3x3 thread

3x3 thread.

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Sorry for 6x6

>megaman legends
You mean DO YOU SEE A RED DOOR? Fuck that shitty ass game

>DO YOU SEE A RED DOOR? Fuck that shitty ass game
Thanks for the input, James Rolfe.

I think I epitomize pleb level 2, playing all the commonly referenced great games but nothing obscure.

I forget how to grade others but I like all of those games. Except FFV is one of my least favorite FF games. I did play the PS1 version which apparently is the shittiest.

>I think I epitomize pleb level 2, playing all the commonly referenced great games but nothing obscure.
Hey, you like what you like! Is Planescape really that good?

What I love about Final Fantasy V is all the gameplay variables.

Nice to see some love for Wave Race.

Most Sup Forumscore chart I've ever seen in these threads.
Get some genuine taste instead of trying so hard to fit in.




Planescape is fucking awesome. Might not be the cancer cure people hype it up to be but the writing is probably the best in any game i've ever played. If you like reading, you'll love it, if you want a more combat focused CRPG try Icewind Dale 2 instead.

>Get some genuine taste instead of trying so hard to fit in.
Not the user you're replying to, but that's a bullshit statement. We all have our taste.

Your thoughts on people saying Skyrim is overrated?

>MML but not MML2
But why? MML2 was better in almost every way. Except for the voice actor shift.

>Dialogue is bad

6/6. Thats castlevania 1, right?

Never played Wave Race, I've heard good things though

>Your thoughts on people saying Skyrim is overrated?
I still really enjoy it. People are free to not like what I do. I feel like half the games on my list are considered "overrated" by many anyway.

It's Akumajou Densetsu, the japanese version of Castlevania 3. The bosses are less bullshit (although sometimes too easy) and the music is WAY better.


You groove, you lose.


>But why? MML2 was better in almost every way. Except for the voice actor shift.
I never played Legends 2. Am I missing out?

Not the biggest fan of reading, to be honest. How is the gameplay?

The gameplay is pretty basic. There's always the smart spell usage and managing your party's inventory and shit, but honestly not the focus of the game at all. Considering that the combat isn't the game's focus, it works, but that also means that if you're not invested in the story there's nothing there for you.


Pretty good stuff Anons.

Yes. Legends 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.

Better dungeons, better music, better characters, more and better weapons (the Z-Saber is actually an awesome weapon instead of a piece of shit), a better story, better environments... Its leaps and bounds above MML1. Only problem is they gave Megaman a ridiculous shota voice actor.





Shit bros I gotta play some of these games



I should probably leave the board for not liking Chrono Trigger and Melee

I'm not terribly good at picking favorites.
>Castlevania III
Nice. I've never held much of a preference for either version. The Japanese release definitely has superior music, but it's never made much of a difference to me.

Also, don't sweat your picks. I wouldn't say your choices are any more or less unique than anyone else that usually posts.
>all this MGS1
It's a great game, but I always kind of thought it wasted its potential.

>not liking Chrono Trigger
You mean the most overrated game in existence?

Ocarina of Time would like a word

Super Snorio 64

How many of those games in your 9x9 have you beaten?


All of them. Why?

Because if you beat Ninja Gaiden and Dracula's Curse, you're pretty good.

I like your taste in games. Mega Man X4 and Final Fantasy X especially.

+GTA 3,
you're killing me with all that good taste senpai
+Deus Ex, KOTOR, Doom, DMC3, Persona 3, New Vegas, Galaxy, System Shock 2, Future Perfect, MGS3, Spyro, Red Dead, Bloodlines, Half Life, GTA SA, God Hand, Phoenix Wright, Crash, Hitman, Silent Hill 2, Stalker, Dark Souls
-Dead Space
+RE, SotC, Demon's Souls, Fallout 2, MGS
Playing Planescape Torment now and it's fantastic.
+Mario Bros, MGS1, Mario 64, MGS3
+Mario, MGS, Half Life
-Skyrim, Mass Effect, Portal
Jeez at least try to use the game covers.
+System Shock 1 (my favorite game), Demon's Souls, Mario Kart, Truck Sim, Blood, Mario 64, Tomb Raider
+Mario Bros, Mario 64, Timesplitters 2, Perfect Dark, Half Life 2, GTA 3
-Gaylo 2
+Red Dead, Twisted Metal, Mario Bros
+MGS1, Metroid, Jet Set Radio
+Metal Gear 2, Sotc, MGS2, Deus Ex

>Thief 2
I am really torn, I want to put this game in my 3x3, but 3 missions in it ruin it for me.
Trace the Courier, which rehashes the map from one of the previous missions and makes you track a NPC which is slow as fuck.
Casing the Joint, which limits your gameplay, you must not be seen at all, so you always have to play it the same way, the mission that comes afterwards uses the same map, but this time you can do whatever you want.
Kidnap, which reuses the map from Thief 1 (not even the whole map).

