"git gud"

>"git gud"

Other urls found in this thread:


Acquire proficiency.

If plenty of other people have managed it, it's the only answer OP. Git gud is an all encompassing term for "Your current skill level is not high enough yet, so you don't get to proceed''

>"get rekt"

>gg ez

>git bad

Well played, I hope you become a great player in the future

>gg ez
>proceed to absolutely wreck the person who said that while spamming git gud.

Stop harrasing me!

You faggots take it so personally that I have no sympathy. Its the same as how you twisted the meaning of 'I'm so over it' from one of accepting humility to one of frustration.

>gg ez
>report him
; )

>meme show

Does this mean I can be reported if I say nothing after winning?


"no one on my team has mics"

>a statement which requires an image that explains my emotion when said phrase comes up in multiplayer electronic passtime

>win first round handily
>act cocky and say "gg ez"
>enemy team starts playing much better in round 2
>realize i'm doing awful now
>start giggling to myself and say "omfg u tryhards"
>the enemy team starts mocking me
>keep up the salty asshole act for fun
>tfw i probably made the enemy team's victory feel sweeter

Sup Forums likes it so of course it's shit.

Here's (You)r reply.

>'anyone got a mic'

>playing Modern Warfare 2 on PC
>change mouse sensitivity
>immediately kill a guy
>begin to test sensitivity by moving around the mouse after said kill
>it's the game winning kill
>says "don't be butthurt" after seeing final kill

How dare you

>say "gg ez"
>report the guy I'm saying it to

Video very related:


>co/ likes it
Nope it's ban from the board apparently

I say this every match that I win without fail, the salt flows freely.

Other speedyblue did that face better.

>go into waifu thread on Sup Forums
>someone post the baby from that shit show
jesus fucking christ,Sup Forums

Sup Forums is easily one of the most degenerate boards on Sup Forums, up there with Sup Forums, /r9k/, /soc/ and /mlp/


>Gregor has joined the server
>he's on your team

pls no

Do you still get upset at 'gg ez' as well?

git gud scrub

Where does Sup Forums fit?

>their profile name is some cocky shit like 'getdropped'
>they stay at the bottom of the leaderboard every match

One of those boards are not like the other. And besides the existence of /trash/ knocks them all of.


>our team has someone with a name like truesonicforever001

>go into waifu thread
Well there's your problem

The charming autistic red headed stepchild.

"Get rekt" is a description of what HAS happened. "Git gud" is what COULD be.

Why do you want youknowwho in this thread?

It's the lowest effort thing to do, i have no idea why people get so upset at it. Same with T-bagging

Thats because the degenerates who like it were literally posting porn of the baby getting fucked every thread they had.

Well I like it

Not in "degenerate." It belongs in the "Reddit 2.0" category now.

Reminder your taste will never be as bad as Sup Forums

Instant (You)

why do I reply to these things?

shit you got me nigger

>ask how to beat boss
>lol git gud
>i do
>it actually worked

Thanks, Sup Forums.

to save your loved ones

Its a good way to get redditors panties in a bunch.


That looks like an ultra rare high tech pepe

can I keep it?

Right next to Sup Forums


>enemy player is in a team-stack
>you're solo queue
>your team loses
>enemy player: "you guys are terrible. just leave now and never come back"

>i feel SO embarrassed.......

are we allowed to beat the fuck out of them with clubs yet

leni best girl

Literally the only people who say "git gud" are shitters mostly PCucks, it's always said in a situation of irony.
It's amazing how such a cancerous meme phase manifested from a platform's rage from being denied handholding managed to still being spewed years later. Not even meme phases like 'umad" and "epic for the win" stayed alive for this long.

has anyone said that teabagging is sexual assault against their character yet?

Most of Sup Forums can be chill and no more degenerate than the rest of this site. But generals are cesspits of trip faggotry waifus and degeneracy. Sup Forums and Sup Forums need a /tvg/ to get rid of the generals and to contain shitposting.

Become proficient, knave.

do you believe in "MemeMagic" ?

gg ez

>Starts boasting
>Second round gets his ass kicked
This is fucking gold

DSP is such a shitter. For someone who plays games for a living hes quite terrible at them. He's also the kind of faggot who blames his own incompetence on the game design.

reported :^)

Praise kek.


