So this is what we've all been waiting for
So this is what we've all been waiting for
Other urls found in this thread:
>Playing on a console
What? You don't wanna play $60 for a ripoff of space engineers with creatures? Tough Luck.
>Dying of heat in a futuristic spacesuit at 55 degrees C
IGN will give this game a 9/10 thanks to sonybux
>looks even worse than Fallout 4 without being downgraded
I feel I should point out...
The planet got much cooler at night.
His heat protection was not being depleted when it was cooler, but only when it was hot during the day.
this is what YOU'VE been waiting for, sonygger.
>Implying my PC can run this shit
I could barely run Overwatch.
Space suits aren't really designed to deal with 55 degC ambient atmospheric temperature .. just as a technical remark. The cooling systems in the suits are there to carry off body heat.
Sonyponiebronies will defend
>Nintendo won
You autism makes me sick
Hahahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Heat Exposure Real Hahahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Sun Like Nigga Just Close Your Environs Haha
Shut the fuck up you stupid cuck. Go be austistic somewhere else weeb
>implying it'll look any better on PC
Sonyponiebronies will defend
>Nintendo won
Hahahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Heat Exposure Real Hahahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Sun Like Nigga Just Close Your Environs Haha
07/29/16(Fri)20:02:40 No.346665728
42 KB
# be
Shut the fuck up you stupid cuck. Go be austistic somewhere else weeb
You autism makes me sick kys faggot
You think maybe the PC version won't look like complete ass? or like this "screenshot" ?
Fallout 4 all over again
looks like the new legend of zelda
>average SU fan
Anyone got a link to any footage?
Guys please don't watch or discuss this, we want you to be surprised after you buy it :(
Exploration looked amazing. All i care about.
>mfw that is the PC version
>mfw that is the PS4 NEO version
YouTube tends to remove those fairly quickly, though.
just kidding I wasn't gonna buy this anyway
I want this to be true. I want to see the damage control and mental gymnastics that will be employed by everyone. I will enjoy watching worlds burn.
It's exactly what I expected it to be, but it still looks like a nice game to play while I'm watching stuff on my second monitor.
Not much to see anyway
Bruh. The fuck are you doing?
>those textures
No Man's Lie
>shooting some shitty laser at the terrain for 20 minutes
I just yawned like 5 times watching this
You mean no man's treasure.
Making sure it doesn't get deleted as easily as with YouTube.
No one on Sup Forums has been waiting for this game.
I'm dumping more, No Man's Cry
so after watching the video... that's it? he ran around for 26 minutes with a green lazer and fed dirt to a pineapple alien.
If you expected much more than that, you expected too much.
And I've seen that pineapple alien before in one of the hello games video demos.
So much infinity.
I wonder how Bungie feels about that UI.
STOP IT!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minecraft really went downhill after Notch left.
Christ, Elite Dangerous 2.0
Im convinced I'm missing something, is there a point or some sort of meaningful progress in NMS? or is this really just an exploration simulator for reddit autists to masturbate over?
The second thing
So that FOV is like what, 50? How do console users play like that?
You're supposed to reach the center of the galaxy and then something something.
/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/ tripping over themselves trying to get on Sony's dick right now.
You don't know FOV 50, man.
So it's 3D starbound, but without the novel race design and no ERP?
because it's meant to be played on a TV sitting on a couch a reasonable distance away you retard.
>It's okay that it looks terrible because you're supposed to sit far enough away that you can't tell it looks terrible!
This was a fairly small (experimental) indie project. It's Sony's fault it got blown up this way. Also reddit's for being dumbfucks. I
Killzone 2 was an okay game. Multiplayer was fun. Killzone 3 was complete shit. Couldn't even have fun while cooping with a friend.
>just 5 times
Your tolerance is too high
>I don't understand how FOV works
>implying it won't run better on a PC
>you will never explore Darwin IV
So there really isn't any actual depth? I've been confused as fuck for weeks trying to figure out the point of this game
no man's sky? more like no man's buy! haha
so like why did anyone think this was gonna be good anyway?
I hate how games never even come close to the feel and atmosphere of their concept art
It's minecraft in space, not exactly hard to grasp.
And no, that's not a good thing, plenty of space sims do the same, except they actually have gameplay mechanics.
as far as we know, no. The idea is that you explore planets to catalog procedurally generated creatures to earn money to explore new planets and catalog new procedurally generated creatures.
If there's anything else going on, they haven't even hinted at it. Literally playing Spore without the only gameplay that was kind of interesting about Spore.
Don't think that's concept art m8
A year or two ago when I was expressing disappointment in how the alien life looked in NMS I was looking for shit like this.
SP only* minecraft in space
With zero support for mods.
You can thank me later.
those shit tier graphics gave me hope that maybe it will be playable in my notebook.
I'm going to pirate it, no way in hell I'm paying 60 bucks for this crap
>Zero support for mods
Has that been confirmed? So not even mods can save this game?
I'm thanking you now
>George Lucas in first minute
oh boy
especially fallout, but whatever
You have to reload a mining tool and rocks float when the rock below them is broken? What the actual fuck.
Any Bethesda game really
>Has that been confirmed?
if there was planned support it would have been a huge selling point.
It takes a bit to actually get to the planet itself, but the designs for Darwin IV for always my favorite depiction of aliens.
NMS fails to capture any magic that Alien Planet fucking BATHES in.
I thought you could name animals and planets and shit?
How come when he was scanning the animals and plants, they already had names?
Is this a joke? It looks like fallout 3. What the fuck?
atleast it's not as horrible as fallout 4 was, right?
Remember the Order 1886 leak? Remember how that game was destroyed by it?
The devs have said they'll work on proper MP and mod stuff post release I think
Yeah you can give them nicknames for yourself like in Pokemon.
The new Spore
>I think
you thought wrong
I'm gonna buy it to actually have fun because what the fuck else is there to do with my life, I have done everything. This game looks fun so ill just buy it and have fun.
Do you really think 16 honest numales could run a scam on people?
>Console version heavily downgraded
>Normies will still eat it up
>PC version also heavily downgraded with no potential to ever look like the Previews we've seen
This is and will be a glorious trainwreck.
This is one of the worst docufictions I have ever seen. Jesus christ, why waste so much time about FAKE science? This is the prime example of when a game has "Story" but no gameplay.
plebman's sky
>i have done everything
except seen a vagina
Hahaha Look at the way these motherfuckers run
>procedure generated aliens
How did the videos of them playing the game even work? It had to be like that on the PC ver at least
What the fuck makes you think it's dowmgraded?
Are you fucking kidding me?
I thought the whole point of naming shit was you find something "interesting" and give it a name that other online players would see.
It's literally the last semi-interesting thing in the game I had hope for but now even that's been made boring and sterile.
Hello Games? More like "Goodbye Sales".