So is this game just overhyped normieshit or actually good? Is there much to do or is it just another walking simulator...

So is this game just overhyped normieshit or actually good? Is there much to do or is it just another walking simulator? Thinking about getting the PS4 version because I have nothing else on it right now Im interested in.

Better than Sup Forums will tell you it is, not as good as the mainstream gaming press will tell you it is.


the game was pretty bad in my opionion. i didn't care for the charathers and i found it abit boring after the 4th level. but i completed it anyways so i could fully judge it......unfortunetly

I'd say its a 9.5/10, really enjoyed it.

aint no walking simulator

I'd give it a solid 9/10 "Absolutely alright".

One of the best games ever made, single and multiplayer

>the hunger games: remastered

it was okay

ill prob give it a 8 tho

Half the game is combat in the same vein as Uncharted and the other half is stealth vs "zombies".

It's pretty fun and the online is worth a try. The only parts I didn't like were flooded areas because Elle was molested by water and is afraid to touch it now.

Story was decent, gameplay is completely on rails and extremely simple but functionally good. I hope in the inevitable sequel the player at least has multiple ways though areas or different ways of completing objectives. The addition of actually being able to make a choice in such a story driven game would make it so much better.

It's a well-made game that was overhyped to all hell. If you know the story, it's not really worth more than thirty dollars, but, if you can get it for that or less, it really is a steal. The side story DLC isn't really good, but the multiplayer can be god-tier if you hook up with a few friends.

It's a nice movie, but a meh game

>that spelling
>that everything

The AI is horrific. It makes it completely unplayable to me.

>this meme
The game is something like 15-17 hours long, 3 or so of which are cutscenes.

Best ladder/palette placement sim I ever played.

i usually have trouble spelling "characters" and "opinion" and the word "usually". dyslexia? maybe, i dont know

Pretty good, definitely worth playing if you already have a system that'll play it.

Overhyped, yes. But still worth playing.

Shooting mechanics are dogshit, so you need to get good at being stealthy. You need a lot of patience to get through the shoot outs.

I really enjoyed it, definitely worth a playthrough and it's pretty cheap these days. If you like a challenge then put it straight on the hardest difficulty.

Yes it is.

I own a PS3, and didn't bother picking this up after playing it at a friend's house and seeing a few videos on the internet pointing out both the flaws of the game and the cut content promised at E3.

I feel like a lot of Sup Forumsirgins who hate it can't actually play it.

Honestly? One of the better games I have played. Great character arcs, albeit predictable ones, and an excellent atmosphere. The original soundtrack is awesome. Don't listen to Sup Forums, this game is definitely worth at least a 9. And the gameplay is fun.

Id say 9/10.
There are some immersion breaking elements that would be fine in all other games but in this one it was jarring because they do everything else so well.

Feels like re4 with updated mechanics and no shitty tank walking. It's just another story based TPS, calling it a walking simulator is a meme.

It's good just not the best game ever or anything close to it

>Shooting mechanics are dogshit
Shooting mechanics are great, it's a survival game and isn't meant to be Gears of War

cool story, no one cares tripfag

Find a mate to play it with, makes it so much comfier and much easier to overlook its inherent faults, which includes a severe lack of minute to minute action and actual gameplay besides holding the left stick forward.

One thing I will give this game is how it actually manages to make SOMEWHAT believable characters (Fuck you, Joel, you're such a fucking idiot.)

It's average.

The biggest things the game has going for it are the graphics and voice acting. It's completely linear, the "puzzles" are mind numbing, the combat is boring and slow if you it stealthily, and generic if you start shooting (and the game will always give you enough ammo!). Not to mention there's a very small variety of enemies. I know it's mainly humans, but they could have given them different AIs for some variety instead of all of them behaving the exact same way. Oh and chest high cover everywhere.

The only real standout is the multiplayer, with everyone sneaking around scavenging for better shit to kill the others with. Nothing more satisfying than watching someone gather a bunch of shit and then killing them and taking it

>dyslexia? maybe

That's not how you spell "public education."

It's good, but anyone that jumped on the "CITIZEN KANE OF GAMING" train deserves their dick in a vise

I liked it, good acting and characters with decent gameplay and a lot of cool ideas even if not perfectly executed. The idea behind the infected their design is neat too. Ellie's also funny at times and a cute to boot so that's something.

