What are you going to main?
Undead Prot Warrior here.
What are you going to main?
Undead Prot Warrior here.
Dwarven Paladin, like always. Not sure about the spec yet.
Well since my class of of choice for 10 years got raped except for resto and I don't feel like healing in legion. Probably a lock.
Gnome spriest and femcow bm huntard
Outlaw all the fucking way. Seems like the funnest spec in all of WoW.
>seems like the funnest spec
Yeah spamming roll the bones till you get the only good buff is the definition of fun.
>tfw wasted my time leveling up an ele shaman
time to play resto shaman I guess
Blood DK.
Not as overpowered anymore, but up there with Warriors and Druids.
Has been female Blood Elf for so long now that I consider race changing her to a male Troll, but not for 20 fucking Euro.
Char service sale, fucking when Blizzard
I'm going to see how bad it is to try and be one of the millions of demon hunters. If its bearable I'll give veagance DH a go, if not, I think I'll either fall back on my paladin/dk or mage. Mages look really good right now, fire looks sick, the artifact is cool, the class hall is good, and frost seems pretty fun too, though the damage is lacking.
Ret is getting so much hate right now, is it that bad?
>Char service sale, fucking when Blizzard
I can't remember the last time blizz did that.
What's looking better right now DK or Warrior?
>le uninstall wizzard XD
Damage: Unholy Dk
Tanking: Prot Warrior seems to turn out a bit better than DKs, but their Artifact is ass
Was thinking of Enh shaman but I don't know. It feels so fucking weird now, not saying bad but just different.
Then again the last time I played shaman was in WotLK
Because they never ever did that.
Human Warrior. I'm a boring fuck but I'm good at it.
They did during the summer like 4 years ago? I remember I faction changed my paladin.
using your hook to fly around and roleplaying as a pirate is pretty fun. its nice to have fun sometimes and not just be a min-maxing faggot
Not quite sure. I want to tank so it's between paladin and warrior. I like the feel of of it pally better it ret is ass if I don't like tanking but fury is fun as fuck and only reason I don't dps to begin with are those fucking queue times.
>min max
there's a huge difference between min maxing and useless and broken.
You're very clearly maining Blizzard marketer on Sup Forums though OP.
Draenei Warrior. Going as Arms but I have 3 100 warriors so I'll level up all 3 specs.
I know that feel. I love fury warrior but when you look at it in terms of time I can do the entire daily heroic AND get bonus rewards in prot before the queue even pops in fury.
Should I stay with my Blood DK or reroll Troll Druid?
What class would you suggest for someone who mostly wants to play BG's and maybe some 5 mans?
Also, do I understand I right that I can keep questing infinitely after cap to power up my weapon?
Feral since they got rid of claws of down syndrome I can be a kitty cat again
Orc Shaman
Wanna keep maining Enh but I'll probably end up Resto as everyone and their mothers wants to play a melee character now.
tauren DK. Torn about whether or not I should take the chance that Frost's artifact makes it playable
Probably gonna stick with my Human Warrior. I considered going Monk but Fury is just too much fun right now.
>that death strike voice
Yeah, I can see changing race.
Femnelf Warrior most likely.
Fury is fun and I have literally nothing to complain about.
For tanking bear seems real solid.
But in the end just follow what you like aesthetically.
I think they do it just before every expansion.
I know unholy is better, but currently frost is so bad that it makes me want to kill myself and I'm wondering if it improves by 110
>What class would you suggest for someone who mostly wants to play BG's and maybe some 5 mans?
Pick literally any. BGs and dungeons are garbage content so any class will do. Go for what you'd consider 'fun' I guess I guess.
Well they didn't do it before wod, that's for sure.
Tauren Enhancement Shaman.
Gibs me dat Doomhammer.
You tell me... Goat Holy, Nelf MM or Gnome Arms?
Troll Arms/Fury
PvP is so comfy right now. Before i was feeling like PvP was a punishment.
Still gonna mainly PvE as fury, but imma be fightin for my tribe.
