You will obtain the demon's soul and a power that is beyond human imagination.

Other urls found in this thread:


Seek more souls, slayer of demons. I am here for you, and you alone.

I don't agree with all the criticism the bosses in this game get.
Sure they are gimmicky, but when there are 4 sequels that have bosses where you hit them until they die, I think there's a place for the bosses.

Thanks, dood.

What bosses are even gimmicky aside from dragon god and old monk (which btw old monks gimmick is awesome)? Every other boss in this game is also "hit it until it dies."


Upgrade system is bullshit.

Crystal lizards vanish after a few attempts.

Upgrade item drops are isolated to a few enemies, in a few areas, meaning you have to stop your game, farm for hour(s). Oh you want that Chunk of Blade Stone? You gotta kill this black katana skeleton 300 times ;)

Or you can just dupe them with stockpile thomas.

I think what people mean is that there is usually a puzzle element to the bosses like hitting the Tower Knights legs or finding the right Fool's Idol . Stuff like that (I think)

so dont upgrade you casul



What did she mean by this?




>Top Tier
Old Monk (phantom)

>Great Tier
Penetrator (no Biorr)
Storm King (first time)

>Good Tier
Fool's Idol

>Mid Tier
Tower Knight
Old Hero (no Thief's Ring)
Old Monk (NPC)

>Low Tier
Armor Spider
Penetrator (Biorr)
Storm King (all subsequent playthroughs)
Dirty Colossus
Old Hero (Thief's Ring)

>Shit Tier
Dragon God



>TFW no qt in black to increase my soul level

Don't you mean BE- SE- SE- LE- ?

>No old king doran honorable mention
That fucker is a nightmare to kill if you dont cheese him. Especially on ng+

>dragon god
>not mid
it's really not that bad once you realize that you can just walk freely when he's wincing in pain
it's certainly better than dirty colossus,the only pure "hit it until it dies" boss

Old Hero has my favorite boss theme

very King's Field.

honestly DeS as a whole feels very King's Field. Thats probably what i love about it.

>tfw From will never make another actual king's field

What does the Thief's ring do to Old Hero?

regardless of what you think of the game... we can all agree that this is the best soulsborne cover art right?

perfect representation of the atmosphere imo while the others just look like garbage.

Old Hero is blind. Thief Ring makes you silent. He can't find you.

so you can wear the ring and just spam souls arrows and shit?

That's neat.

Now that you say that I remember reading that, and wondered why some of his attacks seemed funny.

if i remember right he'll run or attack in the direction of your soul arrows so you'll have to move at some point but he won't be able to track you until you attack again

neat, thanks friend

I wish dark souls had more music like this. They all sound so bombastic and elaborate. Makes em more forgettable imo.

...That's how a fucking boss fight works. I think you're making up these straw critics no one can be that much of a faggot

that's because dark souls has a different style to it
it's much more in line with what a classic fantasy game is, with a sense of a grand adventure in lordran than demon's souls more muted journey through boletaria

Demon's Souls still has my favorite bosses in the series. They were also so different. I suppose you could say they're less skill-intensive overall than the ones from Dark Souls, but each had a distinctive, different challenge. And sure, that might affect them negatively on subsequent playthroughs once you know what you're meant to do, but I still won't forget the first time I played each of them.

I started this yesterday and I'm having a blast already. DS2 was my first souls game but this one is easily topping it, since the focus appears to be much more on exploring the world rather than cheap ambushes and tricks to kill you. Mind you I've only beaten two bosses so far, the Phalanx and that metal spider.

2 is the worst. Very troubled development. Everything else is better than it.

Nah, I just don't know what else they could be referring to

Astraea, I guess. And the storm king, but they're cool



Flamelurker is a meme, he's easily blocked and punished by single swings, then back to blocking

Boletaria is still the best castle/kingdom in the series.

Fun fact there's a map of the world underneath the world tendancies in that screen.

>Fun fact there's a map of the world underneath the world tendancies in that screen.


If you're using the Purple Flame Shield he's an absolute joke, same if you're using a sorcery build (they're OP at everything though). Going against Flamelurker without massive flame reduction gear or magic damage is a death sentence for most new players

I was using the Moonlight Sword I believe, I don't know how much that makes his attacks irrelevant

The Crescent Falchion hits pretty hard against him, but it does go hand in hand with a sorcery build.

Does 100% magic damage against a boss weak to magic damage

Like using fire damage against Phalanx, it just eats the bosses health in seconds

This is a sign of autism when someone can't tell that's someone else's critique is not one of their own. The other symptom is the spasm this poster just did.

the bad ending had the best music

bad end music is good, good ending music is even better

I disagree

>power that is beyond human imagination
>can make weapons or spells

I actually imagine that easily tho desu

It's pretty easy to catch him on geometry that he will run into forever. I usually pull him to the bones to the left of the entrance if I don't feel like fucking with him.

>implying you could image the overwhelming agony of the scraping spear

>want to replay DeS
>remember the Blue Dragon
I cannot dodge his fire. I've beaten this game 3 or 4 times but I still have never found a reliable way to do it. Yes, I have looked at videos, images, and everything. I know which directions he breathes fire. I just cannot do it in time.

Yuria is best girl. I'm sure we all agree.

You're waifu a victim of horrible rape by fat officials.

