This is a japanese spider

this is a japanese spider

No it isn't you fucking stupid faggot. It's some weebtrash game with some cunt with a bunch of tattoos on. I could slap some paint on myself right now and call myself a spider.

So sick and tired of obnoxious weebs calling girls wearing cosplay animals.

this is OP

OP is pretty hot


>mfw MGfags think they aren't furfags-lite

this is a japanese witch who's also pretty autistic and a cat

This is an American spider.

Hey I think you need to stop taking Sup Forums so seriously
because like, it's a japanese game made in japan and that is what japanese people literally think spiders are. there's nothing weeb about it, it's japanese culture by japanese people, not japanese culture by white people who wish they were japanese

That is also a great game

This is a Japanese spider.

THIS is a Japanese spider

Swedish spider.


This is a japanese spider

Alisia a best.

This is a triggered normal fag

This is a shitty thread.

>Furfag trying this hard to get accepted.

Only a furfag would give a shit about them.

Alisia cutest waifu. Yuni a second.


OP here.
guys, could we NOT?

Connette is best girl.

I want to punch bern in the face

>could we NOT?

She is pretty high up there. Lazy slut.

>Not liking Monica
Its like you don't want some cute girl to follow you around and take notes on you.

Why do all the Fighter upgrade screw swords over? It sucks.

Clinton and the Democratic Party already did that for you

This is a japanese moth.

t. furfag in denial

>liking poorfags

What game? It looks kinda familiar.

>"its today"
what did she mean by this?

Dungeon Travelers 2. There's a demo for it on PSN if you have a Vita or Vita TV.

but where does she shot web from????

I'mma gonna be honest with you all. I wanna fuck everything in this thread.

>draw a naked girl being held by strings
>call it a spider

she broke your mom's neck

THIS is a japanese spider

Very nice hand placement

And while the girls are hot, dungeon crawlers aren't really my thing.

This is an american plant.

You fucking brought it on yourself and now asking them to stop?
Accept the consequences.

this is a japanese spider

t. spider


>Draw a fox
>Call it a jackal
why is this allowed?

Y-you can't just ask a lady where her web comes from like that!


Love how that lewd spider is touching her butthole.

either a normalfag or an actual spider
either way fuck off

This is a japanese firefly

Cute boy