Sonic Timeline

Can someone please explain the Sonic timeline? What particularly bothers me is if Sonic 2 is set before or after Sonic CD
>inb4 autist

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There's no official timeline.
If you really want an answer it'd be Sonic 1 -> Sonic CD -> Sonic 2 -> Sonic 3&Knuckles

Sonic 1 > Sonic 2 > Sonic 3&K > Sonic CD > Sonic 4

Sonic CD after sonic 3&K?

Classic timeline
Sonic 1 -> Sonic CD -> Sonic Labyrinth-> Sonic 2 8bit -> Sonic 2 -> Sonic Chaos -> Sonic 3&K -> Sonic Triple Trouble -> Sonic Blast -> Sonic Mania -> Sonic's Schoolhouse

Not sure where to place 3D Blast and the two Sonic Drift games on this timeline. Also, Sonic 4 was just modern Sonic having a bad dream after eating cheesy chilli dogs at night.

Because it makes no sense to go from Metal Sonic to this garbage to Metal Sonic again.

So yes, CD does go after Sonic 3. Fuck you.

No, you're a fucking retard

that doesn't line up at all

Tell me how I don't make sense besides saying I'm a retard.

And if you just spell out some bullshit about how Mecha Sonic is uber Super Mario Z god tier and better than Metal Sonic, then fuck you even harder.

Like Mario. Order of release unless stated otherwise. Games that are contradicted by later games that are developped by the main development team become non-canon. Story elements that carry on from one game to another put these games next to each other even if they weren't released right after one another or in the correct order.

Sonic 3 happens right after Sonic 2 (Death Egg crashes onto Angel Island) and Sonic 4 happens right after Sonic & Knuckles (Sonic parts ways with Tails and Knuckles). Knuckles' Chaotix is not canon because the Japanese manual states that Metal Sonic was put into another body after being defeated in CD, while Sonic 4 shows Eggman retrieving Metal Sonic from Little Planet 1 year after CD and putting him to work against Sonic right after that.

CD happens before Sonic 2 because 2->3>&K->4 follow each other directly and 4 relies on CD's story.

All games are canon, and each take place after the other, except for the Olympic and Boom spin-off titles

06 counts too as it still retcons itself in the end

It's 1 -> CD -> 2.

That's Mecha Sonic. You fight him first in Sonic 2 16-bit (8-bit has Silver Sonic, alternate timeline).
Mecha Sonic was designed to be fast like Sonic but more durable and powerful. It didn't work, so Eggman tried making a robot than can OUTRUN Sonic, Metal Sonic. That didn't work so he went back and heavily upgraded Mecha Sonic, trying to improve him in every way, which is the guy we see in Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Tails isn't with you in CD because he couldn't catch up before Sonic got into Little Planet, and due to its strange time properties the events of that game happen in an instant.

I meant 1 -> 2 -> CD.

Sonic 4 isn't canon.

This. CD is after 3&K because works best as the prelude to 4 and features Metal Sonic, and it makes no sense that Metal Sonic would later get replaced by that fucking piece of garbage they fought in 3&K.

Sonic 4 was made by Sonic Team alongside with Dimps, and is an official sequel to 3&K. As terrible as it is, it is canon.

If it's bad it isn't canon.

Mecha/Silver Sonic is a different robot from Metal and is significantly weaker.

Olympics are clearly not canon because Sonic's world isn't Earth anyway, or the same as Mario's world. But do we have 100% proof that Boom is unrelated to the main continuity?

Metal stayed behind on Little Planet according to CD, which is why Silver Sonic was used.

So Sonic 1-3&K are the only canon games.

>But do we have 100% proof that Boom is unrelated to the main continuity?
They look different and they all have different personalities.

They said since day 1 that Boom is not canon and it's its own thing

How does people not know about this yet

Sonic being taller and having hair on his arms would imply him (and everyone else) being older, which would explain the slightly different personalities.

What I know they said is that they said it wouldn't be part of the main series or replace the current Sonic, but I don't remember them saying anything about the story.

Hedgehogs don't grow into mongeese as they age.

