If you're looking for me
You better check under the sea
Subnautica thread
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When does this game get fun?
Back to creative mode casual
If you can't have fun surviving with permadeath well then get the fuck out of my thread
Had an hour trial on Xbox One. Not bad, but not that good either. Pretty confusing at the start. Might get it if they add more stuff into it but for now I'll just pass. Sucks cause I always wanted a immersive deep sea game like this.
Is it a game yet?
>Had an hour trial on Xbox One.
I bought the game and the game is pretty fucking big man. What exactly is the trial version?
>my bad
I'm playing on freedom now. Spending 20 minutes crafting a single bottle of water so I can then go out searching for food isn't fun.
It has everything, just only lasts an hour. I was just gonna start Creative but fucking ran out of time. I really want to play it but I've heard it gets old after an hour or two.
Well there is another mode where hunger and thirst are turned off. You only have to worry about health.
I know. That's what Freedom mode is.
Has this game actually been in early access for two years now?
because it's a glitchy piece of shit and runs worse than the witcher 3 while looking like it was made on the fisher price engine
early access games are trash
Eh well if you aren't into the whole survival thing then I don't know how fun creative/freedom mode will last.
game loses its charm after the first time you save gets corrupted for no reason.
Can someone give me tips? I don't know what to do first? I was trying to get air fish to get filtered water then the spaceship exploded and now I don't know what the hell to do.
is this gonna be the new minecraft?
>I hate colors, give me more brown bland shit
How does it take you 20 minutes to make water?
I'm still too scared to play this even on creative and even though I know nothing can hurt me.
I want to play this but after doing some research and peeking at a let's play, it looks like there's fuck-all to do besides explore for the creep factor and sake of exploring, with a buttload of grinding inbetween, and a time-limited chance to save the mega-ship from sinking, which is also guarded by a bullshit leviathan. I dunno, I Just want something more than that but I can't quite put my finger on what.
I am. That's why I was looking forward to getting it but usually I get tired of it after some time, especially if I'm not able to play w/ friends.
the aurora always explodes though
Wasn't some shit added recently where you can go in and repair that shit to keep it from going down for good though, if you did it within so many days?
You can go in after it explodes to repair some stuff, but nothing happens to it if you don't do that.
What to do:
Get a bunch of air fish to make water until you can get enough salt to make extra fancy water
Make a builder gun and either make a tiny bit of a base right under your drop pod that you can put some shit in, like an alien containment for breeding airsacks, then casually explore outward, refueling from time to time
Get a scanner, focus on making water and food while scanning everything in nearby and reasonably safe waters, build a seaglide, then make a base anywhere that is not a deathtrap
Find new and exciting ways to die and then have to swim halfway across the map to try and retrieve your seamoth from the marianas trench, while searching down lore, building a sweet ocean house and trying to fill your baller fish tanks with horrible monstrosities
I have an immense dread of the ocean and was concerned that I was going to feel too spooked to play this game, but the water is clear and the draw distance is pretty good. And you can lock yourself in a closet all night so you don't have to go out into a world of monsters popping out of the inky blackness mere feet away.
Every now and then, something will pop out anyway, but its a surprisingly chill game considering how much I goddamn hate the ocean.
Did you fucking build your base down in the endless void??
The ship has been fine (other than exploding) in my game and I've been ignoring it for hours and hours. But the ship is guarded by a whole bunch of awful snakedragonfish.
And yeah, there's really just exploring and building, but that's generally what survival games are about. They're going to add in a story and an endgame, supposedly, but for now its just seeing cool new areas and trying to find fragments of tech scattered across the ocean floor that will make your sweet house even sweeter. And hunting the eggs of apex predators so you can be the grand marshall of a shark parade, or so you can repopulate species you have almost single-handedly exterminated