God damn i love the blueblood sword. Damn shame its not in any other souls game.

Just use water veil and the flame resist ring and run through. Second chance can help too.

>implying she isn't pure
You're a laying sack of shit.

>he hasn't read the 80 page doujin detailing just that
>he hasn't fapped to the 80 page doujin detailing just that
I think it's called Sinner's Souls. check it out, user. It was ridiculous.

Those fat officials ran a train on her, user. She was defiled countless times.

>mfw after getting brutally raped 3 times at flamefucker I found out he gets stuck on the bones
Payback's a bitch

>not canon

>implying that 90% of the story in the souls series isn't told by implication

Biorr Dialogue
Hm, you've seen the lone stone tower that sprouts forth from the outer wall of Boletaria castle?
According to that spineless warden, a young sorceress is held prisoner there,
where she is subject to, um, all manner of untold acts in the name of purification.
Regrettably, I cannot find my way into that tower.
How long will those vermin dishonour the King's good name?

>You've taken a human soul. What a superb demon!

>implying your implications mean shit

>believing Biorr a man who charged head first into a dragon.
The man has some screws loose.

Biorr is a man of integrity and bravery.
Don't you ever talk shit about him.

>Being this in denial
Yuria got her ass fucked so frequently shes the one who got a screw loose. They literally mindbroke her.

>astraea did nothing wrong


Selen Vinland is the best girl and dont you fucking forget it.

Stupidity is often mistaken for bravery or in this case retardation.

Once again

That is not what I uploaded...

Maiden Astrea is still my favorite boss in all the Souls.
>Tied Best music
>Best environment
>Best mid/post fight dialogue
>Garl Vinland from dialogue to returning to the boss room
>Tied best backstory

It was fantastic. The Abyss Watchers fight has been very close since i've played it, but I still think MA manages to edge it out. The actual fight is, objectively, pretty easy though.

>tfw accidentally falling on the blood
>tfw getting malled to death by fetuses

best theme in the entire series coming thru

I think the first time I did the fight I tried to block Garl and he knocked me into the blood-swamp.
>Plunge to your death and let the acid melt the flesh from your bones!
I thought he was stupid and just helped me get past him to get to Astrea since I didn't die from the fall.

Turned out it was more of a "Nuthin' pursunal, kid" than anything else. Fucker knew.

Post yfw you saw what was causing the noise in tower of Latria in the second part

True, but it's less tense and more comfy. Like damn, best fucking hub. I did like the branching paths though, it made me feel a bit more like where I went was up to me. Everything just felt so nice, doing a Guts build in the game right now and I'm actually falling in love with this game again. Some stuff is pretty shitty like hit boxes being a little fucky at times but other than that the atmosphere is intoxicating. Also DeS best souls game

I wish I liked this game more.
It just has too many faults I can't overlook for repeat playthroughs and when thinking of them, would just prefer to replay DaS or BB instead.

What are your main issues with the game?

The only problem i have with it is tendency. Everything else is just fine imo. People who dont like item burden are whiny faggots.

Touch then demon inside me.

Manipulating tendency
Tendency resetting to global average when online
Too many healing items
Item burden ( yes, it's complete shit)
The convoluted upgrade system
Scarcity of upgrade resources just make new builds annoying (nothing compared to BB and gems though, fuck those)
Hub system as opposed to a completely connected world
Colourless demon souls
Magic too OP, makes doing a sorcery run far too boring.

A lot of my complaints are subjective and many are minor, but they build up overall and make it less enjoyable than it could've been.

Your opinions are shit famalam. Nothing wrong with a hub world. If you think magic is op dont use it, retard. Inventory management via item burden adds depth and realism which enhances the experience.

>Your opinions are shit famalam
>Inventory management via item burden adds depth and realism which enhances the experience.

What's your problem with item burden? Plenty of games have it, it's a form of resource management. If the question comes off as standoffish I mean it more sincerely.

Im sorry youre too retarded to drop your shit off at stockpile thomas between levels.

Makes the game tedious.
You have to constantly visit Thomas when in the Nexus, it makes farming more difficult, it literally forces you to lose many items on a first time play through when you first come across heavy things (brushwood, GS of glory, full silver etc..)

It slows the game down and I'm glad From realised their mistake and didn't include it in a single game after DeS.

>Hub system as opposed to a completely connected world

Dark Souls player detected. Hate it just because it's different.

It's like whining that Mega Man levels don't connect like Metroid does

Whoa, calm down faggot. Didn't mean to trigger your autism so much.

The ring of herculean strength is in the game for a reason.

the other games are open world, DeS isn't

It's not a flaw.

I really want to play Demon's Souls but I don't want to buy a PS3 just for a handful of games.

>Dark Souls player detected.
Of course? Who would like the games and simply stop at Demon's? I'm not whining about it, I just dislike it when compared to the interconnected worlds that have come afterwards.

Yes, you have to use a ring because of a retarded game mechanic. 10/10.

Typical retard response by faggots without a valid argument.

theyre dirt cheap, why not?

You can probably find one for less than 100$ easy

Lol what's there to argue? "u dont like it cus ur too retarded to drop off stuff" is barely an argument you idiot.
I don't like item burden, I've explained why here: You do like item burden and you've been triggered and started throwing your toys around rather than act like a grown-up and put it down to personal preference. Complete autist tbqh familia.