How many of you actually have fun coming to Sup Forums all the time? The place has been insanely depressing for a while...

How many of you actually have fun coming to Sup Forums all the time? The place has been insanely depressing for a while, moreso since 2014.

TGT threads are pretty good

I pretty much only come to Sup Forums so I can be semi up-to-date with general topics and because I've been here for 10+ years. I don't look for good conversation or quality anything because I know it'll just give me cynicism or shitposting.

I'm convinced you're in your mid 20s to early 30s based in this.

24, you're close enough.

I come here because I have no better way to fill my time. And believe me, I've tried EVERYTHING, even things Sup Forums would frown upon.

>I used to fill it in with all activity on youtube, but they took that away.
>I used to go on vine in the comedy tag to pass the time since all activity got removed, but it's mostly just normalfag shit and recycled jokes.
>I went to other boards, they didn't interest me.
>I went to netflix, I've already caught up on every show I'm remotely interested in.
>I went to kissanime to watch some anime, now I'm waiting for new episodes of Jojo to come out and reading the manga while I wait. The rest is just haremshit that just feels manipulative to me that I'm not really interested in because I'm not really much for waifus since they just remind me of the perfect girlfriend that most people don't have.
>I tried reddit, it's true what they say about fucking nothing being original there because downvote systems are where individuality goes to die.
>I tried tumblr, and ironically I find more SJW hate there than here these days. I wanna say "Thank fuck", but on the flipside I'm reminded of the shitshow Sup Forums has become when even tumblr is being cucked less than Sup Forums. But it's hard to find flippant shitposting tumblrs relevant to my interests, so that's a bust too.
>I tried video games, but video games cost a lot of money I seldom have these days and I don't always want to be engaged in an adrenaline rush because it wears me out.

yakuza threads are nice, but that's because only a small percentage of people like 'em and it's not on PC

I've been coming here to waste time since 2006, I can never leave. I won't blog post but its enough to take a man half way to death. I think quality probably dropped the largest in 2010 or so but really you could say that about any year.

>tumblr is being cucked less than Sup Forums.
You need to go back to tumblr

You can kinda tell a person's age roughly based on how they conduct themselves in a more serious context. Some 21 year old would probably derail the thread with trap porn or some shit.

The first time I played Yakuza it was on PC through an emulator. Any percieved notion you have of PCfags potentially ruining yakuza discussion is all in your head.

>I used to go on vine in the comedy tag to pass the time since all activity got removed, but it's mostly just normalfag shit and recycled jokes.

Why would you come here if you don't like recycled jokes?


user, you've never been there. There are entire blogs dedicated to calling out SJW cucks for the sociopathic assholes that they are.

But like I said, this was after browsing Sup Forums, not before that I went to tumblr.

been here since 2005

11 years of posting, this is the answer I've come up with

"it's alright" - Anonymous

They used to be OUR recycled jokes, even if they're not now. Plus, I've been going here for years. It's hard to leave.


more like 2008

>Tumblr removes replies
>Starts taking down rule34 even if it's under fair use
>Starts blaring audio ads and shitty music at random times with no way to stop or ad block it
What the FUCK are they doing over there. As much as I hate Sup Forums's userbase at least the website either stays the same or sometimes improves slightly

I don't know desu senpai

People here don't talk about the games I like much and when they do it's only waifufaggotry and shitposting. I need to leave, but I can't, I could be studying or learning something useful but here I am reading shitposts of games I'm not even planning on playing.

Guess my favorite vidya genre

Yep, 24 also and have been coming here since 2006. You are here forever.
2011-2012 is when it really nosedived for me. ToRtanic killed this board and I would love for someone to prove me wrong. People always used to shit on popular big games but the level of cynicism and constant shitposting was never as high as it was after that shitstorm.

I've found Sup Forums less and less interesting as time has gone on.

Originally I enjoyed some of the unique threads and discussions but very time a "unique" thread starts these days it is almost instantly derailed by a volley of meme spouting shut posters who think it's fun being cynical and narcissistic for no good reason.

I can't remember the last time I had an honest, reasonable discussion that didn't devolve into mindless name calling or someone using the words "fag" "SJW" or "cuck" to describe something that isn't even remotely close to what those terms actually mean.

Neptunia styled JRPGs.
I get the last point but regardless of who the joke belongs to, it's still heavily recycled with minimal various to keep shit interesting. It's as unfunny when a faggot writes KEKKEKKEKXDXD here as it is when some alt right 14 year old does it on some political atheism YouTube video.

>going to Sup Forums for fun

If they were nep games would I really be bitching about waifufaggotry running rampant?

Apply yourself.

Sometimes there's decent threads, like the aircraft thread a few days ago.