To get autistically into it, it roughly goes like this:
Sonic 1 -> CD -> 2 -> 3&K -> Chaotix -> 4 -> -> Sonic Adventure -> SA2 -> Sonic Advance -> Sonic Advance 2 -> Sonic Heroes -> SHTH -> Sonic Battle -> Sonic Advance 3 -> 06 -> Sonic Rush -> Rush Adventure -> Unleashed -> Storybook games -> Colors -> Generations -> Lost World

Certain ones have vague placings; Rush is presumably after 06 since Blaze doesn't really recognize Sonic in 06. Battle and Advance 3 are after Shadow's game because Shadow has his memories back in Battle and Advance 3's plot follows up on elements from Battle. It's hard to place the storybook games, but it's evident that black knight at least takes place after rush and all the games from colors onwards reference their immediate predecessors.

Rush still takes place before 06 because Blaze sends herself to another dimention towards the end and she and sonic never really meet during the game

Well, the point of contention there comes with blaze coming from a different dimension at the start of Rush.

But, it's probably more trouble than its worth to discuss that kind of time and space fuckery.

Izuka already said that they fucked up and that it's not canon anyway, so whatever

Guess that works.

Where is Dark Brotherhood?

At the very end of the timeline. And since that game isn't ever getting a sequel, that means the Sonic franchise ends with Eggman winning.

I heard it was declared noncanon, but it would only really make any sense as a lead in to unleashed were it to be placed anywhere specifically.

What's SHTH?

Shadow The Hedgehog

What's not canon, 06 or Rush?


06 is canon, it merely retcons large aspects of its own core plot by the end. Additionally, if it wasn't canon it wouldn't be featured in generations. Rush needs to be canon to some extent to make blaze make sense in her later appearances.

So, I guess the whole alt dimension vs future blaze mess is what he's talking about?

The timelines deviate due to the actions from Sonic CD's endings

Sonic 1> Sonic CD GOOD>Sonic 2>Sonic 3K>Sonic Mania>Sonic Unleashed>Sonic Colors>Sonic Generations>Sonic Project 2017

Sonic 1>Sonic CD BAD>Sonic 2>Sonic Generations>Sonic 3K>Sonic 4 Ep 1 & 2>Sonic Adventure>Sonic Adventure 2>Sonic Heroes>Shadow>06>Universe resets into Unleashed>Colors>Generations (post universe reboot)>Lost World> Sonic Project 2017

Both timelines eventually merge into one by Project 2017, but the events of Sonic CD decide what happens to which Sonic. That's why Sonic from the GOOD future tells Classic that his future is great. Because that Sonic hasn't gone through Shadow or 06. But the Sonic from the BAD future doesn't know this and will go into those horrible titles. What happens post Project 2017 depends on its events.

The spinoffs are deviants from each timeline that would require years of hard work to factually put in order.

But, 06 is a core series sonic game. That's pretty definitively canon.

It wasn't even supposed to be called Sonic 4

it happened

but it didn't

you can't inb4 your own post autist

"canon" only matters as a measurement of what will be adapted and retained for sequels

So no, things like Sonic 06 and Sonic 4 aren't truly canon.

It still explains what happened to shadow after his own game and shows that he's finally over his edgelord phase now that he has a full-time job. So, it's still just barely canon.

guess i'll post this here, is this worth it?

depends. Why not just buy the mini Genesis coming out?

Advertising a PAL console on a mostly NTSC console user board isn't the best thing to do, but damn I will admit that is pretty good.

>"why buy a cheap micro console from @Ga,Es with bad sound emulation and half of the built in games are Homebrews, when you can buy an actual Genesis?"

Come on now

Well it definitely came before that story where the guy met that furry who bought a dog specifically so he could fuck it.

>"why not buy a cheap micro console that plays all the games instead of wasting money on all this shit"
don't be a retard

im only really interested in it since it comes with the mega CD add on too, which is pretty expensive to buy on it's own

also because i live ina PAL territory asshole

one, that's been out for a while, it's just a reprint
2 it doesn't have mega cd capabilities.

Sonic 1>Sonic CD>Sonic 2>AoStH>Tails Adventure>Sonic Chaos>Sonic 3nK>Sonic Triple Trouble>Sonic Blast>Knuckle's Chaotix>Sonic Underground>SA>SA2>Sonic Advance Series>Sonic Heroes>Shadow the Hedgehog>Sonic 06>Sonic Unleashed>Sonic Colors>Sonic Generations causes classic sonic to make different decisions that proceeds to make SatAM>Sonic Comics

Did I miss anything?

