This game is honestly not that bad

this game is honestly not that bad

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wew lad

it was but I enjoyed it as a launch title

Fuck you, I just took a break from playing it and it is that bad. It IS a little dated to make fun of it now because literally everybody has done it, but that doesn't make it any less deserved.

Pretty weak bait thread user, next time put more effort into it.
Give reasons why the game is "no that bad" and then allow your autism to do the rest.

>this game is honestly not that bad
Kill yourself

It's not quite Adventure 3 but Sega did right by at least making Sonic 4 just as good as the classics

you honestly did not play it. The gameplay is stiff and the camera is out of sync a lot of the time.
they obviously rushed it past testing too


howcome they just dont bring it to pc so modders can fix it? if you actually look at old trailers the game plays better and differently from what we got.

Neck yourself you god damn queer.

At least you Adventurefags are actually being honest with yourselves now.

Nah, it is that bad. I say this as an autistic Sonic fan.

What? 2D, physics, and emerald collecting special stages. Makes it closer to formula than any recent game like generations.

Is this the one game the triggers all of Sup Forums?


Make believes reborn

>be thankful for shitty games

OP's right, only Game Grumps tier memers pretend that it wasn't a solid game.

Loading was a bit long, but otherwise it's a decent and fun game.

>mfw Adventurefags who claim to love Adventure and Adventure 2 but hate 06 are fucking hypocrites with garbage taste in Sonic games to boot


Yeah uh, you keep telling yourself that.

>gay grumps
fuck off underage

If it was possible to be fixed it would have been fixed by now by autistic sonic fans

This thing is broken beyond belief
The whole concept and ideas in the first place are crap
You cannot turn shit into chocolate

shitty b8
sonic 4 was Sonic Rush without the boost

'06 was a hideously broken version of Adventure 1 on the other hand

fuck off you uneducated monkey
go back to 9gag

It would be bad even if the glitches weren't there.
There's still the controls, the story, and that kissing scene still exists

I unironically like the game. I have probably had more fun with it than the adventure games. Dont ask why, because even I have no idea

Fuck off Johnny.

It was easily 2006's game of the year

So its agreed tropical jungle was the best level right?

I've actually thought about playing it since I could get it for cheap and I have a high tolerance for shit. I bet I'll regret it, though.

It's bad, but goddamn it's fun to play.

>Sonic 06
>a single redeeming factor outside of the soundtrack

Sonic team really should just quit the video game business and go into music.

>S-stop saying that Sonic '06 was basically Sonic Adventure 3! It wasn't! The REAL Sonic Adventure 3 will be amazing!
Works every fucking time. Stupid sixth gen babies. Must be nice to have no standards.

I've thought about playing this game. Like getting fucking wasted and playing through it.

I don't even think I could do that though. The padding in Unleashed was enough to make me drop it. I couldn't stand all the bullshit and loading times in '06 no matter how fucking plastered I was.

I wouldn't call it Adventure 3 because it doesn't feel like an Adventure game, but I don't give a shit if Adventure 3 is ever made.
In fact, I'd prefer if it was never made or was made but really poorly so people would shut up.

>because it doesn't feel like an Adventure game
>super serious, stupid plot
>different teams with different playable characters and play-styles, all in an intertwined story
I'd say that's at least what they were going for, even if it doesn't necessarily feel like it given how shit the game is.


Even Game Grumps thought it was shit.

I can see that.
It's been quite a while since I played it and returned it the next day, something I've never done with any other Sonic game.

Oh, well that settles in then (random youtubers) says it sucks, so it must be true.

>watching game grumps

I want children to leave.

>enjoyed watching Jon & Arin during freshman year of high school
>live in DC and go to MAGfest every year, got to see their panel at XI
>stop watching when Jon leaves because I don't find Dan very funny
>now old enough to post on Sup Forums
How does this make you feel?