Best game ND will ever make, guaranteed.

You have to have a certain personality to enjoy it though.

It would be better if you could play the whole game as the cute girl instead of the guy.

This pretty much. The gameplay is pretty mediocre, generic stuff. But the story makes it okay-ishh

>Fuck you, Joel, you're such a fucking idiot
I think that was the point.

It's overhyped normieshit but it's a decent game. A bit walking simulator-y but when gameplay gets going it's a slower Uncharted with a bit of survival horror flavor. A bit lacking in actual mechanical depth and progression but it holds long enough for the campaign to do its thing. Apparently the multiplayer is good too but I'm not into that so fuck it.

I'd say it's closer to an 8 but yeah pretty much this

this comparison doesn't even make sense

Incredibly overhyped. Shit gameplay (combat and stealth), average story.

Probably the closest video games have gotten to the sublime. Unparalleled soundtrack, gorgeous environments, impeccable voice acting, and a story that feels fresh and engaging though the subject matter seeing wide employment throughout contemporary media. Also has one of the great hidden gems of multiplayer experiences.

Any of you still play multiplayer? Shits cool but hard as fuck

>All these shills
What the fuck

It was better than I expected, definitely overhyped though. The gameplay is nothing special.

You're mostly playing it for the characters.The best part was the end with Joel, it made me feel like I did when I played Hotline Miami.

It's completely possible people like something you don't.

it's good. go with the remastered version though, the original looks like shit and has bad framerate

Joel did nothing wrong

>hey let us take this miracle girl and vivisect her like a bunch of retarded Japanese scientists, even though we Feely admit that we have literally no idea what we're doing
>she'll die for no reason, just like all the others that came before her
>oh, but if you try and stop us amitnnd our idiotic plan, you're the bad guy!

Basically this, although I have come to hate it after trying to replay it. You're playing it for the story the first time, and when you already know what happens the gameplay flaws become kind of unbearable

Not replayable at all but the story is just so damn good honestly. Worth the price that is now for sure, just dont go in expecting amazing gameplay. But if you've gotten spoiled significantly for the story its kind of a harder buy.

Times were desperate, and Ellie was okay with it.

Ellie didn't know that the procedure would be fatal, and desperate times don't excuse sloppy and ineffectual experimental procedures
>oh shit, look how incredibly rare this test subject is! Who even knows when we'll get another one! This might be our one and only chance of synthesizing a cure
>let's kill her lol

>overhyped normieshit
>walking simulator
Why does it matter? You're clearly an idiot who can't think outside of buzzwords. Try asking the question in big boy words next time.

Play it on Grounded difficulty.

That's how I did it and it was an incredible experience, every moment was tense and forced you to pay attention to the most minute sounds and preserve ammo or you could literally find the game to be unbeatable. When I finished the final fight I had a molotov and 3 bullets left, if I'd used those I would have been bare-handed. Also since there's no HUD it makes the game all the more beautiful.

Also, that last scene was probably the most emotion I've felt from a video game, it's a beautiful story.

one normie guy i know who overhypes every triple A piece of shit that comes out played through it like 3 times or something.

More than half of that gameplay number is just walking through corridors and other bland environments while characters talk.

I liked it during my first go but like every ND game I can't bring myself to replay it. The gameplay shows itself to be boring and tedious without story motivation.

Have you actually played the game?

Nice try but Grounded was the most broken part of the game. Everything from the ammo conservation to the enemies picking only you off was bugged as fuck. The game expected you to do everything, so the AI was pretty much useless with the exception of Ellie stabbing someone once which gave you an opening to punch them for an easy kill.

You didn't need to worry about ammo since the game gives it back to you even if you're wasteful with it. The only time the game fucks you over for not keeping ammo is in the underground with the clickers since I had no ammo for my bow and only around 5 shots in my Shotgun which I didn't want to use since it would alert more clickers, and even then I just sneaked around and then bolted it to the ladder on my 10th try, using my Shotgun to take out two Clickers who were the only enemies to run after me.

I played it on Grounded and Grounded+

Best part in my opinion is gunplay.

One of the few games where the guns feel like they have actual damage behind them.

They also didn't stop to think that if Ellie lived long enough to have kids they could very well be immine too. Same with all the other people they chopped up. Maybe the title is alluding to all the people who are not immune

It's nothing groundbreaking, but it is a legitimately good game.