Sonic Advance 3 carries on from sonic battle which is presumably after Shadow's game since he isn't an edgy faggot with amnesia. You also skipped the rush games and lost world. But that's about it.

Hedghehogs also aren't blue, also don't stand upright and also don't sport just a few large tufts of hair on their back so I don't know what your point is. Shadow always had the hairy arms and he's a hedgehog.


Except European hedgehogs have plenty of fur on their arms you uneducated mongrel.

He's an african pygmy hedgehog you fucking retard.

OH, so that's why he's black and his waifu has aids.

Homo Sapiens originated from Africa as well. Sonic is from Christmas Island.

Certain domesticated hedgehogs have fur on their arms as well.

So? Sonic doesn't.

You're forgetting Sonic Rivals, which occurs after 06.

I always imagined CD as taking place at the end of the timeline. The stakes just seem higher than they are in the other games. Robotnik isn't just concocting some cute little world domination plot, he's fucking with time itself. If Sonic fucks up, Robotnik roboticizes an entire planet into his own personal fortress. He's learned from his past mistakes too. He isn't even bothering to try and kill Sonic anymore, he's just trying to slow him down and prevent him from saving the future, thus all the unconventional bosses like the treadmill and pinball machine. Metal Sonic is an evolution and refinement of Robotnik's earlier robo-Sonic designs, and even he is just supposed to serve as a distraction by kidnapping Amy/Rosy. The lack of Tails and Knuckles raises the stakes even higher - the fate of an entire planet rests in Sonic's hands. CD taking place at the end would also explain why Amy, Sonic's #1 fan, isn't following him around in the other games, and why Metal Sonic doesn't come back for a rematch.

>Sonic being taller and having hair on his arms would imply him (and everyone else) being older, which would explain the slightly different personalities.

Officially we've heard conflicting stories. Stephen Frost (who is no longer with Sega) said that they were the same ages as their main series counterparts, whereas Bob Rafei specifically said that they were older. I'm more inclined to take Rafei's word over Frost's since Rafei was actually involved in the design process.

So yeah, the Boom characters are likely older versions of the main franchise's characters, however Boom IS a separate continuity as noted on multiple occasions by Sega's NA branch.

it doesnt matter. most of the early games don't even have a comprehensive story, just a vague narrative and a little bit of background lore. thats it.

Shadow does. Sonic does in Boom.

My point is that it's not necessarily a problem either way.

Hey which version of Sonic Adventure is ideal? Should I get the Dreamcast, Gamecube, or PC version? Also Sonic Adventure 2, Gamecube or PC?

that makes sense actually.

Metal Sonic is the last iteration of the Sonic robots


And where does the Sonic OVA stand?

What's different about it compared to the PC version?

Lads I don't think they even had a timeline in mind when they made these games, all they were are sequels that made improvements each time.


if anything it runs parallel to CD

I would say PC but I got some really weird frame rate issues with that version for some reason. (I'm talking about the original PC port btw).

>Sonic OVA

I wish Tails had the same voice in the games as the OVA. It was adorable.

Animals don't change breeds as they age.

This. Sonic isn't fucking Zelda, it's just sequels all the way down.

Official Sonic Timeline with Explanations

>Sonic 1 (Obvious)
>Sonic CD (takes place before 2 since no Tails and there is an easter egg of Tails holding up a sign that says "See you next game.")
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3 and Knuckles (Takes place straight after Sonic 2)
>Knuckles Chaotix (Knuckles is already a good guy)
>Sonic 4 (officially stated to take place after Sonic 3K but before Adventure)
>Sonic Pocket Adventure (in this game, Robotnik changes from his classic design to his modern design in the middle of the game)
>Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Adventure 2 (Sonic gets soap shoes and learns how to grind)
>Sonic Advance (Sonic already knows how to grind in this game)
>Sonic Advance 2 (first appearance of Cream)
>Sonic Heroes (everybody already knows Cream;Shadow comes back)
>Sonic Battle (Shadow is back so after Heroes but still has amnesia so before Shadow the Hedgehog)
>Sonic Advance 3 (Gemerl built based on Emerl)
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Sonic 06 (Erased from timeline)
>Sonic Rush (in 06, Blaze gets transported to her Rush Universe)
>Sonic Rush Adventure
>Sonic Unleashed
>Storybook games)
>Sonic Colors
>Sonic Generations (the Sonic in this game is probably taken from post 3K but before 4)
>Sonic Lost World

