Bought a PS4

>bought a PS4
>thing collects dust, literally has no games
>haven't booted it on in at least a month

>sold it and used the money to buy a PS3 + a fuck ton of games
>free online multiplayer
>backwards compatible with all PS1 games
>all games for the console are dirt cheap at gamestop
>having an absolute blast, most fun i've had in years

Why is the PS3 so much better than the PS4?


Yes, he is missing bloodborne.

usual bait
someone will post a long list of games
and quote bellow:
>no games
and call OP faggot or retarded.

uncharted 4
ratchet & clank
the last guardian
god of war 4
until dawn
horizon zero dawn
spider man
crash bandicoot remaster
days gone
death stranding
final fantasy xv
gravity rush 2
persona 5

wow, that totally destroys the PS3 library of about 3000 games!!!


You'd say the same thing about the PS4 if we were already in the ninth generation of consoles except for the the free multiplayer. Of course a console that's been out for a decade will have a lot more games to choose from than a recent one. That said enjoy your time playing.

>Why is the PS3 so much better than the PS4?
Enjoy your inferior versions fucking nintoddler.



Check my 7

>no games

Thanks for the laughs, fagnon.

>the first three years the ps3 had
Resistance: Fall of Man
Full Auto 2: Battlelines
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Siren: Blood Curse
Valkyria Chronicles
>the first three years the ps4 had
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous Second Son
Tearaway Unfolded

Other game!

Ok, name atleast 100 good ps3 exclusives


yeah but bloodborne is better than all of those games

It's lifecycle is over, which the point where a system is meant to be bought.

So, is Bloodborne really worth 400$?

2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generation
3D Dot Game Heroes
Ace Combat Infinity
Another Century's Episode: R
Aqua Vita (video game)
Aquanaut's Holiday: Hidden Memories
Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match
Ar Tonelico Qoga
Armageddon Riders
Battle Tanks
Blast Factor
Bleach: Soul Resurrección
Boku no Natsuyasumi 3
Bomberman Ultra
Book of Potions
Book of Spells
Buzz!: Quiz TV
Calling All Cars!
Carnival Island
Cash Guns Chaos
Chaos Code
Comet Crash
Crash Commando
Daisenryaku Perfect HD
Dark Mist
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters
Demon's Souls
Derby Time Online
Diggs Nightcrawler
Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness
Drakengard 3
Dust 514
Echochrome II
Eight Days
Everybody Dance
The Eye of Judgment
Feel Ski
The Fight: Lights Out
Formula One Championship Edition
Funky Lab Rat
Genji: Days of the Blade
God of War: Ascension
Gran Turismo 5
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Gran Turismo 6
Gran Turismo HD Concept
GTI Club+: Rally Côte d'Azur
The Guided Fate Paradox
Haze (video game)
Heavenly Sword
High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
High Velocity Bowling
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
Hyperballoid HD
The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
The Idolmaster One For All
Infamous 2
Infamous: Festival of Blood
Initial D Extreme Stage
Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Joysound Dive
Katamari Forever
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix
Kung Fu Rider
Kung-Fu Live
The Last Guy
Last Rebellion
Linger in Shadows
LittleBigPlanet 2
LittleBigPlanet HUB
LittleBigPlanet Karting
LocoRoco Cocoreccho
Macross 30: Voices across the Galaxy
MAG (video game)
Magic Orbz
Magus (video game)
Mainichi Issho
Makai Wars
Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest
Megazone 23: Aoi Garland
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection
Misato Katsuragi's Reporting Plan

I have a fat launch PS3 model and that thing is just chugging alone like a champ. Playing WET on it at the moment. I really love the PS3 because it has such a huge library that you are bound to find an obscure game that is also very mediocre but it still manages to charm you in a weird way. Much like the PS2 in fact. Also games are cheap as dirt.

>the first three years

>bought a PS2
>better games than PS3
Why is the PS2 so much better than PS3?

>Makai Wars

This made it a bit obvious what you actually did, senpai.

even if that was true, i would rather have a console that has a bunch of good games than a console that has only one good game thats better than the rest

>Also games are cheap as dirt.
this is the benefit of being a generation behind

>mfw buying GOTY editions for less than $10

How does that PS3 model compare to the second version? I really don't like how it looks like a grill but I heard that the second model has a really loud drive and is overall more expensive.

you can sell it for 200$ and buy a PC.

>literal kek

Love these threads. Obviously a console out for 10 will have more games than one out for 2 1/2 years. I do agree that the PS4 library is shit in the time it has been out

Woah it's almost as if one console had a longer lifespan that the other...

