Why don't you own it yet user? It's half off there's no excuse.
Why don't you own it yet user? It's half off there's no excuse
I own it and I'm fucking awful at it
If you have no rhythm don't buy, it's not like beat hazard where you can still have fun
Already own it, bought it on the summer sale. Fucking fantastic game, I plan on going back to it after I knock out a few more games in my backlog. Gotta at least finish Aria's story, even if I don't do it as an all-zones run.
Dead Ringer killed me the first time I reached him with Cadence. I practiced and now I know how to beat him. But fuck he's annoying and fast.
Yeah, i bought it too
It's too hard, It's nothing like other rhytm games
The ryhthym gimmick makes it get old really quick.
Good rougelikes you can really immerse yourself in and master their mechanics and learn and learn and get better for hours on end but Crypt of the Necrodancer is not a good roguelike.
It's hard but it's mostly due to the fact you have no time to think. If you suck at it, you can play Bard. He plays like a regular Roguelike where beat does not matter.
Just change character, he's unlocked from the start.
It's pretty good. You can learn how to counter enemies. That's a big part of the game, even more in Floor 4.
>tfw beat the game with everyone except Bolt and the Granny
It's too hard with them and I moved on. Might try again someday.
Own it and have beaten most modes. It's a fun game.
I already have it tho, Aria a best.
What the fuck's going on with that resolution, user.
What the fuck is going on with your. Mine is 1920x1080.
>I like this game, but hate how casual it is
>People online keep complaining about how hard it is
Fucking how? You don't have a lot of time to make decisions, but you're not exactly making difficult decisions every turn.
My big problem is that I either panic or get screwed by moving into attacking characters. I'm not horrible, but Level 4 is been kicking my ass. I keep getting fucked over by the fucking spiders and the guys that teleport you when you kill them.
Oh, I meant to point out your hud scaling.
I thought level 4 was easier than level 3. In level 3 you're often against tons of enemies, on 4 they're split into separate rooms so you can take it more slowly.
Well it's the default one. Didnt see any options to change it.
>View multiplier.
God, 1x is so small.
cause its a bad rhythm game mixed with a bad roguelike
DEAR GOD. I cant even read anything. How is this playable?
Use 2x, user.
I blame the 1X ratio.
Sure, but 4 has the "GUESS WHO" spirits, the spiders on the wall and the giant who hit 3 space ahead of him.
I beat it with Cadence and Melody but I can't do it with Aria
I just can't
Zone 4 you go with your own time. If you single out every enemy, it's a breeze. Zone 3 often throws everything it has on you right from the start, including fucking black horseriders.
>complaining about the giant
>not about the mummy
Try finishing with Bolt first. Training the 2x speed Death Metal fight is such an adrenaline injection, that after it makes me get to at least the 2nd boss with Aria 60% of the time, every time.
That is... if you've finished with Monk.
The problem with the mummy is how fucking small the head is.
What do the DLCs do? Are they just soundtracks?
Yeah pretty much.
Let's do this shit
>level theme
Obsidian Crossbow
Do they change the in-game music or do you just listen to them outside of the game?
Both I think? Since you can change the in game soundtrack to be anything you want.
crossbow too
Related note: I suck at Aria and didnt even get past zone 4. I dont believe there are people who beat the game as Coda since it has the same batshit restrictions and more.
Are the DLC soundtracks for the game good enough to warrant a purchase.
You got good taste m8.
Also Coda runs are possible, some user linked this in the last Necrodancer thread I was in. Apparently some guy did a Coda speedrun at AGDQ this year. Like, an unseeded one. On-demand.
Skip to about 13 minutes for the action.
A_Rival's Heart of the Crypt is really good. I don't even particularly like electronic music, but the instrumentation from like 0:30 onward and the delayed attack and everything make this one of my favorite songs from vidya as a whole.
>that king bat bit
>death metal III
GDQ doesnt deserve any cent for the stuff they pull recently but fuck that was worth being there.
Oh no
I already own it.
You can play as the Bard and basically treat the game as a standard roguelike. It's sort of easy that way, but a nice way to take a look at what they game has to offer.
>I'll just lure it out into the open so I can whittle down it's HP
>forget about fireball
>instant death
How much is it? Is it on ps4?
What is this, a DVD player?
>transgender character
>literally impossible to play
Lost me and one me all at once
But I did buy it on launch, after feeling some pirate's guilt from enjoying the EA version so much. Easily my favorite game of last year, I even got a dance pad for it. Oddly enough, my roommate's crazy DDR skills give her zero advantage in the game.
Damn that's impressive.