it was more entertaining than any of the stories in the main games

DC for SA1. The GC version has screwy shading and lighting, and they updated the models of the playable characters but not not much else, making the game look really uneven. They fixed a few bugs but traded them for different bugs and they made a few tweaks that are really questionable (Amy moves slower in this version for some reason). The PC version is based off the GC version.

Sonic isn't changing breeds, autismo.

Also, there are plenty of young domesticated hedgehogs without fur on their arms that mature into hedgehogs with fur.

When exactly did Eggman's glasses become sunglasses?

He would be. 16 is pretty mature, it's not as if he was a baby.
Just accept that Boom is a different continuity.

Sonic CD takes place between Sonic 1 and 2. Notice his spindash is weaker and no Tails. Even the setting is kind of like Sonic 1. That and Sega said it takes place after 1.

DC is generally the most reliable for SA1, SADX is known to be more glitchy than the original game, although there are some mods available for SADX PC that make it look and function better than the base PC game otherwise would if you don't mind fiddling with that.

Regarding SA2, there's not any huge difference regarding the base game. DC version has better lighting, GCN version is better for chao raising due to some minor changes, and PC version is a perfect port of the GCN version complete with some mod support.

>16 is pretty mature

Not really. The biological age equivalent of 16 for the average hedgehog is pretty young and since it's not the peak of cellular growth, hair would plausibly keep growing in areas that were otherwise bare.

Whether Boom is a different continuity is irrelevant to my point.

it always sounded like his throat was filled to the brim with mucus though

>Robotnic creates hyper advanced robot copy of Sonic who you can't actually fight and have to outrace to the finish line

>goes back to shitty rivets and bolts sonic copy on roller skates with shitty mobility and shittier AI


if you want to tell me before Mecha Sonic I can believe that, but before Silver Sonic? I find that hard to believe

Except where in SA, Amy has a flashback of CD.

they were always sunglasses. he's wearing pince-nez sunglasses

dont forget who he's a caricature of

Reminder that Shadow is a more appropriate rival to Sonic than Metal who just dicks around and shows up when he feels like it.

Consider the following: Metal Sonic was out of commission until he got brought back to life in Sonic 4 Episode Metal. Robotnik had to make due with the scrap he had i.e. Silver Sonic.

Metal is much more ominous and cold blooded since it's machine. Shadow is corny edge lord.


CD is after 3&K, deal with it nerds.

Well all the voices in the OVA had more personality than what we get in the games. Sad!

>ominous and cold blooded

You mean "empty" and "boring". Metal doesn't have a personality except for when he was in Heroes but that's only because of that data-copy thing he was doing.

Shadow is actually menacing, wields guns, and has a wicked sense of humor to boot.

that doesnt mean Robotnic suddenly forgot how to make robots.

Mecha Sonic clearly has AI on par with metal Sonic, considering he shares his rebellious streak. And while he functions differently, I couldnt say he's really entirely inferior.

but Silver sonic makes no sense coming after Metal Sonic. I mean, we dont know how long after 1/CD 2 would be, but clearly long enough for Robotnik to build the Death Egg and his mecha, more than enough time to make another competent Sonic copy, even if less physically advanced

>Silver Sonic
what's Silver Sonic??

CD is definitely NOT after CD, Sonic 4 clearly makes it out to have been a long time since CD, since Eggman is weaing his modern outfit, and implies that Metal Sonic was still lying there on Stardust Speedway all this time

Maybe he spent all he had on the Death Egg and didn't have enough to build a robot as advanced as Metal Sonic.

Or maybe Silver Sonic was a shitty prototype of Metal Sonic that Robotnik sent out of desperation since Sonic got to his lair.

>intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
are you jacking me? Metal is a killing machine, Shadow is a meme.

Metal Sonic from Sonic 2 i presume.
which was gray.