>only good buff
You get 1 to 6 from the following buffs
Adrenaline Rush
Slice and Dice
+40% crit chance
+1 combo point to your moves ala old Shadow Blades
Jolly Roger which leaves you with an 85% chance for your new sister strike to hit twice each time, and give a free pistol shot afterwards
Finally you can get 2 sec reduction on ALL cooldowns per combo point spent
If you get all 6 you can basically 3v1 just by mashing your fist into the keyboard
I've been leveling my DK as frost and it's not too bad. Granted I just started WoD content last night but honestly I chew through mobs just fine. The problem with frost is that it's fucking unbearably boring. The spec in general has no flare to it like UH does and when UH is cooler thematically and performs better, why bother?
Don't reply to retards.
they killed frost by making KM procs need crit and forcing Obliterate. Before, haste was all you needed for KM because it was a flat chance to proc, but now you need to crit and then get lucky to use your spec's basic fucking damage skill
Ret is fine, PvP talents aren't out yet so if you want to be able to stay on a target you need to get the new Seal that increases movement speed per Holy Power.
With 5 hp, the buff lasts 2 minutes. Its ridiculously good. But babbies first prepatch always comes with tears.
Was thinking SV Hunter but I'm getting royally shit on by Ferals, Rogues and well pretty much every other melee, since Blizzard were fucking dumb enough to let us be pretty much the only melee class without an escape or stun.
Fucking shame too because the spec is really fun.
Draenei Shaman, unsure on what spec though, i've heard that ele/enh have been massively improved since WoD.
Do you not have Disengage anymore? I wouldn't even be surprised if they took that from you honestly.
Nope that's MM and BM only, we got a move called Harpoon which is basically just a Warrior's Charge, we can't even use it on allies to escape, literally just Harpoon in and you'd best hope you can outplay the other person because they're no other fucking way out.
If a feral druid is killing you as any class/spec you're fucking garbage.
If it's any consolation, Fury and Arms can't Charge to allies anymore either. They removed Intervene and rolled it into Charge for Prot only.
I'm playing Disc Priest, It's weird as fuck but I'm having fun. I have needed to resort to spamming the shadow heal though. Is that bad? Honestly if you use it consecutively the debuff really isn't too big an issue.
I dunno, I hear ENH shammies are cool now, and I've always thought about it, so I might boost one of those suckers up.
I hear my BM huntard is down a couple buttons with a boring rotation. Here's to hoping that literally who gun makes it less boring
It sounds like you're just bad at Feral mate. They're one of the top tiers in pre-patch along with Outlaw and Affli.
>They removed Intervene and rolled it into Charge for Prot only.
Fucking dumb, remove something that required some actual thought to use. This seems to be the direction Blizzard are going with Legion, removing shit that requires set up and forethought.
>not going with the meme FOTM Enhancement spec
So survival is melee now, but does it work well if I still use a pet? I want to go back to aspect of the beast dual wheel huntarding but I'll settle for polearms
Leveling my undead fury warrior right now. No idea if it'll be good dps endgame but I always liked fury so thats that.
Rogue, which is a shame because I hate the class right now. Burst of Speed was too pure for this world. I've been using a Brewmaster to farm old content because doing it with a rogue right now is a miserable experience.
>Fucking dumb, remove something that required some actual thought to use. This seems to be the direction Blizzard are going with Legion, removing shit that requires set up and forethought.
Tell me about it. I could understand rolling the two abilities into one - making a macro to use both on one button is something the average player is too stupid to do and they should cut down redundant spells like two versions of Charge - but to remove the option almost entirely when it was a core aspect of the class? Intervene has saved my ass so many fucking times as a DPS in raids and now I can't use it at all unless I'm prot because Blizzard is fucking stupid.
>It sounds like you're just bad at Feral mate. They're one of the top tiers in pre-patch along with Outlaw and Affli.
Are you fucking high?
They have absolutely no burst.
Their bleeds are stupid weak and do no damage unless you spam Ferocious Bite.
No Cyclone
No NS Cyclone
No interupt unless you want to count a 50sec CD an interupt
No cyclone
Heals gimped to almost pointlessness
No fucking cyclone
They are fucking garbage. I honestly feel sorry for any feral player.
Human Prot Paladin and Draenei Enh Shammy, probably.