Rising 2 when

Rising 2 when

I love this game

Never, Kojima left Konami and Konami are pachinko cucks
We can only for for a spiritual successor





good thing the pachinko market's not


But wouldn't Konami be more eager to do a sequel to Rising? How did it do financially

I really really like this game and hope for sequel

What is your favorite song?
What is your favorite fight?

red sun

It's already announced, it's called NiER: Automata


Doesent matter how well the game sold,Weare talking about people who remake MGS 3 in FOX engine for a pachinko game. MGS3 was really popular, yet they don't give a shit
The only thing I know for real
Sundowner, his quotes are god-tier

how are the transformers game and tmnt made by platinum?


I would be 100% okay with this game replacing MGS.

Spin offs are the way to go for metal gear, MGS just need to die after V.


to be honest bro

What would you guys want the tagline to be? I'm thinking Devastruction.

Metal Gear Rising Pachinkoence

>last MG game I played was 3
>avoided this game forever because it got memed to hell and back by Sup Forums
>just beat it today
I should have listened. Seriously one the best games I've ever played in my entire life.
Armstrong and the forced blade mode QTE's made me mad as all hell, though.
>mfw 1hp

I don't know the names, but Mistral's theme and Sam.


So am I the only one who likes QTE's? I think they to the immersion, if done right
Electric boogaloo

Taking the statements at the end of the final boss into account
something with Revelations, what did arrmstrong mean?

That song always gets me teary as fuck for some reason.

Armstrong was a nice challenge and blade mode gave boss fights a new dimension
just hope they expand on the RPG-type shit, difficulty, blade mode and make bosses longer next time around

>So am I the only one who likes QTE's?
It's not that I didn't like them. They were very well placed, and satisfying to pull off.
My problem with Armstrong and the Blade Mode QTE was because I can only play 3rd person games with an inverted camera, but MGR takes that as an invitation to invert the blade mode camera, too. I can't wrap my head around inverted 1st person controls.
Took me 3 hours and 20 or so deaths due to that QTE, but I got it in the end. I felt fucking invincible.

>jetstream DLC
>mfw trying to S rank armstrong on revengeance mode with no damage

Not really on topic, but how the fuck do I CQC? I decided to play this game after Rising and I'm pretty confused

Yeah Armstrong QTE with the rocks he throws is a pain in the ass

>Bosses twice/triple as long
>Set pieces differentiate phases
>More variety in boss attacks
>Make them weak/resistant to different types of strikes
>cool as fuck finishers
>tip top tier music
>good dialogue and personality, capture the balance between comedy and serious that the MGRR ones had
my dream

CQC is short for "press circle, pull the lever in the opposite direction and instastun enemies".

But it can also be used as a hold like previous MGS chapters. Just watch for how much you're pressing that circle button. Ask The Boss for details.

>MGR is good
Again this fucking meme, fucking summer faggots

What did you not like about it? How would you make the game better?

>Just watch for how much you're pressing that circle button
oh god it's all coming back to me
Just bought a PS3, I'm going to replay the mainline games before I play MGS4.
I had absolutely no interest in it before I played MGR. Hearing Flynn just flooded me with memories and now it's something I just have to do.

>MGRR is bad

fuckin winter faggots

kindly fuck off

They're all really good but it's a tie between Red sun, stains of time and Sam's song
I really want it to come on to the current consoles

>mfw "playing" MGS4 for the first time
I mean i loved it, but the fucking hour-long cutscene was too much

I'd play good slashers like Ninja Gaiden and DMC, not "fast hack'n'slash for babies who liked God of War"
Plot, characters and everything else is shit
Soundtrack is pretentious and literally for memers

>These "Metal Gear needs to be stealth ONLLYYYY." faggots

That's why I've avoided it. I think I'm finally ready, though, mostly for Nostalgia purposes.

Wouldn't it be cool if:
>Strikes have different effects depending on which you pull off and can combo into a special blade mode (these special effects can be used to dispatch certain enemies easier and bypass resistances and etc)
>Blade mode finishers that can use enemy body parts as stunning/damaging projectiles are a thing.
>Heavy/Light strikes have more variety so you'll have to mix them up more

>nostalgia for a game you haven't played

That's not what I meant and you know it.

Stains of time for me, the dreams disappear line sounds really good.
I think initial boss fight against the metal gear is a lot of fun. After that I'm not sure, Armstrong was a lot of fun as was Sam.

>What is your favorite song?
>What is your favorite fight?

We're never gonna get a PS4 port, are we?

Lol'd at this stupid fucker
I like slashers, but don't like shit hack'n'slash games, sorry

Just get the PC version.

You can basically petition for what 360 games you want on Xbox one, right now it has 12,000 people wanting it, I wouldn't doubt it wouldn't get ported to both.

