then you're wrong. Take stat during your next semester in highschool.

Ha, I see my bait has worked once again!

Wait by your argument you had 127% chance to get a claw?

You can't add percentages together moron.

07/29/16(Fri)16:50:33 No.346653532
Monster Hunter Gen 4* Star Quests
(High Rank)
ID: 10-8233-9420-7696

Might as well get through some of these today.

If it's the last thing you need you have to divide your odds by 10. That's just basic desire math.

Whoops Copy and pasted that, ignore the extra stuff.

>wanting to play with Sup Forums

Fuck you. I just posted and I'm the best. My manners are impeccable my style is impetuous.

I played with Sup Forums before and it was good

>Wanting to play with people.

is the bait that your bait is literally saying something that's wrong

because that's meta, pretending to be retarded for further yous

I've never taken a statistics class but I've taken up to calculus 2 Sup Forums so help me out.

If odds of getting an item as a result is binary (aka you get it or you dont) then why aren't odds just 50% and your just super unlucky (in the case of monster Hunter where you supposedly have 5% chances for certain item drops). If I flip a coin three times the odds of getting heads is still 50% not 33.33% so if getting a reward is a result of binary actions I.e. you either have it or you dont, then why can't you assume that the odds of the receiving the item as 50%?

99.99% of the time, statistics seems like some arbitrary math that someone pulled out of their ass.

You'd love this

is this bait


which MH game is this you're talking about?

The new one

>Statistics are bullshit because sometimes the thing doesn't happen (exactly as the stats say)

I thought the idea was that it never added up to the same 100% but different ones entirely. So destroying the claw is 17 out of its own 100 while capture was 23 out of its own 100. Or maybe that's all the same thing, never took statistics in school and my college math course was basically algebra.

If I made statistics 70% would be yes, 40-60 coinflip and under 40 no.

Yes of course it's their own
is correct

they all eventually approach a collective 100%, but never reach it

I'm no good at logic puzzles or statistics, can you dumb it down for me?

So it's initially 1/3 chance of choosing the car, right? And once the host picks the goat, assuming he always picks the goat and offers another choice. It's a 1/3 chance to pick the car if you stay put, but a 2/3 chance if you switch.

I don't really get how switching your answer would be better than staying put.

you're actually dumb enough to not go for obviously wrong answer first, that's pretty good

Is there any site I can go to to see all the weapons and armors? This game is easier than the other Monster Hunters I've played so I'd rather go for aesthetics than trying to minmax with skills.

Pick your poison between (online) (software, lots of info) (really good phone app, even shows the usual habitats of monsters and stuff, it's nice)

Or pick all 3 like I did


I just kill a Monster 2-3 times and then use a save editor to give myself missing components or additional ones for a full armor set.
I never go beyond what my current rank should be able to equip.

I know this will trigger most people but i don't care.
Few monsters are worth fighting more than once.

>Few monsters are worth fighting more than once.
This is not the game for you

What? I admit I'm average intelligence at best, but what are talking about?

I get that your first choice is 1/3 chance because you chose out of 3 options, I think.

So why's the second unopened door a 2/3 chance? Because you're choosing out of 2 of the 3 doors, rather than the original 3 doors? Come on man help me understand, I'm actually trying to learn here.


greater than or equal to 70 TRUE
Greater than or equal to 40, less than or equal to 60 NewRoll(50)
Less than 40 FALSE

I guess 60-70 is a void and 40-60 is an infinite loop. A++ you sure showed those nerds.

Actually i enjoyed it greatly the way i played it.

>So why's the second unopened door a 2/3 chance?
Because you have a 2/3 chance of currently being on a goat.
Switching means to either:
Switch off of car onto goat (1/3 chance of currently being on car)
Switch off of goat onto car (2/3 chance of currently being on goat)

Kill yourself immediately

It's because of one simple fact: The host knows what's behind each door

The goat door thing is indeed a greater chance when switching doors. You can simulate it to see for yourself.

People who re happy and enjoy life and video games have no reason to kill themselves.

End your life retard.

You're a faggot who missed the true joy of MH.

kill yourself kys

Oh okay, that makes sense. Thanks guys.

I should really try more of these things out.

You had a 16% chance of not getting the claw after all that. Think about it like this. Did you absolutely expect to get the claw from the quest itself? It was only 1% more likely than you not getting the claw at all. You shouldn't have gotten your hopes up just because there was a 70% in there.