The Classicvanias are more about understanding their design philosophy than anything. Once you've gotten through one of them you're pretty close to being at least proficient at all of them. Castlevania III is definitely one of the tougher ones in the series, though.

It's my favorite for maintaining the general feel of the original game while expanding on the level design and general aesthetic variety. It's a gorgeous game.

I like how you did your rates. I'm gonna borrow that style.

Why a down vote for Fable, though? Just didn't like it or what?

Serious Sam rules. I adore the cartoony style and how it never takes itself "serious." (Ahem.) And probably the only game with a bunch of screaming headless guys.

I'll never get why people like TimeSplitters 2 over the original. For me, TimeSplitters 1 was much faster and smoother. I was disappointed with the drastic change in gameplay for the sequel. Even GoldenEye puts it to shame in the gameplay department.

Gotta play Blood before I die.

And oh, you play Ultima. Which means you like a challenge. Do you like the other Ultima games, as well?

>It's my favorite for maintaining the general feel of the original game while expanding on the level design and general aesthetic variety.
I feel the same. I like Castlevania 3 more than 4 for the SNES, even though I feel 4 is better gameplay-wise. Everyone complains about the restrictions in the 8-bit Vanias, but for me, those restrictions are part of the charm. It allows for more strategizing, and planning out how you will approach each stage, rather than going by pure muscle alone.

Castlevania 1 is my favorite.

>Everyone complains about the restrictions in the 8-bit Vanias
I've never understood this complaint. It's like people want every 2D game to play the same. The limited controls are as much of a design element as the enemy behavior or level design.

I just couldn't get into Fable for some reason and I'm planning on playing Ultima 4 and 7 very soon. As for Timesplitters I think because the objectives in TS2 had more variety made people enjoy it more than the first. Instead of every level just being run to the end, grab an object, and run back you had a list of things to do. All the TS games are good in their own way tho.

>The limited controls are as much of a design element as the enemy behavior or level design.


>As for Timesplitters I think because the objectives in TS2 had more variety made people enjoy it more than the first. Instead of every level just being run to the end, grab an object, and run back you had a list of things to do.
Probably true. I loved TimeSplitters 1 for its multi-player and challenge modes the most.

3/5 +SMRPG, MM4, WW
- GTA and Fable
I'm pretty indifferent about Fable but I consider the series to be the definition of mediocre so I would be lying if I gave you a point for it

11/16 +DOOM, P3FES, Kirby, Galaxy, Ghost Trick, MGS3, Spyro, Layton, Jak and D, Ace Attorney, Dark Souls
-Fallout, Cave Story, RDR, Skies of Arcadia, GTA
You're a cool guy for picking a Kirby game, Galaxy 1 over 2, and Spyro 2 especially. I need to re-evaluate my 3x3, might change some stuff around. The idea of making a 6x6 excites me but it also seems really obnoxious. Doesn't seem to hurt the amount of replies you get

3/3 SotC, Zelda, MGS
Liking obscure games doesn't make you any less of a pleb, be confident in your taste and know that you will always be a pleb to someone

7/8 +Mario, SF, MGS, 64, FF7, WW, MGS3
I'm at the end of the game but I don't have it in me to finish it. I haven't played it in about a week but the slog through Kefka's tower was too boring to me. Maybe tonight's the night. I don't think anything can salvage my disappointment with the game though.

6/7 +Zelda, MMX, Mario, MGS, ME1, Portal
I'm an Oblivionfag so I'll just never enjoy Skyrim as much as I did Oblivion, just like Morrowindfags before me.

5/6 +Mario, Mario, Zelda, Zelda, Halo

2/3 +SF, Mario

6/6 CT, SF, MGS, OoT. Melee, Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2 is the greatest example of how it's okay to enjoy bad games. I think that game is genuinely entertaining

3/3 Zelda, SotC, MGS2

3/3 MM. FFX, MvC3
X is my favorite FF

1/1 I love Nocturne

Oh look, it's that mongoloid who uses concept art for his 3x3

Don't even know what half those games are.

plebs detected

>I'm pretty indifferent about Fable but I consider the series to be the definition of mediocre so I would be lying if I gave you a point for it
Fair enough.

Why the original Mario Galaxy over the sequel?

Your 9x9 looks great, except for the image of Kingdom Hearts. It's blurry as hell.

What's the bottom game?


