Why is he so based?

Why is he so based?

Unlike literally every other internet critic, he has a job ethic and a stable personal life.

because he doesnt interact with his community

sans answering questions in lets drown out.

its the hat
people arent wearing enough hats

Yep this is pretty much it.

If you don't interact with your audience then they can't talk shit to you and you keep your mystique level up.

Like Hitler, they'd rush him away after every speech so people would always wonder about him.

Plus hating your fans is the sign of a truly based man.

What anime is this? I feel like I need to be watching it


Not sure but I'd like to watch it myself.

With dialogue like that, how could it possibly not be great?

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Found it using my reverse engineering l337 haxz0r skills.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes

He's actually a rather pathetic person but hey, he's made a name for himself and is living a pretty good life so it's all good.

Shucks since that's like a 500 hour anime. Guess I'll be done by sunday then.

Tell me if you find a torrent of it, I'm look on Piratebay and BakaBT but no luck.

So much this

>Sup Forums fags don't know about "100 episodes of talking and retarded European names" the anime

He's shit like everyone else

Nevermind, found it.

110 episodes on BakaBT

You guys recommend any space battle non-mech series?

I asked on Sup Forums but got a fucking warning.

Bc he is euphoric

Oh I know Demo senpai anally rimmed it out of this world, but he's so pretentious I don't listen to his opinions
Generally there's so many great anime out there non categorized by genre and so hard to hear about them when even the japanese only wants dumb waifushit
DemolitionD on youtube did like a whole video about that I think, something something Origuchi, never go on Sup Forums man

space battle ship yamato 2199 is a must then, it has nice modern animation and is pratically the only notable space opera to be released in recent years

then theres oldies like the original battleship yamato, captain harlock, galaxy express, etc

don't make rec threads on Sup Forums,you'd think the board is useful about that kind of shit but people legit get triggered over it. Try /wsg/ or thinly veil it like "name a space anime that rivals XXXX pro tip:you "can't

Thanks, mang.

What did you think of Knights of Sidonia?

I liked it a lot; the premise, the story/plot, characters.

Was getting interesting at the end of 2nd season.

All the major trackers have it. 1000 versions on AB, fairly sure BBT and nyaa have seeded ones too.

Crest of the Stars. Banner is nice too, but doesn't nearly reach the level of Crest.

Fuck, nobody leeches on good trackers.

I have to donate 20 euros for the free GB upload bonus before they kill my account.

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 is a fucking based show.

>implying the talking isn't the best part