Why isn't this a thing? I mean, the only real reason to play Fallout 4 is for gameplay and exploration and shit, but the perk system just gets it wrong. Perks are the game changers, while skills were the basic stat increases. Without skills energy weapons and guns are treated exactly the same, most of the perks are just boring percentage changes, and you don't feel any real progression because you can pretty much become a jack-of-all trades with no downsides.
Fallout 4 Skilltree mod
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overhaul type of mods take some time to create, and modders are probably waiting for all the dlc and updates to stop coming out
Basically this, the first Skyrim overhaul to the Trees alone took almost a year to release if I recall correctly.
Doesn't help Bethesda held back on modding tools.
>STILL not even a Steam Workshop cause they want to push their shitty DRM and site, which is all the Console versions have
>Consolefags who give a shit are so starved for content that they literally piss and moan for people to make a specific mod on Nexus "Console-ported" so they can play it, irrelevant if it requires a Script Extender or not
>Some fags literally upload other people's mods without their permission and 0 changes "To liberate the mods so Console Users can play them," and then people go bitch at the ORIGINAL creator to fix it because it doesn't work, when they didn't even upload it on Bethesda's system.
id be lyin if i said i do not enjoy what a shitstorm gaming has become.
>Playing Fallout 4 in 2016
End yourselves
>most of the perks are just boring percentage changes
Because that's what skills are, and they were integrated into the perk system.
>and you don't feel any real progression because you can pretty much become a jack-of-all trades with no downsides
Seeing as how you have to level up to get later perks, I don't see how there's no progression. And just because you can do something, doesn't mean you have to.
Yeah I honestly didn't mind combining the skills into the perk system.
I found that the one to one ratio worked fine.
Skill allows you to dictate the pace at which you can improve certain capabilities at any time.
While in Fallout 4 you are limited as hell to level requirement to do basic functions, when previously you could quickly pump a lot of points into the skill you want to get early access.
The skill system also gives steady progression, while in Fallout 4 you don't even spend the perk half of the time because the one you need isn't accessible yet.
Tying perks to level requirements was stupid. but it's a good thing mods exist.
If done right, Skills and Perks together is fine, but the way F4 does it really isn't, especially with the microcosmic number of skill checks in the game.
>Hacking and Lockpicking are piss easy
Fine, it's reasonable.
>There's not a single fucking Stat check in any dialogue in the entire base game
>Far Harbor has an Int check for medical knowledge
>Int implies you just know fucking everything
That and the Skill tree is really low quality and nothing but stat ups with nothing "unique, interesting, or game-changing."
>Perks are the game changers, while skills were the basic stat increases.
A lot of perks were flat increases, in F3 AND in FNV.
>>Some fags literally upload other people's mods without their permission and 0 changes "To liberate the mods so Console Users can play them," and then people go bitch at the ORIGINAL creator to fix it because it doesn't work, when they didn't even upload it on Bethesda's system.
The uploaders often direct all complaints to the original modder. It's such a beautiful clusterfuck.
>especially with the microcosmic number of skill checks in the game.
This is the big problem with F4. It's not that the perks were that bad, it's that how they affect the game was pathetic.
Most of the perks were boring percentile shit
A lot of the perks in both F3 and NV were that as well.
A lot of the perks in NV are more unique in general.
Bethesda is holding back their modkit until all the dlc is finished.
Why were these shitty minigames added to the game? what's the point? Same with the robot saying a thousand names. Who seriously gives a fuck about that? I would also include the settlement system but a lot of people seem to enjoy that for some reason.
Most of these are percentage shit, but not all of them.
And the percentage ones are still far more varied than F4.
This page reminded me of a really poorly done mechanic in F4 as well.
>Magazines are really weak permanent buffs
>The SPECIAL book for +1 to a Special for free
>The 7 SPECIAL bobbleheads can bump you up to 11 of a stat
>The rest of them are almost all generic % increased stuff except lock pick, science and speech, which are still bland and shitty
People thought that the "saying names" thing meant that naming themselves one of those would inject it into dialogue throughout the game, not just "literally fucking once right at the beginning."
Yeah I'm okay with making skills just another perk. The only thing it affects is me and is the single source currency.