Yeah, I really want to find a decent Read Dead Redemption copy that comes with the paper sleeve (RDR+ the zombie DLC) but it seems that every single Gamestop customer likes to throw their videogames into a fucking lake before selling them. Seriously the boxes are always all worn down and overall look like shit.

PS3 is actually good, trying to take back the masses from evil companies like Nintendo and MS, now they're the default choice they can be lazy assholes

Also Sony is almost dead at this point. They may have one more all in like Ghostbusters before their movie side goes completely away. Their electronics are also pitiful and might as well not exist

Sup Forums - my personal blog

PS2 is so overrated.

Linger in Shadows
Genji: Days of the Blade
Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match
Diggs Nightcrawler
Kung-Fu Live
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters
Mainichi Issho
Echochrome II
Aquanaut's Holiday: Hidden Memories
Chaos Code
Last Rebellion
Gran Turismo HD Concept
The Guided Fate Paradox
LocoRoco Cocoreccho
High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
Killzone 3
Carnival Island
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix
The Fight: Lights Out
Formula One Championship Edition
Armageddon Riders
Hyperballoid HD
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Makai Wars
Heavenly Sword
High Velocity Bowling
Megazone 23: Aoi Garland
Derby Time Online
The Eye of Judgment
GTI Club+: Rally Côte d'Azur
Killzone 2
Bomberman Ultra
Crash Commando
Infamous 2
Book of Spells
LittleBigPlanet HUB
Magic Orbz
Dust 514
Haze (video game)
The Last Guy
Blast Factor
Book of Potions
Macross 30: Voices across the Galaxy
LittleBigPlanet 2
3D Dot Game Heroes
Everybody Dance
Another Century's Episode: R
Kung Fu Rider
Boku no Natsuyasumi 3
LittleBigPlanet Karting
Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness
Initial D Extreme Stage
Demon's Souls
Calling All Cars!
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection
The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Eight Days
Gran Turismo 6
Daisenryaku Perfect HD
Cash Guns Chaos
Dark Mist
Joysound Dive
Infamous: Festival of Blood
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Ace Combat Infinity
Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest
Ar Tonelico Qoga
Katamari Forever
Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom
God of War: Ascension
Battle Tanks
Comet Crash
Aqua Vita (video game)
The Idolmaster One For All
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Bleach: Soul Resurrección
Funky Lab Rat
Magus (video game)
2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generation
Gran Turismo 5
Misato Katsuragi's Reporting Plan
Feel Ski
MAG (video game)
Buzz!: Quiz TV
Drakengard 3


PS3 with CFW is the closest thing to enlightment yet.

>Misato Katsuragi's Reporting Plan
Wait, what?
There was an evangelion game for the PS3?


>The online service for this game has been shut down

>It's real
Holy shit how didn't I know about this

Must be really good game since it sold just 2 million copies or something.

Um sauce please

It's not even a game

What? Did you forget or something? That happened last night on the Sup Forums twitch stream.

Actually I found it myself

Sore Loser is the scene from a site called Monstercub

I did the smart things and just bought both because i'm not a poorfag.

Also, why not look at the library of a console before buying it to make sure games you like are coming out on it? Fucking autist.

I said GOOD ps3 exclusives, no literal garbage.

cool i got both

anyway is it just me or does fallout 4 actually feel more like a console game? i didnt like playing oblivion/skyrim/fallout 3 on consoles but fallout 4 feels like its meant for it probably because its been butchered so much. first time playing

>literally has no games

Yep. I just sold one of my cfw slims for $400. Thinking of selling my second too.

I recently got a PS Triple:

>Ni No Kuni
>MGS HD Collection
>The Darkness
>Demon's Souls
>The Last of Us (what a silky smooth 15 FPS experience)

What else should I get?

Wipeout HD.
Then you have a complete PS3 essentials collection.

>putting games that are not out yet on that list
typical sonygger

>Don't care.
>Don't care.
>Don't care.
>Not out.
>Shit game.
>Not out.
>Not even close to being out.
>Not out.
>Not out.
>Not out.
>Don't care.
>Not out.
>Not out.

isnt the ps3 with ps2 backwards compatibility like 130 bucks? you bought the wrong ps3 faggot


kek what

I bought a PS3 on OFW 3.55 for $140, plus the cost of a thumb drive and now I'm on Rebug 4.80

You robbed that nigga

The phat PS3s are prone to dying early. Especially now that most of them are near a decade old, I'd be hesitant to buy one.

Sell MGS HD Collection and pick up MGS Legacy Collection.

PS3 is a weaboo's paradise.

So many fucking games.

