When you've learned Japanese 8 years ago and

When you've learned Japanese 8 years ago and
>doesn't have to wait 6 months to play a game
>doesn't have to hack a ps3 to play with the dub that you want
>isn't stuck with the pleb version of the game because of that
>Be on the spoiling side

Feels good man.

Other urls found in this thread:


You know japs think the same way about the superior dub version
That's why the remakes they do like KH Final Mix and FF Internationals have English dialog.

How do you even?
I cant even get fucking hiragana inside my head, I've been trying for weeks

I think those lolis require closer inspection.

You can't learn Japanese, user.

Hm? What for?

Need to make sure they're not in violation. Everything must be to code. Better make it an extremely thorough inspection.

Anyone can learn Japanese, user.

I dont think any nip I've ever met gave a rats ass about english dub in a jap game
Closest to butthurt I've seen was dragom quest 8 for ps2, but with the 3ds version they barely even remember that

If I knew Japanese I wouldn't be using that knowledge to play garbage like Persona.

It takes years to learn Japanese on even a basic level, and that's assuming you're even capable of it.

In the time it takes an English speaker to become decent at Japanese you could become fluent at French, Spanish, German, and probably another language too.

>Be on the spoiling side
everyone already knows Kira is the killer

Japanese is pretty easy, too bad most of the games are still shit

>killer is the killer

I know that feel. Can't wait to tell Sup Forums who the killer is.

you mean killer is the kira

>Didn't waste years of his life learning Japanese so he can watch anime and play video games slightly more efficiently

Oh no

I wish I was fluent in Japanese. But hopefully I'll be able to play this fairly comfortably with my laptop to look up words when I need to. Anyway all I want is more sexy Morgana voice acting to trigger my dick.

>mfw I learnt Japanese from watching anime

Sure, I thought I knew some words before I started learning too. Makes the first 2000 words a bit easier I suppose.

No you didn't.

I did a core2k deck and knew like 1990 of the words from anime, all I had to do was learn the kanji

Yes I did

It definitely beats whatever pointless crap you spent your life doing, assuming you've done anything besides browse Sup Forums.


Well I knew a good amount of 2k words too, but hopefully you realize that's a drop in the ocean of Japanese

You sound bitter, how many years did you spend learning Japanese?

Learning words from watching anime =/= learning a language sorry

What's going on in this thread

Oh, I know way more than that. I have no trouble watching Japanese media

I learnt grammar and all that shit from anime too, it's not hard

All I want in life is to be bullied by Morgana erry day.

I know "a lot more" than that too, depends if you're one of those faggots satisfied with shitty games and low level VNs or actually read more advanced material. I got through 6k a while ago, but vocab is still the biggest barrier to me. Some animu I can mostly watch without subs and without looking words up, but I'm not quite at the point where I can watch a show and understand everything immediately yet.

>likes Japanese games
>Cant read Japanese

>When you've learned Japanese 8 years ago and

Have you really? I started three years ago and already got over the gloating and ego stroking phase.

Just read Genki and Tae Kim's Grammar Guide. Use Anki for kanji and vocab. Use it to grind kana too if you need to, though I did it the hard way (because I didn't know about Anki) and just got it down after a week of forcing myself to read everything I saw in Genki without using the kana charts more than necessary.

>lying on the internet

It's more about the salt than the ego

Why are you speaking like a little girl?


Well I can't pretend I don't get tempted sometimes when people complain and complain about dubs and translations but refuse to learn the language.

Don't type in Jap again my man, you're not there yet.

Also you haven't reached the point to stroke your own ego either.



I'm pretty good at reading and translating, but I'm shit at actual typing because I almost never do it. Only do it with a Japanese guy who's Japanese is so bad that he barely notices my mistakes. But enlighten me, what's wrong with what I wrote?

Oh wait, I'm retarded. Should be more like お前がミスを犯した。

That doesn't make it any better

Well enlighten me then. I often see people on Sup Forums say "lel you suck" when people bring up Japanese, but they never explain further, leading me to believe that most of the time it's just jealous people who can't into Japanese. Once once has anyone ever actually answered me back and provided constructive criticism.

