Only oldfags will remember this
Only oldfags will remember this
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Jokes on you, I've been here since 2005 and I don't remember this.
I'm having a lot of fun
>>>Sup Forums
spotted the newfag
Oh look, a free Ipad
Go go gadget shitpost.
It's still one of the absolute worst videos I've ever seen. I can't watch it without cringing, to this day. I mean, WHAT was he THINKING?
I remember Gadget Inspector and I was born in 1997.
>Hur dur underage user
People of my generation has 18 and 19 years, time really fly too fast.
Do you guys remember doge? Fucking good times.
worst meme of the decade.
>people who have broswed since 2013-2014 now call themselves oldfags
lol if ur a loser that's been here for more than 2 years might as well kys anyway
>That period where James had no fucking clue what to do with the channel and just let Mike upload whatever the fuck he wanted.
I'm having a lot of fun
I've been looking for this website for like a year now.
It made some quality content
Is this an old meme thread?
>I still laugh at bane.
>I don't even know why
I miss derailing shitty threads on Sup Forums with dubs
you can still do it, it's just now you say "5".
You can do it with 0s still.
>Oh, look. A free ipad
The perfect punchline.
Only really really old people will like this