I was a huge PS2 and PS3 fan. I refuse to pay a single cent for Remasterstation 4.

I'll go all PC gaming than ever accept Sony's idea of a gaming generation being 70% REMASTERS and nothing else. I hope to God Nintendo doesn't fall for the paying for online meme like Sony did, if you owned a PS4 for the last 2 years and paid for online, that's 100 bucks for literally nothing.

don't give a shit, i played the PS3 for 8 years, why would I want to play it now?

>unironically putting a remaster on a list of games
faggot he already has ps1 backwards compatability, fuck you.

>>free online multiplayer
for some reason I keep forgetting modern consoles have fucking paid online play. How backwards is that? Hopefully Nintendo stays pure with NX. PS4 doesn't even have a proper PS2 library, it's worthless to me and I can't believe how much it's selling when it doesn't have any notable exclusive besides that one whose name I forgot..

poor excuse to buy games twice. gaming really has gone to shit.

PS3 has free online because it's not worth paying for, you can't even talk to friends while playing games online, it's a disaster. I would much rather play online on the PS4 and Xbox One.

But between HD and MGS4, the only thing missing is MGS1 (no one cares about Metal Gear), so I seriously hope you aren't implying anyone should play a PS1 game on anything other than a CRT on the original hardware.

And I'd much rather not pay for online and not talk to people while playing. Why can't I have that option? Well, it's fine i guess, as long as i don't buy it.

Just use skype on a phone you faggot

>buying consoles when you aren't interested in any games on it
>afterword complaining it has no games
>being suprised it's predecessor that has been out for a decade has a larger library

It was all setup and had a 1tb internal hard drive. Its amazing what you can sell on ebay if you know how to put cfw on electronics

but if this bundle existed when I was buying my PSQuatro I would've been swooned.

I'm really thinking about selling my PS4 for a PS3, also, i can just fill up a harddrive with games for a jailbroken PS3...

>bought a console for no reason then sells it
>buys the console he should've bought in the first place
>tries to brag about being retarded

I coulda bought a PS4 but instead I bought a new PS3. I really fucking regret just not buying one before it stopped getting manufactured. Still, new Sony+Microshit consoles starting with last gen are so flimsy I wouldn't recommend buying one if you don't want to play exclusives right away.


Resistance and Uncharted were shit though. That alao applies to Killzone and InFamous though

>Resistance and Uncharted were shit though

git gud

Console shooters are without exception bad games. If you actually bought a console to play a shooter you might be retarded.

convenience, I don't even use skype on PC, I still use ventrilo

love this meme

Last gen was the worst gen since pre nes

7th gen had a lot of good games pleb

Buying a console for shooters is like buying a handheld to play fighting games

t. salty pcuck

>Not out
>Not out
>Not out
>Not even confirmed
>Not out
>Not out
>Not out
>Not out
>Not out
>Not out

Funny because console shitters constantly shit on PC because of keyboards, yet they're alright with using the worst possible tool to play shooters

>buying GOTY editions for less than $10


>God-tier console

Handheld fighting games aren't much worse than console fighting games, that's an understatement

Let's be honest, most PS4 owners on Sup Forums are either multiplat poorfags who can't afford a gaymen PC or idorts still waiting for exclusives.

>yet they're alright with using the worst possible tool to play shooters

It's like buying a console to play RTS then. That's the only other analogy I can think of.

>underpowered dvd player
>god tier

No need to offer a comparison, people too stupid to use a handful of keys to play games with a mouse for proper aiming won't understand your point in the first place


>mediocre games, games that aren't even out or multiplats

KEK, everytime

>Why is the PS3 so much better than the PS4?
Because it's much younger than the PS3 and you are a dumb faggot for buying a platform blindly without checking out games that will interest you?

And before you bring "LE NO GAMES XD" meme I tend to dislike the Xbox brand as a whole I am somehow satisfied with my Xbone purchase despite how Microsoft trats it this gen. The reason is because I checked out some games I might like before jumping in.

Also your whole post could have been made in 2007, just replace "PS4" with "PS3" and "PS3" with "PS2". It takes time for a console to build a library. Be a little patient and do some research, the PS4 lineup is already pretty good if you take the time to see what it has to offer instead of blindly parotting the shitty popular " only BLOODBORNE, BLOODORNE!!!!" opinion. Stop being a retard and do some research instead of swallowing shitty memes. Think for yourself and give stuff you've been meme'd into hating a chance. There are much better reasons to be pissed about the PS4 than its library of games.


>backwards compatible with all ps1 games

Tell that to my ps3, can't get the fucker to play tomb raider games.