What keyboard layout do you use when emulating 2D games, Sup Forums...

What keyboard layout do you use when emulating 2D games, Sup Forums? I've toyed around a lot and this is what I've found to be the most comfortable.

>WASD movement
>NUM 1 = A
>NUM 2 = B
>NUM 4 = L
>NUM 5 = R
>NUM Enter = Start
>NUM . = Select

Just use a gamepad.

Use a gravis of course.

>WASD movement


>using arrow key movement

Arrow keys = direction

Either Shift-ZXC Space or Shift-ASD Space are probably ideal. Most emulators tend to just use ASZX or something similar, with Backspace and Enter as Select/Start, respectively.

You're trying to emulate retro games, do you know how we used to play games in DOS? Thought so, faggot.

Dpad movement
A = A button on controller
B = B button on controller
L = L button on controller
R = R button on controller
Select = Select button on controller
Start = Start Button on controller

>do you know how we used to play games in DOS

What's the fuck is your point, faggot? That because it wasn't always the standard that it's can't be more viable?

What the fuck, Gravis's work on PCs past DOS? Or did they make Gravis gamepads after DOS?

What is YOUR point? That because we're in current year we should apply stuff 3D games do, to 2D games? Do you even retro nigger?

My point? That WASD is more viable in every way than arrow keys you stupid nigger.

>using 2016 as an argument when not even playing 2016 games
Good fucking job.

Do you have autism? Genuinely curious.

But it isn't? What makes you think so anyways delusional prostitute? Just because it "share" layouts with controllers it should be the standard? If you can't digest arrow keys as movement and think WASD for 2D fucking games is the most optimal, you just confirmed you're a millenial.

>using time as an argument
Hey there Mr Oliver!

TFW I realize I am alone in owning so much controllers and convertors and shit I cannot even keep track of it all, several keyboards n shit.

and if I play a 2D game changer are high as fuck that it is on Mega Drive, N64, GBA, DS, PSP or 3DS that I am playing it on anyway.

How the fuck can you actually use WASD for 2D games, that's fucking stupid. DPADs have arrows, your keyboard has arrow keys.

>using your right hand for movement on any input device

Arrow key movement is objectively inferior.

people actually using arrow keys instead of wasd as movement literally what... im going to use this uncomfortable as fuck way to play a game because herp derp THERES ARROWS THERE. theres a reason no game uses arrow keys for movement anymore.

>using your autism to prove a point
>using current year as an argument to play games that are not from current year

You lost, since the beggining, just stop.

And the reason is because they are 3D games you mongoloid retard, how much you want to bet Sonic Mania will release with arrow keys as movement, how much you want to fucking bet you uncultured piece of shit.

I used to use the arrows...
as A B X Y buttons in SNES emulator

>WASD movement
>NUM 1=A

Can you provide me with an actual argument or are you just going to keep parroting memes? Or do you have none? Figured.

SNES controller through an SNES to USB adapter.

Sure, want an actual argument?

Go download Sonic CD (2011), and tell me which keys our lord and savior Taxman provided you to use as standard movement, I'll wait.

Numpad. You know, that thing on the far right end of your keyboard you probably never used?

i use a dualshock 3

same as you, but I tend to use XPadder as well. If it's a ABXY game, I use

There isn't really much difference between using your left hand for movement and your right hand for movement. The only reason you are insisting that left is superior is simply because you are used to using left, as it has been the only option for consoles up to this point.

The arrow keys are a far superior input option over WASD, though, because they are alone on that part of the keyboard. You aren't going to be looking at the controller (especially not a keyboard) as you press the buttons during a game, and it is far easier to identify the four arrow keys by feel than try to identify the correct WASD keys if your hand moves. This is also why Shift-ZXC Space or Shift-ASD Space is a better option for the control buttons, because it is far easier to find the space bar and shift key with your thumb/little finger and thus locate the other three keys naturally.

And don't even get me started with the YGJN and TFHB movement controls that some games manage to come up with.

holy shit are you me ?!?!?

>Oh hey look guys they both have arrows on them! We should totally use them both just because of that!
No, we should use the same hand. And which hand do you use with the D-Pad? Your left hand.

arrow keys for movement, shift+alt+command+control for a 4-button setup with z+x as the 2 pads. Anything more complex needs a real controller.

I use my Xbox 360 controller for all emulation. you guys should just buy one or at least some controller. bind a button to unlock the frame rate for maximum comfy mode without getting up to fast forward through some boring text

Right, but do you use the same fingers? No.

>dpad: thumb
>keys: index, middle and ring

Also, were you here in the DOS era? Cause using your left hand with WASD is pretty retarded for 2D games. That's only applicable to 3D games.

See the difference now nigger?

this is my layout

>>WASD movement
>>NUM 1 = A
>>NUM 2 = B
>>NUM 4 = L
>>NUM 6 = R
>>F = Start
>>V = Select

H - Left
J - Down
K - Up
L - Right
A - L
S - A
D - B
F - R
Space - Start
X - Select

A, B, L, R varies by game though

The setup I've been using since I was a kid emulating GBC games is:

Or just Arrow keys and Z X if I can't be bothered changing it.