I did it again and got 2 claws that time

Look at it this way
There are 3 possible worlds here (pic related):
1. You pick Goat 1, and switch to Car
2. You pick Goat 2 and switch to Car
3. You pick Car and switch to Goat
Obviously this makes a 2/3 chance of switching from Goat to Car.
Some people will confuse this by saying "there are 4 worlds because there's 2 goats you could switch to from car, so it's 2/4 or 50/50. This is false because both goats are the same binary lose state. It is completely irrelevant to the game "which goat" you land on, all that matters is "goat".

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

>tfw no goat door on vita

Reminder that Tri was the worst MH.

If you liked water combat you have down's syndrome.

>that guy in the other thread saying SnS can't stun
>aerial SnS with sleep
>monster doesn't move the whole fight

Mad hammer faggot.

shield bash stuns like crazy tho

I'm Lancer.

Wanter combat was literally perfectly fine.

It was probably even easier than on land.

Yeah. ezpz.

The other guy understood no problem. Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

You're struggling with reading again aren't you user

>posting this on every thread

Also why would you dev for a system thats been out for 4 years and has no consumers?

This. Each % probability is it's own entity meaning that each prerequisite has it's own chance of giving you an item. Think of it as a stack of percentages each triggering on it's own.

So overall your chances are still kinda low, which is why you break parts and capture so you have more chances even if each chance itself is relatively small.

>that guy in the other thread saying SnS can't stun

because I love my vita

>the game knows that you want/need something from X monster
you'll never get it user

No you're just so blatantly retarded that you're trying to substitite MATH

You're an hour late. Step it up!

>kill nakarkos 20 times
>no heavy sphere

I'm probably smarter than math to be honest.

>mfw Artian palico armor

This is fucking amazing

>fight the soap fox during the 3* village Bulldrome quest
>manage to kill it, and cut it's tail
>get tail from carving and get plate in the reward box

>just got 4 from 1 kill
thank fuck
I've had crazy luck getting gems and plates from my first kills on just about everything
it's the damn desire sensor knowing I don't need that shit and fucking me on my heavy spheres

it doesnt stack you fucking idiot

That would imply only the highest chance counts which is wrong

you have 17% chance of getting the claw from the quest
17% chance of getting ANOTHER CLAW from the subquest
you can get 4 claws in total with all the objectives, not a 127% chance of getting 1 claw

Correct, but you worded it wrong in the post before

>Thinking all those odds mean SHIT in a monhun game
Desire Sensor(TM) is a tricky thing.

>first rath fight
>shiny drop is a plate
>first true tama fight
>shiny drop is a plate
ngh yes

88.16% chance of one or more claws from one hunt.

In short, a 11.83% chance of complete failure to acquire claws from the hunt.

The worst part in all of this is that Nakarkos fights are fucking tedious. You can run the perfect fight (i.e. throw bombs when applicable, use a fuckton of ballista, wreck its face when it shows up) and you'll still finish at around 20 minutes.

Personally, my fastest time with Nakarkos is the same as my fastest time with two Furious Rajangs, which is fucking stupid.

It's probably not the best way to go about it, but keep this in mind:

One from breaks
Two from capture
One from subquest
Three from main quest

This is the guaranteed absolute minimum. Subquest and mainquest have additional chances for more slots, but they're not guaranteed by any means, so always calculate from the bare minimum.

This is probably not the best way to go about it, but add all of those chances together, then divide by the number of chances. Now, take that chance value and run it through [[ ]] as a decimal, while putting in the number of chances as number of trials, and number of successes as 1. You don't need to put the whole chance number in, personally I just use the first four numbers.

The values you want to know are < and _>_. In this example, < means basically 0 as it is less than one, while _>_ means one or more. Feel free to look at the others, though.

Essentially, these are the absolute minimum chance numbers. In truth, your probability for one or more will likely be a little bit higher because of additional chances not being calculated in, while your probability for none at all will likely be a little lower, but I like to go by minimum chance because then I have my standards set for something a little worse a case than is likely to actually occur.

nah im with you bro, the game is called monster hunter not rng grinder

If anyone ever wondered how the FATE skill works, it's like this.

Main quest rewards A and B (Rows 1 and 2) are always guaranteed three rewards from their individual pools. After that, it's a 69% chance for a fourth, a 69% chance for a fifth IF you get the fourth, and so on. Essentially the chance of getting more becomes smaller and smaller with each slot, to a maximum of eight for each row.

For subquests however, it's one guaranteed, and up to four maximum. Also a 69% chance.

What happens when you have Good Luck? That chance for each individual slot is boosted up to 81%. Great Luck is 90%
Bad Luck is 50% and Horrible Luck is 25%.

It is in your best interest to get Good Luck at very least if you're hardcore farming.

what game is this really?