Objectively the best way to have the HUD

Objectively the best way to have the HUD

Monster Hunter Generations thread.

How do you use the Arts then?

you can set it to the inner shoulder buttons as shortcuts

Really? I need to look into that.

I'd rather know what my health looks like in my peripheral vision rather than a glance.

Seeing Forest and Hills again is nice.
I might have to pick the game up again.

>getting hit
I knew Sup Forums was casual but not THIS casual.

What the aim/target thing do?

>playing mongolian virtual big game hunting arcade experiences in the first place

Soft "lock on"

Turns the camera to face the monster. But your movements aren't "locked on."

Yes, but how do you know the charge status of your arts?

How do you not know about the soft lock on, user?

you don't

guy clearly is only doing it to clear up the top screen

Did they make it so the C-Stick has Diagonal control yet? Fucking Bowgun control is shit because of that.

There are like 3 other threads and a general on /vg/.

>Turns the camera to face the monster
Just like the L buttom?

well you have to lock onto the monster first

With the lock on L will orient the cam to face the monster without the lock it turns to face wherever the hunter is facing

Who the fuck plays like this? Just use your thumb god damn it

Nakarkos is ded. Now I can finally go and do what I enjoy the most in MonHun, which is to help others with their urgents.

>carrying shitters who will just fuck up other players

Google 3dsモンハン十字

>playing co-op in a co-op game
If you weren't so grumpy I bet people wouldn't abandon you when it's your turn to do the urgent.

I tried playing like that but I prefer having health, stamina and items on the main screen because that way I can see it more easier. Also arts need to be on bottom screen.

>no combos
into the fucking trash

>no hud panel for just two arts
>have to either have one art and not know how much the other is charged or three arts and have an empty panel
guild style is suffering

What's the best malfestio weapon?

Oops didn't mean for that to be a reply.

>it wasn't a real (you)

the SnS is pretty good.


looks nice

Does anyone put the map on the top screen?

>he need the map
>he need the party hp
>he need the lock-on

filthy casual

Low Rank turns room
Keys, ingredients, whatever, get in here

38 3111 8490 8425

I use this for adept, except the cats panel switched with gestures.

I use it for aerial actually
I dislike adept
I don't understand how the followup attacks work

You can only set Arts 2 and 3 to ZL/ZR. Art 1 is accessed through R+A+B, which is finicky as fuck.

>can't check your own health simply by glancing at the top left to check how much you lost, have to check another screen entirely
>using lock-on like some uncultured and incapable plebeian
>seriously using the item scroller
If you don't take cats with you and only play solo, you don't need the party stat checker, either.

THIS is objectively the best way to play.

>quick combines for 20 honey, 70 power coatings, 40 element/close range coatings, loads of extra bullets per battle without having to fuck with menus
>quick items so you don't need to constantly scroll through the item wheel
>unclutter the top screen without going overboard
>can check the status of arts 2 and 3 without needing to take up 3 bottom screen slots by pressing on the arrow, and also have a quick shortcut to Art 1 without needing to do R+A+B bullshit

>20 honey
20 mega potions, I meant. As needed, of course.

pls respond

It's easily my least favourite map ever. The number of monsters that start off in Area 5 is too fucking many, which is compounded by the fact that it's an ass shit pain to get to. Never mind how unpleasant it is to constantly go between 5 and 9 over and over and over and over.

I am someone who seriously praises the Dunes as one of the best maps of 4th Gen and enjoys it immensely and I still loathe the Verdant Hills.

I need to grind out monster broth and novacrystals. You willing?

I don't have any smoke bombs and are novacrystals even achievable at low rank?

Shut the FUCK up, this is the most retarded stale meme ever.
Even autistic Japanese speed runners get hit, you are not fooling anyone faggot.

Lightcrystals, my bad. Gypceros, basically.

And those quests provide poison smoke bombs.

Generations should have been on console too.
I fucking hate the Japanese; the "convenience" of playing a portable device on a train or some shit does NOT make up for a tiny shit screen, cramped controls and no proper chat system.

yeah sure, we'll be on a snake hunt quick
but it is turns