I thought a lot of the magic was gone in Galaxy 2. It felt like less of a realized world to me. I hated the Mario head ship as a hub world compared to the Observatory, and the layout of the worlds along those lines made them stand out as just "levels", nothing more. I didn't think Yoshi added much either, and I know I'm in the minority but I much preferred the level design of 1.

ooh 3x3 thread!

-- 1/1
-- 7/7
-- 1/1
-- 4/4
-- 3/3
-- 2/2
-- 1/2
-- 3/3
-- 1/1

hi guys!!!









>all this GTA III

I love you guys

Punch Out was the reason I bought a Wii. Most underrated game ever.

>GTA 3
*High fives you


>all this GTA III
>I love you guys
It's because GTA 3 rules. Best game ever when it was released in 2001, and maybe the most important. Easily one of the greatest games ever made.

People can argue San Andreas is the better game, but GTA 3 is synonymous with titles like Super Mario Bros., Doom, Tetris, Legend of Zelda, etc

GTA III is my favourite game of all time man. Partly because of all that nostalgia but the atmosphere just cannot be beat.

>DK '94
I like your style, dude. I almost put Donkey Kong '94 in mine myself.

Sonic 2 is my favorite Sonic game.

What if he genuinely enjoys those games?

>Partly because of all that nostalgia but the atmosphere just cannot be beat.
Yeah, the initial impact it made is second to none. That feeling of "I can go anywhere and do anything?" it initially created was magic. And maybe the last really great and influential game we've had.

As each generation comes and goes, we see the trend of open world/sandbox gameplay popularized by GTA 3 become a bigger deal.

>Grand Theft Auto III
Voted the 4th best game of all-time by Game Informer magazine, and voted the number 1 best game ever by Electric Playground last year.

Are you talking about the top 200 list of games Game Informer did for the 200th magazine? I think I still have that. I remember there being some questionable items on there

Go here and you can watch why Electric Playground voted GTA III number 1.


Driving across Callahan bridge with the rain coming down, whole city spread out in front of you. I just got lost in Portland for hours and hours on end, never once getting bored.

>GTAIII reactions from people who hadn't played Driver 2, Body Harvest, or Shenmue first

>Are you talking about the top 200 list of games Game Informer did for the 200th magazine? I think I still have that. I remember there being some questionable items on there
Yes, I am. What games did you find questionable?

*also the beta of the game is really fucking interesting. I heavily suggest just having a look at what the game was going to be, alpha screentshots and all. Recently bought an extremely early PS2 magazine to get an early render of portland and some of the red light district, interesting stuff.

>Driver 2, Body Harvest, or Shenmue
I actually did play all those games first. Didn't care much for them.

>Driving across Callahan bridge with the rain coming down, whole city spread out in front of you. I just got lost in Portland for hours and hours on end, never once getting bored.
What's your favorite radio station?

I only listen to the talk and rock/metal stations in every GTA or GTA clone.

I wish they'd start doing more talk radio content. It seems like the PS2 games had quite a bit, but then IV and V the content loops constantly.

I found it, got it open right here.

I really don't agree with The Legend of Zelda as the number 1 game of all time, but then again any game as the number 1 would get shit on. Tetris is a great pick for top 3 though. Flipping through the first few pages I disagree with a few, but it's actually a pretty tame list

That's a lot of GTA3 variants. I could never hardcore collect PC games, pretty much every remotely popular game has a shit ton of variants like that... it would never end!

They definitely aren't ranking the games based on sheer quality. Like to say Metroid is the 8th best game of all time is silly, it's been surpassed. Or even putting Goldeneye on the list at all, let alone at number 32

>talk radio content
"I'm from upstate, ok? You happy money now?"

I think Zelda is a fine choice. But yeah, I wouldn't vote it number one, either. Game Informer putting stuff like Doom, Tetris, GTA 3, Half-Life 2 and Final Fantasy 3 in their top 10 shows they know what they fuck they're talking about.

Do you guys think games should be judged based on their modern merits, or within the context in which they were originally released?

Neat collection.

I remember a while back I checked to see which versions my PS2 trilogy games were.

Was happy to find out they were all the original unedited versions.

>Metroid is the 8th best game of all time is silly, it's been surpassed. Or even putting Goldeneye on the list at all, let alone at number 32
Oh, I'm gonna have to disagree with that. Ask anyone who owned an NES back in 1987, and they will tell you Metroid was the shit. It's a far more organic experience than most of today's contrived games. And the climax finish, with the surprise plot twist, can never be duplicated.

>Do you guys think games should be judged based on their modern merits, or within the context in which they were originally released?
Context they were originally released, because it's difficult to compare the quality of a game from 2016 to a game from 1978.

