Why are you guys playing the GOTY for 2016?

Why are you guys playing the GOTY for 2016?

what is this habbo online/club penguin bullshit
fuck off

Explain this game to me

Sup Forums is this new they don't even recognize 2ch's characters as the progenitor to Sup Forums

Go back to /jp/ and take your silly hats with you.

What's the point of this game?

>i know this character and you lot don't, the shitpost

That's pretty much it. It's a superiority thread for a guy who got BTFO in a pokemon thread.

Why is Sup Forums this full of weeaboos

This is an anime imageboard friend.

He's asking you how to play.

>why is an imageboard created for anime discussion full of weebs
I wonder.

because it's part of the website Sup Forums, a carbon copy of a japanese website

this place was originally designed to discuss animu and mango

Sup Forums is catered to weaboos faggot. Go to reddit shitlord.

you go back to Sup Forums, nigger

Get a load of this edgy teen Lord

>gets triggered by the term "Nigger"
>is on Sup Forums
>telling another guy to go to reddit

>gets triggered by the term "Nigger"
>is on Sup Forums

LOL! "You're on the wrong side of the Internet, Pal!!!!!11"

shit game

xDD epic simply epic my man

>>why is an imageboard created for anime discussion full of weebs
>Sup Forums - Video Games

Guess what? HITLER HITLER HITLER. Am I a edgy teen lord now niggers? HAHA XD So epic. M-muh sekret klub. xD

Looks like shit desu

>login to game
>start wandering around
>some guy is following me
>find a classroom
>sit down
>he sits down too
>leave after some time
>he follows again
>go all the way to the shrine
>he's still there
>leave after idling again
>he follows me again to the bar I passed by awhile ago
I-I'm scared, Sup Forums.


you need to leave

>Butt-blasted edgy teen lords detected.

U ok?

Are you retarded?
Sup Forums is an imageboard.

The u mad? meme stopped being funny at 2007, granpa

please stop

ITT: Children

Holy shit, is gikipoi still up

I remember that shit from, like, 2004.

nice game you got there