Just know that you can pause the cutscenes. You will need it
I think there is like 4 hours of gameplay and 8 hours of movie, it's all worth it though

>It has QTEs that means everything about the game is shit
So.. does that mean Bayonetta is bad, despite being better than DMC? So this is the power of... A nostalgia tinted retard.. woah

>comparing MGR to GoW
MGR actually takes skill to play, especially on higher difficulty settings

Not him, but some QTE's in Bayonetta were fucking bullshit, otherwise the game is amazing

I wouldn't even call it movie, more like "accurate real-time reproduction of unrealistic events presented in a spectacular fashion". Movies have this thing called pacing.

>I don't know what is buttonmashing and what is QTE, I'll truly show him something with "nostalgia tinted retard woah"
Holy shit you are stupid cunt
>Bayonetta is bad, despite being better than DMC
Also damn son

It doesn't. Finished it at Revengeance without any problems

Whats her name again?

You won't beat shit in MGR is you button mash, Monsoon is there to reach you that
Did you even play the game?


I did
Pushing stick forward to enemy to parry with X or [] is piss easy, the combat in MGR is shit

There're even fucking lasers-shit from eyes of enemies or bosses for "MAN HE'S GOING TO DO AN ATTACK, FUCKING MASH THAT PARRY SHIT"

Revengeance is ezmodo for S-ranking bosses without taking damage, because your counters are so much more powerful.

Very Hard is the real man's difficulty level.

here, Monsoon is the only boss I beat first time. Only got hit because I couldn't figure out how to break his "nuh-uh u can't hit me phase" for a little while. And I seriously suck at these types of games.

What do the different difficulty levels offer? I'm replaying on hard to get the bosses down before moving onto Very Hard. Is Revengeance like Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae's Inferno where you die in one hit, but enemies go down like flies?

It's Very Hard, but a perfect parry will do TREMENDOUS damage.



>How did it do financially

Not great. But not bad either, It was a cheap outsorced game that covered it own costs, but wasnt a money maker.

It was probably much better financially than V, which supposedly made then lose money cause 80 million for joosten pussy, Bowie music and Sutherman dick.

But certainly less lucrative than PES (Current year) which sells a lot with normies.

Very hard is the game's real difficulty. Enemies are more aggressive, mastiffs more annoying (also more mastiffs) and AI gets improved.

Revengeance just makes almost everything a one hit kill (so your nanopaste counter basically becomes your lifebar) but your QTEs and perfect parries do insane damage and can instakill multiple enemies at once. This makes bosses pathetically easy, especially Sam.

>also more mastiffs
Nope. Nah. Nuh-uh. gg. I'll stick with Hard.

FUCK those things.


Collective Consciousness
Jetstream Sam

I just loved how sam and raiden were equals who respected each other as warriors

I thought Revengeance also nerfed your anything not-parry attacks to ridiculous levels? So that it's either parry or bust.

I know I wasted tons of valuable time just so I could ninja kill them. Might as well restart the checkpoint once you've been spotted by more than one.

>not-parry attacks
...how do parry attack? I literally just S-Ranked Blade Wolf on Hard and every now and then I'd do a counter after a parry but I had no idea how I was doing it.
I saw no such thing on my first play, but goddamn did I suck until Monsoon.


This is probably the closest thing to a sequel we're going to get.

If you parry at exactly the moment the enemy attack would land, you do a counter attack. You need to have the skill unlocked though.

You do realize that the MGS3 slot machine (not pachinko) is being made by another subsidiary?

Ah. The more you know.

Give me more Sunny with hairy pits this time please

Those were literally impossible playing Revengeance as a first playthrough.

LITERALLY impossible.

You simply don't get enough blade mode charge to pull them off quicker than it depletes. I thought for sure I could at least get the three rocks, but no, there was a 4th one.

At that point I just straight up gave up trying to cut them, and ran around until he came back down.


>>and ran around until he came back down
>you can actually do this
I didn't even consider it.

>despite being better than DMC?
Lets cut back the shitposting a bit, buddy.

This game might be entry level tier in the action genre but why is so damn hard to No Damage some bosses?

Fuck Monsoon's cheap ass and fuck me for being so bad at parry Sam's shit

A Stranger I Remain and Mistral.

MGR 2 probably is never gonna happen and that saddens me entirely

Collective Consciousness


Armstrong is the most hype I've ever had for a final boss until Asriel (yes I'm a faggot) and I was happy that he was also the final boss of Sam's DLC.

>It was a cheap outsorced game
but before that Kojima wasted who knows how much money when it was called Metal Gear Solid : Rising

Collective Conciousness and Meme man

Post yfw the lyrics kicks in.

>Meme man

That describes all the bosses really




Only thing I know for real

There's just something about slowly circling around one another while the song plays that works absolutely perfectly


Man of taste

Song: Mistral
Fight: Monsoon