> putting stuff like Doom, Tetris, GTA 3, Half-Life 2 and Final Fantasy 3 in their top 10 shows they know what they fuck they're talking about
I wouldn't say that, I think it says they are making the safe picks based on preconceived notions and accepted opinions.

That's why this is so hard. Context does matter, but I strongly feel that "most influential" is very different from "best"

My point was that Super Metroid is an improvement. A well accepted opinion too. Putting Metroid above it because it was ground breaking doesn't seem right to me, but I get what you're saying

I feel like Super Metroid surpassed it in pretty much every way. That is, unless you're the type who prefers learning to navigate your way around the world without a map. I know some people really enjoy that aspect.


>I think it says they are making the safe picks based on preconceived notions and accepted opinions.
Right, but you admit that putting Metroid over Super Metroid is an unpopular opinion, so I don't think that was entirely the case. I happen to agree with Final Fantasy 3 being the best RPG ever made, for example. My only gripe is they snubbed Ocarina of Time to place A Link to the Past higher. What was the reason for that? Ocarina is way more influential.

>most influential is very different from best
I'm guessing their definition of "greatest" games is a mix of both innovation and quality.

What game would you choose as number 1 of all-time?

6/6 Fable seems like such an odd choice, but I had fun with it.
32/32 You fucking defeated the point of these things, GG.
8/8 Nothing wrong with that, user. Good taste.
9/9 Love for Wind Waker is here in abundance in this thread.
7.5/8 -Unmodded Skeerim.
10/10 Solid.
7/8 -Fallout 3
5/5 Neat choices for art.
6/6 Very good taste.

>unless you're the type who prefers learning to navigate your way around the world without a map
You mean without an in-game map. Most people drew their own maps on paper.

Alan Wake never gets enough love.

Kudos for liking Battlefield 2 over Bad Company 2, but I'll take Tekken 2 over Tekken 3 any day.

>do I fit in yet guys?

Probably Tetris honestly

And while you make the good point of Metroid over Super being unpopular, I was more trying to say that the top several games are the safe picks, even if the order is slightly off on them (obviously so, because there is no real "right" order)

So you love modern gaming. Advanced graphics and story-telling.

Bayonetta 2 is awesome.

Had Remedy never mentioned the words open and world it would probably have been better received.
I liked BC2 a lot but wish they had remained separate takes instead of being merged together to the detriment of the core battlefield games.

Why Tetris?

For me, I would say Ocarina of Time is the number one. Most beloved game ever, highest critically acclaimed, amazing soundtrack, and extremely innovative. It's the total package.

And I happen to agree that Super Metroid should be higher than Metroid 1.

My list would be:

1.) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2.) Grand Theft Auto III
3.) Super Mario Bros.
4.) Super Metroid
5.) Doom
6.) Half-Life 2
7.) The Legend of Zelda
8.) Final Fantasy III
9.) Metal Gear Solid
10.) Tetris

Isn't the point of this very thread what each user would say is the top 9 games of all time? Aren't your favorites the ones you think are the best?


>Isn't the point of this very thread what each user would say is the top 9 games of all time? Aren't your favorites the ones you think are the best?
It's a 9x9 thread to showcase your 9 favorite games. The thread has evolved and deep discussion is now taking place.

>Tales of Destiny
9/9 Oh shit nigga
Have you played the PS2 version?

But aren't a person's 9 favorite games the 9 games they think are the best?

I'd love to but I can't comprehend the slightest bit of japanese, and playing a translated rom is out of the question for me since I can't even get a PS1 emulator to work at all, let alone a PS2 emulator.

Not necessarily, other things could factor in to what makes a game someone's "favorite". In terms of overall quality, I think Twilight Princess is better than Ocarina of Time, but I like Ocarina more because it was my introduction to the series and I have a lot of very fond memories associated with it.

I can't read runes either but having played it on PS1 helps a ton, and there's translation guides/videos. If you import it it's totally doable and worth it.

>But aren't a person's 9 favorite games the 9 games they think are the best?
Not for me. Breath of Fire 3 is my all-time favorite game, but I wouldn't place it in a top 10 list.

Oh man that takes me back. Right around the time the Earthbound series began getting popular, I imported a copy of Mother 2 since the english version was around $40 at the time (oh how I now wish I bought it back then). Played through it using videos of the english version and a handful of different translation guides (there was one for items, one for moves, one for the script, etc). Good times.

You guys have got great taste!

Just out of interest is it worth looking into the Shenmue series or was it only great during its time of release?

GTA 3 is pretty good
Dragons Dogma is pretty bad