Are you ready to say goodbye Sup Forums? Any last words for this incredible machine...

Are you ready to say goodbye Sup Forums? Any last words for this incredible machine? Cause after the release of SM its Game Over.

thanks for the free games


You revitalized my interest in vidya. Where everyone else failed in making good games, you succeeded.

A beacon in the dark, a river to hardcore gamers.

>the 3ds is gonna die without a single Wario game

More like a shitty machine that happened to have great games.

This better be the last time I ever look at a 240p screen.

What is SM?

choose 1

You were a stepping stone I used to propel myself towards other video game systems and games. You provided me with some casual fun, very very expensive casual fun but eventually I sought value and experiences elsewhere and found them. I'll remember you as the stepping stone I used into the current generation

I'd choose Meme but it seems you beat me to it

Sado Masoquism. in other words, Henkaku

Thank god it's finally going away, I'm tired of modern handheld games looking like first gen app store games.

pokemon sun and moon i imagine
dam, speaking of i should probably play some wario games, any recommendations you or anyone else?

Fucking this.

>The only Wario game this gen is a shitty minigame collection (not even a proper WarioWare game)
Thanks, Nintendo.

I'll keep using it after it's "death" because I love the 3D too much to let it go entirely.

Why would the release of Sun and Moon kill the system, should that sell more?

>not looking at the current events with Pokemon Go
>thinking Game Freak and The Pokemon Company would even consider making another game for the 3DS

Love my n3DS.

Can't wait until I can play MonHun on something better though.

It's not going to kill the system, it's just going to be the last notable 3DS. I'd bet anything you're no older than 14 with reading comprehension like that.

You were a good enough Miku machine.

>implying the NX will have anything worthwhile compared to my combined library of DS and 3DS games
if that shit doesn't have backward compatibility I'm not buying it

it most likely wont

The Wii U and the 3DS actually felt like game systems, instead of a glorified pc. So i would say they were all right.

Lol thanks for Mario.

Now that both consoels are easily hackable, can we agree that both are good but flawed in different ways?

you are assuming baby boomer Jap businessmen would make a smart and sound decision like that.

the logic of Nintendrones is always so amazing to see

Your library was incredibly disappointing compared to the DS's.


Meh, it took a fuckton of time to hack you when I just did it on my vita in under a minute. Still haven't gotten to Planet Roboto yet, so it's still gonna get some rotation.

>when I just did it on my vita in under a minute
yeah it takes about a minute to hack a 3ds by the same standards that the vita is currently hacked

Fair enough, just having to scan a qr code to get to rxtools was pretty convenient.

I will stop playing when the next AC game drops.

The nest Animal Crossing will be for Mobile and will come this Fall so.....pretty soon.

who cares about pokemon? I'm hype for EOV.


I just bought a 2DS with Mario Kart 7. I must say i a bit dissapointed with the Console. Lame screen resolution, graphics. I bought it mainly for the new Pokemon Games but my Phone is a lot stronger than my 3DS. Hope this is the last Handheld so i can start to play Nintendo Games on my Galaxy

Pokemon Sun/Moon

Pokemon sun and moon those two will be the 3DS last hooray and of Handheld Gaming in general

Your house is comfy

Why tho? Is nintendo gonna stop making games to its most successful console at the moment? what about third party games? Is OP just talking out of his gaping, faggot ass?


>Is nintendo gonna stop making games to its most successful console at the moment?
There are literally no GOOD Nintendo Games coming for the 3DS after the release of SM.
>What about third party games?
Even more dead

How long does he have left doc, give it to me straight.

Sonic Mania, probably.

I can't wait to replace it for a a handheld that is 3 years behind the times and not 10 years behind the times.

English release of EOV will probably be after Pokemon's release, so it's not quite over yet.

I would say late 2018 will be the last year for the 3DS, all the support will be dead by then

till Sonic Mania

I bought a n3ds last month and im not disappointed

this is really fucking cool