Annoyed that you seem to be proud of it.

use that $5 for a big mac or something

this tbqh

even eating the diarrhea that you get from it will be a better experience overall than sonic 06

Not bad you say?

full playlist of all 3.5 hours was already posted famalamborghini

>Works every fucking time. Stupid sixth gen babies. Must be nice to have no standards.

It's obvious Sonic '06 was meant to be SA3, and that Sonic the Hedgehog was probably the working title.

Shame they shipped it in beta.

I kinda liked it

Sonic fags are fucking insufferable

>Game Grumps

Pokecapn's Sonic 06 LP is way better, desu.

>Use to think Amy was an annoying cunt
>Now she's my 2nd favorite Sonic character

Her design is just so cool to me

That you're shitting up this board with your underage posting

shame I had fun here but reddit and children had to ruin it

But user, I'm not underage. Can't you read?

>''Hurr people only think this game is bad cuz e-celebs''

I really don't believe '06 can be as bad as the original Assassin's Creed or 007 Legends.


You're not a TRUE Sonic fan unless you got all of the gold medals.

On PS3, the inferior version.

Honestly I think it is worth playing through the first level just to see how bad it actually is. It's the absolute rock-bottom of what a AAA studio can produce, and I think experiencing that is good for perspective, so you don't walk around confusing bland or stupid with absolute abhorrence.

Fuck playing the entire game, though. The lives system combined with shit controls and random death from glitches seriously begins to affect you on a psychological level, like that experiment where you randomly punish an animal when it tries to eat and it eventually starves to death surrounded by food.

sonic fans are ridiculous, there hasnt been a good sonic game in 2 decades yet people somehow still care about this trash franchise

>playing any Sonic game

>Give reasons why the game is "no that bad" and then allow your autism to do the rest.
1. I've never played it
2. I want to fuck my cat

>there are people posting on Sup Forums right now who were 10 years olds or younger in 2006 and sonic 2006 is one of their childhood games

Listen to this user, he is wise. This is the best LP ever made.

yea that's me, first game I got with my new xbox 360 it was pretty fun

How does it feel to have been a kid during the dark times of vidya?

No, it's actually pretty bad.

Actuallu if you fry shit in enough oil and butter you can make is surprisingly edible

Funny how it's so easy to agree on what's shit but so hard to agree on what's good.

I heard you guys didn't like Sonic 06.

That means you're not my friend.

So I'll have to obliterate you.

It has its magic moments.

The walking animation makes Sonic look dejected, like he just doesn't care anymore. And in Sonic 06, I don't blame him for feeling that way.

Fuck that guy though

who's ready for the sonic 06 remake renamed as sonic adventure 3?

>there are people who only heard of this from arin, slowbeef, or johnny or some shit
>they were never unassuming little sonicfags who bought the next gen system FOR this game expecting it to be the absolute shit
>they never 100% this game through the apeshit camera, slippery movement, half-responding game mechanics, silver in general, that fucking ball puzzle, and the speed sections
>they never bought it again 10 years later to see how it holds up and constantly flip between remembering how to get through some parts and wondering how their 12 year old selves managed to stand it

At this point, all that's been said has already been said a million times, but it really is that bad. 06 is just a bad game no matter how you slice it.

I can't remember where I heard this, but apparently the official explanation for Sonic's shield power in Sonic 06 is that the shield is generated by the love between him and the Princess. Like, that's actually written in the game's manual. Can anyone confirm?

The manual doesn't mention love. The English one, at least.

>In certain stages, sonic must escort the princess to a new destination. During this time, the princess's hidden powers combine with sonic's allowing them to project an aura that can knock out enemies and provide firm footing on unstable terrain.

All mine has, nothing about love specifically.

There has never been a good 3D Sonic. Even when they did 2D in 3D games it was meh at best like Colors

Unleashed and Generations are the only good 3D sonic games. Everything else ranges from decent to kill me


Its been 8 years. Its time for this meme to stop by now

What about Unleashed you actually like?

Day stages
Night stages

Why you ask?