Why haven't you played the best touhou fangame Sup Forums?
Why haven't you played the best touhou fangame Sup Forums?
forgot download link webfile.jp
But I already have
Is this a MMBN style fangame?
That isn't PDP.
That isn't Shoot shoot Nitori
battle network games are loaded with cryptic bullshit and I can't read japanese so I wouldn't have any clue what to do.
Yep it's not finished but i think it's close to it.
It's pretty damn good and has some neat spins on BN mechanics like being able to store up to 4 styles and being able yo switch between them during battle like crosses from bn 6
There also a bunch of fun bosses minus the , yorihime (protoman clone)
here it has what you need to get through the game
>Ver 0.31
>Moon runes
i posted a guide a post above you
looks neat, I'll check it out
Is there ever a chance that this will ever be translated?
might be when the main game is finished
How much of the games main story is finished?
Ehh,fair enough,but I'll check it out after it's finished.
Meanwhile,I'll stick to Touhouvania and PDP for now.
On that topic,is Fantasy Maidens Wars any good?
Do you like Super robot wars? It's like that but with a bunch of bullshit.
Story is wonky, balance ranges from meh to completely broken, but I still really like it.
Though I don't know if the translation for the second/third game is finished yet and there isn't a proper guide for it in english. There are menu translations in text form though.
>Do you like Super robot wars
I have never heard of that game.I thought FMW was a Fire Emblem-like game.
>More untranslated games
Why must I suffer so much?
Thanks for the info though.
FMW isn't anything like FE
emulate some of Super robot wars orginal genrations for the gba so FMW doesn't kick your ass too hard
Fire emblem came out just a bit before the first Robot Wars game.
They're pretty similar, although Robot Wars is much better
>Fire Emblem-like
Your units are all stronger, move farther, have higher range, more abilities, and the enemies are stronger, but there isn't permadeath. Its more likely that you'll fuck yourself over by having too weak of an army because you didn't distribute exp well enough.
>All those FMW replies
>No one points out the shitty RNG
That's my only complain about the game really
>The music tho
What games would you recommend to start with?
I have a recently hacked 3ds and I wanna test out GBA emulation.Seems like the perfect opportunity.
Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 1, then 2 on GBA
Then play SRW J if you wanna stay GBA
You are given a save state, it shouldn't kick your ass at all unless you aren't using it for a a challenge.
The english gba SRW games.
Isn't 3ds gba emulation shit?
>Isn't 3ds gba emulation shit?
I wouldn't know,thats why I'll test it out.
Anyway,thanks for the suggestions anons.Going to download them right now.
>Shitty RNG
Its just confirmation bias for all of the time when you remembered that you got a shit roll.
>No one points out the shitty RNG
Don't worry, I'm here now.
>99% chance to hit
>this happens 9 out of 10 times, requiring the use of savescumming to get anywhere
Okay,so the only game I managed to find is SRW J and,I assume,the original SRT on GB.
Is there a problem to just start with J or I'll miss tons of shit if I don't play the earlier ones?
How it works, is that the non-OG games feature mechs/characters from a bunch of different anime, like a crossover game
The Original Generations games feature an all-original cast, so the story in those are a bit better
So no, you son't miss stuff from playing J, since it's a crossover game with a few characters that actually matter in the series (calvina, toya, the 3 side pilot girls)
The 2 OG Games are pretty important in the OG story, so if you want to eventually go on to 2nd og on ps3 or Moon Dwellers then you'll need to play the OG games
Make sure you have the english patch for J, too
The non-OG games are pretty much completely disconnected. You can play them in any order, though of course newer games will be more fun (they're essentially the same thing over and over, just increasingly polished with different story and animation). The OG series, however, is interconnected, starting with SRW Original Generations on GBA, then Original Generations 2. The English versions of those 2 games, btw, are Super Robot Taisen.
J is a good starting point, but I really recommend the OG games, because they can be challenging without too much bullshit (J has a LOT of reenforcements and that might turn you off at first).
Proper Touhou thread when?
Doesn't a proper touhou thread just mean circlejerking and best waifu with 0 discussion of the games?
make it
Proper touhou thread means 3 replies and archiving within 10 minutes.
Ehh,fuck the 3ds then.I guess I'll download the OG roms and play them on my phone .I like having an overarching story instead of a crossover with no purpose other than fonservice.
Once again,thanks anons.
That's why.
Wait until this thread dies to make a "Proper" thread.Otherwise it will end up like said.
At least post some gameplay webms, fuck.