Go ask /djt/ if you want someone to teach you for free


>>Be on the spoiling side

Why would you ever?

You're supposed to use your knowledge of Japanese for GOOD. Don't turn the sacred tongue into a tool for bullying.

It's not wrong per se, people dont talk like that normally though.
It sounds really weird in the context is all

Gotta be careful with the dunning kruger effect yo

EOPs deserve all the bullying they get

You sound pretty asshurt, famalan

Haha. Okay, okay, so you're both full of shit. I got it.

Yeah, I have no trouble admitting that I don't speak natural Japanese. Trying to iron it out a bit with Lang-8. Should get more Nips on Skype again too.

So how many days did you ask off for P5 release? I got the 15-18 in the book already.

>t. Assblasted Weeb


I'm so fucking mad, man.

Why though

Why would I be asshurt? I'm not the one about to get spoiled

I'm on Sup Forums, I'm supposed to be angry.


Where those spoilers at then? Oh wait Atlus already spoiled 90% of game in the PVs.

IDK man, but you sound pretty salty
Have you ever been bullied here on Sup Forums before?

Why is it always the people that brag who are the ones totally shit at something? Go figure that some guy tries making a thread on Sup Forums bragging about how he can speak Japanese, then he outs himself as not even being remotely decent.

Brag? What the fuck? Can you guys even read English? I admitted that I'm not the greatest Nip speaker out there.

>Go figure that some guy tries making a thread on Sup Forums bragging about how he can speak Japanese, then he outs himself as not even being remotely decent.

You should really read before you put your foot in your mouth. That's clearly not OP. And you can be good at reading a language but not speaking it. I know that's true because that's how I am. I don't have much difficulty reading text-heavy games usually, I've been doing professional translations for awhile now, but I could not sound like a native Japanese speaker to save my life.

Yes, I'm really salty. Could you stop spreading your salt everywhere?

>I've been doing professional translations
Considering the quality of most translations, you don't know Japanese either

Whatever you say you arrogant shithead.



Chillax bro

Asshurt weebobo
Was probably bullied to all hell at some point in his life


Reminder that weeb shitposting is the worst kind of shitposting.

I literally learned everything about The Great Yamatokuni from there, dipshit.

Have some respect.

u mad?

I couldnt agree more lad, but I still believe if I post about how great japan is, I might finally become Japanese!

Well, I guess that's that then. Why do you people want to watch the world burn?

Why don't you mention how you have to drill yourself daily so you don't forget the moonrunes that give you proficiency of a grade school student?

Found the weaboo.

Shit man you got me I'm impressed.
Did you figure that one out on your own?

Have you ever tried learning anything? Getting past an 'im a beginner' roadblock is encouraged


pick one

Take your freakish japanese obsession somewhere else you dirty pleb. You didn't have to name yourself after an anime character.

>isn't stuck with the pleb version
>plays the japanese version anyway

>disrespecting my honorable yamatodamashii

I think pleb version refers to the ps3 version and the gullible idiots who are stuck with that if they want jap audio.

>plebs thinking knowing japanese is cool
>not knowing 文言文

-ancient chinese proverb that you can't read with nip tongue.

Please delete that sub-human text

Go away chink


Why would someone who wants to learn Japanese want to read something in Chinese? Let alone want anything to do with Chinese?

Anybody have the pic "don't learn mandarin"?

Except all of those characters are identifiable by someone with Japanese knowledge.


because deep down they know that the inner chink is calling.

But are they comprehensible? Can they make sense of the sentence?

didn't mean to reply to

>Chinese culture

>But are they comprehensible? Can they make sense of the sentence?
People learning Chinese should kill themselves

I might have changed a word

The only thing that would give me the slightest pause is 學, but that's obviously the traditional 学.

you changed two, actually.



Shouldn't you be working in a sweatshop assembling electronics or something?