Why would you say ToRtanic was the reason for everything going to shit? I didn't follow it much around the time but it just seemed like a light hearted joke, poking fun at the game. Way too many threads though. Battlefield 3 and Skyrim had less threads at the time.

My bad. I thought you partook in the waifuposting.

It's 2:21am and I can't sleep.


I hate Sup Forums but I dont know where else to go

nigger i used to post on 5chan

Gay question time:

Do you people love yourselves?

>It's as unfunny when a faggot writes KEKKEKKEKXDXD here as it is when some alt right 14 year old does it on some political atheism YouTube video.

Here's the thing, I don't give a flying fuck about your left vs. right shitfling.

I would prefer it fuck off because this is a board about video games. All I wanted to do: Play some fucking video games, and one of the reasons I did so is to avoid political controversy.

To you it's about "Alt right", "Religion", "Feminism", etc. to me it's about having a place and a hobby that I enjoy spending time in. And for years, I have enjoyed my time on Sup Forums. Not so much these days, because it's been overrun with this kind of discussion. So I looked for places to leave to. But I always end up back here, because this is all I know, even if not one single thing that made me love this board still remains here outside of special events and streams.

I wish I did to some extent.

>I would prefer it fuck off because this is a board about video games.
>All I wanted to do: Play some fucking video games
This has about as much weight as a grain of salt when posted in a shitposting thread.

Man, I don't give a fuck about politics in video games. Maybe if it's a story theme like CoD 4 being a commentary on the war in Iraq but that's it. I just think cuck is legitimately the worst fucking buzzword ever introduced on Sup Forums. Atleast something like double nigger was sort of funny in context.

I first started coming here full-time last year with a "Sup Forums = Sup Forums" mindset
somewhere down the road I decided I wanted less porn/rate/furry/trap/YLYL/faces of Sup Forums/gore/rekt/cock rate threads and more video game threads (or vidya as I discovered wtflol)
I only frequent threads that interest me, as I think you should too

I know, but this is also a thread about "Why we're still here", and my answer is "Just to suffer".

well no shit he said he'd been on Sup Forums for a decade

No, but I don't dislike myself in an angsty way either. I just accept I'm not a good or valuable person.

>post 2009 Sup Forums
You poor thing. I mean hey. More power to you for finding things you like there.

you'd be surprised how many people came here at age 10 or something
atleast that's a few observations i've made

(You)s always make me happy.

make me happy, anons


I know man, I am seriously wondering how people do it? It just doesn't click for me, like how do you feel love for yourself?

I actually went with a psychologist a few months ago because my life was getting pretty shit, and the only thing I got from that is that I seem unable to understand this "love myself" thing.

Like I LITERALLY can't wrap my head around it.

I literally can't stop browsing Sup Forums.

Guess you just need to be happy enough and appreciate your good traits. Probably just talk out my ass though.

I have fun browsing Sup Forums but I've only been doing to for 4 years. When did it stop being fun for you and why would you keep doing something you didn't enjoy?

There was no one moment it got bad. This is what happens when sarcasm reaches a critical tipping point. It becomes less about the humor and more about the mean spiritedness. Until you become the villain you always despised.


Yeah, basically I mentioned 2014 specifically

I mean it stopped being fun for me when that happened.

I don't know why I keep coming back to this shithole though.

Brought in a flux of retards who figured this is the website where you talk shit about everything and anything. Ive seen screengrabs of redditors with this exact mentality when it comes to Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole. ie Reddits where you talk about things and Sup Forums is where you get out your shitposting/trolling.

Sup Forums rules
I've been here basically since the site started
I'll be here probably until it goes down
I browse an average of 4+ hours a day

I want the succ from Jimmy's mum.

That's the gist of it, but I hate myself so I can't do it.

>it's comfy
>i basically have no friends so Sup Forums is a good source of easy social interaction even though i hardly post
>threads that aren't about specific games or console war shit are usually tolerable
>there are genuinely good threads fairly frequently

A post I made in a thread about shit events in vidya.

Probably GamerGate. Not only because of how shit the internet became thanks to Milo and his more prominent fanclub from Sup Forums but because of the newfags, buzzwords and general shit it bought to this board. Didn't help that the fappening happened at the same time, more or less.
Sup Forums and Reddit played Battlefield and something else against each other not long after too. Goddamn.

What is funny was that the shitposting/trolling was originally supposed to shock and repel normies, as intended by the majority of the oldfags. That glorious backfired because it became the status quo tradition that degenerates took as normal.

Tails Gets Trolled.

