Post a better game than this

Post a better game than this.

you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

Most PC RPGs released before and since.

>games i cant be bothered to even mention are better because i said so

i'm surprised Sup Forums has become even worse over the years

Ultima 4-7 shit all over Baldur's Gate 2. Both KotOR games shit on BG2.

Infinity Engine games are pretty terrible.

>1 reply
>L I T E R A L L Y 1 reply

Gothic 1 is better

Gothic 2 is better

Gothic 2 with add on is much better

easily the greatest game of all time. That final boss battle is the single greatest moment in video game and even in MEDIA history.

Stopped reading there. It has the game play complexity of Tetris.

and tetris is one of the greatest games of all time, whats your point?



>overly simplistic side-quests
>primitive "dialogue"
>uninteresting equipment

These games were amazing for the time, especially with the magic system in the later games, but they can't compare to BG2.

Fair enough. I have spent countless hours playing both.

Will check em both out, thanks. Anything I should keep in mind while playing it (such as mods, etc)?

i agree ... that game was a blast

but i'll say Deus ex 1 is the best game ever

Gothic now has a dx11 mod which makes everything look less authentic and blocky sharp

Check that out


"This is good... isn't it?"

Bump. Any more suggestions?


Morrowind and Oblivion were better.

Dude Sex
Thief 1 and 2
Gothic 1 and 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Might and Magic 6

>the original
>gothic 1 and 2
my nigga

gr8 b8 m8

Why the fuck was this game soo fucking good.

Worst MGS game.

I don't even need to go outside of D&D, Mask of the Betrayer is a better game in almost all respects.

Ultima 6?
Are you sure you know what you are talking about ?
Free-type-converstions, building your own spells mid combat via phrases, entire world map has several levels underground, no auto-generated shit, wait, you're pretending to be retarded

Were you born with no taste, or did you just lose it in some sort of tragic accident?

>best anything

Ultima games were truly ahead of their time.

not an argument.

Death Knights of Krynn
Dark Queen of Krynn
Betryal at Krondor
Pillars of Eternity

I tried making a thread asking for game suggestions but no one responded, so I figured it'd be easier to just bait Sup Forums into giving me a few suggestions on what to play.

lost me at pillars

How about it being a poorly paced, nonsensical piece of shit with absurd levels of exposition dumping, shallow characters, illogical character motivation, and pointless melodrama?

Every time I think about replaying MGS4 I remember Naomi.

I very specifically said Mask of the Betrayer.

Which is a part of NWN2 and shares the dogshit engine.

>played this at a friends house
>loved it
>asked parents for it for christmas
>got it
>opened it at grandmas
>spend rest of the time until we got home reading that novel they called a manual
>don't understand SHIT
>try to install it
>computer isn't good enough for it
>months pass
>sell it for $20
facking stupid game

Having a jank engine doesn't really stop it from being one of the best RPGs of all time.

Ultima 7 is a real open world game before it was cool.

>PCucks never learn

gg too ez

>one of the best RPGs of all time
top kek

>How about it being a poorly paced
the story is amazing and ties everything up well
>nonsensical piece of shit with absurd levels of exposition dumping
not an argument
> shallow characters
did you even play the game?
>illogical character motivation
yeah you definitely didnt play the game
>pointless melodrama
everything that happened in MGS4 was important. i feel like you arent smart enough to understand these games.i suggest playing the latest cod game

Why does he sit like a girl?

Pillars isn't great, but going back to SoA was a painful reminder that these games were originally targeted at teenagers

>the story is amazing and ties everything up well

Alright, all you get is reaction images now.

not an argument.

How good are the original balders gate games?

I might give them ago, what about the first few Elder scroll games as well?

Name one game with a stronger, more consistent main theme. I mother fucking dare you.

Whereas Pillars is targeted at fedora tipping teenagers.

Both were targeted at teenagers-- teenagers of their respective eras. Pillars dialogue reads like something a tumblr user would think is the Shakespeare of our time.


far less so than any of the original infinity engine games

Ultima 4

also not an argument

>Pillars dialogue reads like something a tumblr user would think is the Shakespeare of our time.

What the fuck does that even mean? At least make real complaints instead of spouting buzzwords. The simple fact is that the writing isn't very strong in Pillars, because Obsidian just doesn't have the muscle in that field anymore.

And you KNOW it's just the writing talent, because the two characters Avellone wrote are slam dunks.

Witcher 3 is objectively the best rpg ever made. Witcher 3 is a 3D rpg that has more rpg elements, choices, consequences, interesting story and side-quests, interesting characters, fantastic soundtrack, mediocre to good combat, high detail to the game-world, etc.

Deus Ex, and I loved BG2 + ToB & Mods. Also Planescape.

Cespenar and his 'ƚwiecuszka' holy shit. Only in Polish.

Well fuck me I guess.

>And you KNOW it's just the writing talent, because the two characters Avellone wrote are slam dunks

Except Avellone didn't write them.

Going to need a source on that, because i'm pretty sure they were.

He came up with the characters and wrote his version of them, but the actual dialogue implemented in the game doesn't have a single word written by him.

I'll try to find the interview where he mentioned this.

I love them. Maybe I'm a bit biased since I played it when I was young and so I now look back at it with nostalgia, but even then I think the plot is great, the game play was incredibly good (for its time, at the very least. I still enjoy it today), and the atmosphere was designed to fit the plot well.

If you play Baldurs Gate 1, I recommend playing the enhanced edition. Some classes were added in the sequel, and if you play Baldurs Gate 1, you can import your baldurs gate 1 character into baldurs gate 2 (keeping your experience/stats, but not your items), however if you decide you want to play a new class or subclass (subclasses get various benefits and some penalties) you'd have to create a new character. Some content is added with the enhanced edition, but its not worth playing, and you can just skip it.

They hold up great.

>1 reply

Well, I found it for you;

But he did write dialogue for them, more than was in the game, in fact, it was just all cut down and heavily edited.

No, no, that's not the one I was thinking of. It was an interview with another writer of PoE.

Here, I found it:

Well that tells pretty much the same story, it just gives some specifics.


Planescape Torment