TL;DR - Someone spent $1050 USD to get a leaked copy of the game. Posted it on Daily Motion and after a half hour said it was pretty boring. All the while being hyped as fuck before popping it in.

All you fucking do is shoot rocks for hours to even get off the first planet. Creature AI is horrible, and everything floats when you destroy it from bottom to top; it has no phyiscs!

And you should see the people denying how BAD it is! They're just as bad as Hilary Supporters i-i-it's good guys! We swear~

Other urls found in this thread:

next time, try to pepper a few "cuck"s into your shitpost

Day 1 pirate.

It will be on GOG lel

You're a big enough cuck, Sean.

ok, now throw in a "dindu", for variety

>tortanic 5.0

Oh great, more redditors.


>Said it was pretty boring after being hyped
This is not what happened.

t. cuck

I'm always skeptical of a game with randomization as a main hook, because how deep can it really ever be?

Turns up, not so much


just fucking kill yourself please please please

or else what

I wasn't threatening you my friend, I was just making a suggestion

where is the dailymotion link faggot?

How has a space video game become associated with the left? Did the devs pull some outlandish sjw shit or is this just incoherent trump memers trying to fit in?

>tfw waiting for all the NMS supporter tears

they wear flannel shirts and have beards

watched the 26 min video and the fact shooting the bottom of something doesnt make it tip over/fall is very annoying, im not defending that but guess they needed to cut corners somewhere for all the MATHS they did.

wondering how water works then.....

>Hahahahaha my friends brother's uncle's second grandma twice removed's evil twin brother got this game before it came out and it SUCKS. No I'm not posting source why wouldn't everyone just believe me my mommy says I'm very charismatic!

Shitpost general?

Was anyone really expecting this game to be any good?

>Planet 1:
>Red fauna
>green creatures
>blue water
>yellow sky
>tropical climate

>Planet 2:
>Yellow fauna
>red creatures
>green water
>blue sky
>snowy climate

on Sup Forums if you don't like someone or their idea you call them a nigger, a shill, or a cuck

The devs are pretty obvious numales

Sup Forums has no limits

I want Sup Forums to leave.

this would probably be an alright game if it hadn't been so hyped

the fuck is that shit link bitch?

wew lad that 5 second webm is a clear indication of the game

Sony lawyers.
Here's another link:

Not to defend the retarded child of Spore and Elite but Dwarf Fortress is driven by p gen and is deep to absurd levels.

It was removed, there are TONS of YouTube links to it in any of these threads.

Ctrl+F YouTube in any of the threads senpai

take a wild guess


reminder that the lord and everyone hates a coward

stand for yourself at least once in your life

Use the download button.

>Hahahahaha my friends brother's uncle's second grandma twice removed's evil twin brother
my sides user

I have no interest in the game but it's still sad to see how much effort people can put into not liking things.

>another endless collecting crafting game
>it gets boring after a while

WOW who could have fucking guessed

I don't like to be cynical but these types of games are just becoming a chore. Sure, they were kinda neat at first but after a while it's the same thing with different skin

because conservicucks want to defund space programs. despite the fact that a lot of our greatest technologies have come from it.

i just watched the leaked video and it convinced me to pre-order

How does this guy have this much disposable income, in the video he sounds like a 16 year old. He makes it seem like he's doing really well for himself, I bet he's an autistic kid who gets all his money from his rich dad.

Back to EVE, numales.

>forcing yourself to like every little faggy indie game that comes out


this one?

>flips shit when sjw's force their politics into video games
>turns the very act of having an opinion on a video game into a political statement

It's never going to end, is it?


Okay, I was still making a suggestion. Read my post again "just fucking kill yourself please please please" where in that post was I threatening you? If I was threatening you I would have said something like "I'm going to kill yourself for you", which I absolutely didn't say.

You can't dislike a game and meme spouting redditors like OP at the same time?

good, this one is in hd

I'll watch thanks.

Wait isn't Trump the one who wants to increase funding?


>it runs on the havok engine
>but theres no physics
>dark souls has better physics than no mans sky

why don't you go back to shitposting about walls?

nigga there's a huge amount of middle ground between liking something and hating it.




It's 1k man, shitty decision money.

Tortanic ruined this board

>Posted it on Daily Motion and after a half hour said it was pretty boring
he never said it was boring even though it does look like dogshit. he stopped posting stuff because he said he found some huge stuff and didn't wanna be known as the guy to spoil everything.

>spending 1050 USD to get a game a week early

full retard

>dark souls
>better physics

>Make a space game that looks pretty but boring
>Be surprised when the game turns out like shit
Day one I knew it didn't look right.

In his reddit post he said he paid $2000, that's like 2 months of saving autism bucks.

Cmon lad it's pretty obviously a marketing move by Sony to hype their shitty numale game.

that is beyond autistic, doesn't it come out pretty soon?


remove the "s" in "https"

Wow game is shit color me surprised.

>console gaming is cheap they said

depends on the core mechanics and style of game
see mystery dungeon games, randomization works but pre-built levels are almost always better. the one exception is when the level designer is shit

"everything is shit"

t. neo "i don't play video games" Sup Forums

It was $1300 from what I heard, but still spending $1050 on a single video game sounds pretty fucking stupid if you ask me, even if it was the best game ever made. I think the guy has mental issues.

Oh shit then you probably right

isnt that guy on the right a girl?
ether the most girly man or a girl that really needs to change her hairstyle

>Posted it on Daily Motion and after a half hour said it was pretty boring.
Where does he say this?

>No Man Sky

whats the next blunder to happen this year?

Stupid Sup Forums memes. They don't even know the difference between leftists and yuppie liberals.

>everything is good
t. guy who eats shit



Well if you watch his two other videos of him opening the box with it inside, you can clearly see he is well off and spending 2k is probably pennys to him. He looks to be high middle-class or high class Redditor.

>the boys are back in town.jpg
top kek

> posts a kike

Or living with his parents


jesus christ that image is the very definition of the lyric " you look stupid cause you look like everyone else" its like no one knows how to be unique anymore

It's okay user. We understand that you don't know how to have fun anymore. Please just end it, you know you'll feel better ;)

>all these shitposts about the leak, not a single webm

the state of Sup Forums

why does Sup Forums hate this game

>No Man's Sky will likely be shit just like most procedurally generated games
>But OP decided to be an autistic faggot and used enough buzzwords to make a redditor blush, so shills can pick him apart

I'm laughing because you probably look like Chad.

10 days. Honestly he would have been better off donating the 2000$ to pay for some kids cancer treatment or something instead of playing this boring shit early, at least he would have a nice feeling afterwards.


I saw the video, what spoilers are they talking about? It seemed like some regular gameplay, nothing special about it.

>T-t-t-there's a difference!
Back to your cuckshed.

no i dont i look like me im too fat to be a chad

>people being surprised the Spore of our generation is shit

The spoiler is that the game is shit.

Alien AI is not very good