Gamergate was a mistake. I followed the threads like crazy when it was just fucking around and getting mad about Kotaku, that's an age old tradition, but when it came to the point of giant Twitter wars, 500 threads an hour, and then the stupid exodus to redditchan it stopped being funny real quick

There's was thread about this the other day, right? I saved the archive but haven't read the thread yet.

I come here to post in off topic threads and have other anons insult my cooking, how I look, the place I live in, etc. People are harsh on here man.

I have detached myself from myself.

I like it here. I love engaging in threads and seeing peoples responses. Although I hate having to do a captcha everytime I wanna post.

It's very depressing

Especially since everyone is anonymous and I'll never make friends

No, I genuinely dislike myself to the point where I can't conceive why other people would want to be around me. I think I'm a bad person, and that I always end up hurting the people I love eventually regardless if I want to or not.

I just wish I could be normal. I don't want to be a bad person. It keeps me up at night crying because of it.

Well Sup Forums is full of white guys and whites are generally negative and depressing.

Been coming here since 2010 on and off. I feel it's become shittier over the years but I still visit like it's a bad habit

Y'all are a bunch of cynical fucks, but every other gaming community is either infested with SJW ideology or worships every new AAA title

I'm with him. Like, emulator bros are cool and all, but when something niche ends up on PC it'll garuntee that the fan base goes to shit. PC seems to be the main platform for Sup Forums, so the widest number of people will play a game if it gets a PC release. If a wider range of people play something it becomes a bigger topic of discussion and then shit posters feel the insatiable need to target it with their garbage. And this, all good discussion is ruined by the PC port.

I've actually stopped coming here anywhere near as much recently.

After ten years I'm free.

It's time to conquer earth

>It's time to conquer earth
either that or get a job

>when you can engage with another user on a relatively personal level without the use of irony and memes in having an actual genuine discussion about the topic at hand.
Those times are few and far between but its good when it does happen.

I think I'm doing okay. Have a decent job with a university, became idort, and I have a loving girlfriend, even though we're having a bit of a spat right now.

>loving gf
normie ree yadda yadda

I carefully select threads that are worth my time. There are so many that makes me fucking mad and its better to divert my energy to positive threads, like the airplane thread we had yesterday, that one was fantastic.

see you tomorrow user

It doesn't really affect me that much because I don't value any of your opinions. My opinion trumps this entire site combined.


I just shitpost on Sup Forums now

I know how to hide my power level.

Yes. I like most things about myself to be honest and I'm proud of the man I've become.

Wishing does nothing. You have to change yourself. Usually by changing your habits, your environment, or both. Oh and maybe talk to a therapist.

Hope the relationship goes well. I haven't been in a relationship for just over two years after I found a guy from school was fucking my gf. I'm from the hood though so my friends and I kicked his ass. Doesn't fill the void and I still want to die.

No but if it helps I love anime girls more. Thats something that keeps me going these days.

if your power level can be hidden, you have a weak power level

>Gamergate was a mistake.
It honestly really was. At least the Law & Order episode about it was funny.

>the stupid exodus to redditchan
I find that funny, but only because how petty it made them look when they never really left.

I'm trying, but a lot of it stems from poor self esteem and my anxiety disorder. A lot of the thoughts are irrational, but certain patterns are also made difficult to break because of it.

I'm definitely better than I was a couple years ago but there are times when I lapse back into old behaviour. Doesn't help that I'm in a long term relationship since that kind of behaviour has and continues to put a lot of strain on it.

nice blog bruh


I sure do. And I visit here every now and then to help others see it in themselves too. Just keep it a secret ok faggot?

It's almost 4am, I'm high and listening to depressing hip hop. I need an outlet before I slit my neck open.

thats pretty damn normie tier bruh but hell I'd neck myself to if I were listening to hop hip at 4 in the mornin'

Absolutely. No reason to hate myself.

So is saying bruh but here we are.

My situation is just women being fucking stupid.

>Girlfriend pays for Direct TV in her family's house
>She works for a fucking hospital, but her mom makes her pay the mortgage and barley has any money left
>She got a small loan for $300
>Instead of paying the Direct TV bill first, she buys fucking shoes
>"Waaah, I have no money, can you pay my bill user"
>Tell her I don't have it, just to see what she does
>I know AT&T gives credits to customers depending on their status and she was in good standing
>Told her to call AT&T to see if they can move her payment arrangement or credit her account
>She calls a few times and they won't help her (fucking Fillipinos)
>Saw that she was trying, so I gave her the money, despite me saving up for some important projects
>I fucking told her when we first met, "I only help people who help themselves"

She got mad like it was HER fucking money. So now, I'm just letting her cool off for a bit. After that, I'm gonna nicely put her in her place.

yeah ain't that a kick in the noggin?